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Fuck you all

Started by EgoTrip, 01:08, 15 September 18

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Dr Tiger Ninestein

I just find it strange how grown adults can get so offended by something a stranger says online.

So what if you dont agree with it or find it funny, but to get upset and offended by it is bizarre. This world of over the top political correctness and people getting offended by everything is just getting ridiculous.


Same way people get offended offline, I'd guess.


Yeah, no, you don't get to drag up stuff from the past, @Gunhead , especially if he's not coming back. And even if he does, and replies, then it'll turn into a whole next level of shitstorm, so sorry, but I had to remove your post.


Quote from: Dr Tiger Ninestein on 17:00, 16 September 18
I just find it strange how grown adults can get so offended by something a stranger says online.
Obviously you fit into the normal expectation of an English Bloke. I myself am not in that band, and would hate to be bullied or mocked for not being "the norm". Bullying  teasing and mocking only causes pain to those with these disorders.


Quote from: Dr Tiger Ninestein on 17:00, 16 September 18
I just find it strange how grown adults can get so offended by something a stranger says online.
We're not strangers to each other here. Well... not complete strangers anyway...

And also: We're not grown adults either.  ;) We're the ones who kept playing (with our childhood computer).

As far as I've seen, most of us here are simply somewhat sensitive. Most artists are - and we're a lot of artists here. It's easy to step on someone's toes because of misunderstanding - and then this person will put a negative label on you - which you then in turn don't feel is fair at all - because that doesn't match what you said or did at all. I've seen this happen many times now with many different members here. I've had a few of these encounters myself too, but most of them have luckily been sorted out later on.

Zoe Robinson

Quote from: chinneryObviously you fit into the normal expectation of an English Bloke. I myself am not in that band, and would hate to be bullied or mocked for not being "the norm". Bullying  teasing and mocking only causes pain to those with these disorders.

EgoTrip wasn't bullying, he was making an off-colour joke on the spur of the moment, and failing hard at it. That's different to bullying. Speaking as a trans person myself, I didn't read his comments as either transphobic or bullying, just as someone failing to make a joke. Maybe other trans people would see it differently but I doubt it, because it was obviously just a bad joke. You're allowed to make jokes.



I just find it strange how grown adults can get so offended by something a stranger says online.

I think its about how tolerating someone is, obviously, your tolerance to something like this is higher then others, so you think its not normal for someone to "go over the top"... I am a bit like yourself, I see words, and can choose to ignore them.

But everyone is different, if we were all the same, it'll be a pretty bland world we live in. :)

The world isnt the same as when we were kids, I think the place was just a fickle back then as it is now, but because of the way we use technology, as in, everything is out there now, it is actually easier to offend someone, its easier for someone to broadcast that they are offended, its easier for it to spiral.

I'm not on social media anymore, I got sick of it, I sliced that particular bit of online existence away, and for the better too, every week someone somewhere has agro, it explodes, your feed just becomes to mire of cat calls, everyone who's chipping in hiding behind their phones as they wouldnt say boo to a goose otherwise.

When you abandon it, you do realise how toxic social media is, and how, the internet, spreads that.



Quote from: Zoe Robinson on 00:14, 17 September 18

EgoTrip wasn't bullying, he was making an off-colour joke on the spur of the moment, and failing hard at it. That's different to bullying. Speaking as a trans person myself, I didn't read his comments as either transphobic or bullying, just as someone failing to make a joke. Maybe other trans people would see it differently but I doubt it, because it was obviously just a bad joke. You're allowed to make jokes.

I'm also trans and this is exactly how I saw it go down. :) x
Sophie Rose:- My musical works


I find it specially sad that once all the confusion has been cleared, the real problem is just an online misunderstanding that was taken too seriously.

@EgoTrip , as you can see, the people here appreciate you as to get to the bottom of the question. And as I said earlier, overreactions are common online, so why don't end this matter with even a more positive note (great game by the way!), by using this experience as knowledge to avoid said overreactions in the future?


Quote from: Xyphoe on 16:21, 15 September 18
So the TL;DR version is -

  • EgoChip made a bizarre and stupid joke about trans people
  • Chris (moderator) did way overreact calling him a 'c***' - he has been spoken to by me today
  • It escalated, and I politely told them BOTH to stop, drop it and move on.
  • EgoChip ignored this and kept coming back with more abuse
  • (Note - YouTube deleted the chat messages of EgoChip involving 'c' words and other abusive language, other mods (eg Mooza) deleted anything angry/abusive from EgoChip because WE DO NOT WANT IT ON THE STREAM - TAKE YOUR ARGUMENTS AND ISSUES ELSEWHERE)
  • EgoChip repeatedly ignored my requests to let it drop and stop bringing it up / being abusive - after the 3rd time of him coming back after a short timeout one of the mods kicked him from the stream. Wasn't actually me, but I probably would have done.
I cannot stress enough that BOTH of them, and everyone else in the chat, were told to DROP IT and move on.
No favouritism shown here. I do not know where EgoChip get's this from. Type abusive stuff or bad words in the chat - it get's deleted. Simple. No matter who it is, mods and all.
And in reference to other comments here - yes actually, a fair amount of CPC Wiki regulars do come on the streams and watch. Still this should not have been posted publicly here. But the CPC Wiki should not have been drawn into this, but also neither should I be dragged into this because I did nothing wrong and tried to deal with it calmly and fairly.
Calling someone a C**T in a youtube chat is a bit nasty and definately not the way to behave. Ego just went into a crazy spin and completely suffered a full on 'heads gone' moment. I think he's also pissed that someone suggested he said something, when he's adamant he didn't, that can also get the temper boiling above average, so something must have triggered the melt down, there's no smoke without fire.

I just want to add that I really enjoy your channel and watching things back, the 3D stunt rider and jumping over the buses still makes me laugh. I'm not sure how you got dragged into this, and I personally can't understand how Ego reacted the way he did, as he's been nothing but a gentleman to me in the past, very strange.

Keep up the good work Xyphoe and please don't be put off by this incident. Look forward to your next video...   

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