
Metr's vids - The Prayer of the Warrior Amstrad cpc HD

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3 September 2011, 4:55 am

Recorrido completo por el Barrio Peligroso para Amstrad CPC Producido por Restos Publicado por ESP Soft (2011 ) - "Tendrás que atravesar los bosques de Aqueron, sortear sus peligros y cruzar el Santuario, la frontera con el reino de Arihman. Allí tendrás que enfrentarte a él, en su particular morada. Con la ayuda de este mapa podrás conocer más a fondo el camino que tendrás que atravesar para llegar a la morada de Arihman." Casi 20 años después de su concepción, este juego de aventuras, realizado por dos hermanos con una única ilusión en sus mentes, ve la luz en su versión para Amstrad CPC tal y como hiciera años antes la de Spectrum. Un juego realizado con mimo y buen hacer que hubiera sido un gran éxito en otros tiempos y que, gracias a sus autores, ahora podemos disfrutar en nuestros emuladores y CPC originales. Originalmente iba a ser publicado por Zigurat y por ello hemos querido acercarnos lo máximo posible a lo que hubiera sido esa edición, creando una cubierta acorde con el juego. - "You'll have to go through the forests of Acheron, overcome its hazards and cross the sanctuary, bordering the kingdom of Arihman. There you will have to face him in his particular lair. With the help of this map you can learn more about the way you have to cross to reach Arihman's lair. " Almost 20 years after its conception, this adventure game, made ​​by two brothers with illusion in their minds, see the light on the Amstrad CPC just as it did years before on the Spectrum. A game ...
From: Metr81 Views: 1 0 ratings
Time: 56:27More in Gaming

Source: Uploads by Metr81

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wow the Mode1 is quite well exploited IMO...

It just lack multicolour masked sprites but otherwise many stuff looks really great.
Well, potentially, the engine suffers from being unfinished job.

Spanish game ?
So it was an unfinished game moded by Spanish guys...

I saw the sprites are using the black ink to get the mask.
And halas the sprites use only 1 colours but could easily use 3 if not straightspeccyport... they are directly coded into Mode1 so they can be another colour with no colour clash, sadly no additional graphician job was done... well, not as would be needed.

Also could the background tiles use 4 colours too ? or can't they use the sprite's colour ?

Properly re-polished this could look as cool as back to the golden age or NightHunter... (French productions with less Spectrum heritance)

Some ink choices could be better.

Also sadly the intro is long...
I hate this when a text scrolls slowly and with a long text also...
I prefer complete paragraphs directly displayed, and a timer... or when you can skip the text into next paragraph by clicking something...

BTW the game has potential for a proper and clean difinitive version.

I would just suggest a complete re-colour of all graphicall datas and ink settings...
But of course keep it close to the original.

cinematics would also need some raster effect so the text+sword would stay the same colours while the graphical part would be optimised with a better palette and better us of the ditherings and lightings...

I like the Nosferatu guy.

This could really become some Mode1 "Thargan" game.

Mode1 is not that bad i mean this gives some old school B&W movies...

Concerning an eventual PLUS version...
some Hardsprite special effects, and better Raster use so the HUD is featuring additional colours with no extra CPU wastes.

QuoteOptimisation du code : SyX
Soutien, Testeurs : Robcfg, Metr, Kukulcan
Ok please guys could you give more details ?


This is the article about the amstrad version (is in spanish so I just used google translator so you can see it in crappy english :D)


The programmers were working just for a month or so on the Amstrad version when Zigurat canceled the project. They were trying to do a better version but they were also starting to get used to the amstrad and had no time to finish it and redo it properly. With more time I'm sure they would have done a better job with the graphics, music, etc, a pity, it could have been one of the last spanish classics for sure.


Very interesting... the outdoors levels remind me of Flashback!!! Must find the dsk....


This games reminds me about Myth history in the making...

Some tentacular boss per exemple...

The engine actually seems to run quite smootly on CPC...
most of the porting job is done...

Appart music and more rfined graphics..

Sure just patch the graphics may still be good enough to get it right if this can fit.

Backgrounds are in 3 colours, I couldn't manage to find the backgrounds tiles...

Sprites in only 2 colours (1 being not used by the backgrounds, and black being the transparency...) but I tested the addition of the 2 other colours and it worked...


Blimey! I didn't know anything about this game - was there a news article anywhere about this?


It seems it is quite rare to have a game with as many cinematics pages...

That's quite impressive and looks quite cartoonish/comics sometimes... (the big noses archer are quite out of tune IMO but fun)

Also there are some animation too... perhaps like Crypt of Trogan (or whatever it is named), which is too a similar game in term of realisation/gameplay.

what is the size of the game ?
1 disk Side  ? 2 disk sides ?

Syx, please tell us more...



Well, our intention was respect the work of the original authors and that the package looked how if the game was published by Zigurat in the 80s. Because that my task was fix every bug posibble to make the game playable and the only improvements were convert the second level loader screen from the zx version (it wasn't between the binary files that i received), make the menu and let you return to the menu from the intro/outro.

We had to work with a few binary files of a few DSKs from a backup of the authors, they didn't have the source code, i suppose that it was lost in the PDS system of Zigurat (and without them, i prefer using my time in making new games , that "remastering" old) . And when you executed that files, you only got a wonderful CRASH :P

The best moment for me, it was when the authors saw the game working after all this years  :D


Quote from: SyX on 14:24, 05 September 11
The best moment for me, it was when the authors saw the game working after all this years  :D

This must have been unique. Should have done an interview!

Well done :)


Well, in theory there would be an interview, but the authors need get free time to answer us, but nowdays they have a very busy life, one of them work for Zinkia , the company of Pocoyó  :D

PD: Happy Birthday Gryzor!!! :D :D :D ... the cakes that appears in your comments look so tempting  ;D



I tried to play the game with winape, I typed 1, space, it seems to bug at that moment (downloaded from http://www.amstrad.es).
Amstrad news site at Genesis8 Amstrad Page


You will need to use the last version of WinApe, 2.0a18, to play this game in WinApe ;)


Quote from: SyX on 23:15, 11 September 11
You will need to use the last version of WinApe, 2.0a18, to play this game in WinApe ;)

I do, I tried to disable Parados and fast disc, still not working o.O

Must be an option problem somewhere...
Amstrad news site at Genesis8 Amstrad Page


Well in that case, put your WinApe.ini and i will test with it and try to find what problem do you have :), but ParaDOS or fast disc don't would be a problem, i'm using both options ;)


Quote from: SyX on 08:14, 12 September 11
Well in that case, put your WinApe.ini and i will test with it and try to find what problem do you have :), but ParaDOS or fast disc don't would be a problem, i'm using both options ;)

Here is it : http://genesis8.free.fr/WinAPE.ini
Amstrad news site at Genesis8 Amstrad Page


That was easy to fix, you have enabled the CPC+ emulation in WinApe, you need to disable it, because this game doesn't work in CPC+, in short the authors discovered that in the CPC that they used for testing, "always" had $FF in the bus and they used that "feature", but this thing doesn't work in CPC+, because the Asic put other values in the bus ... by the same reason neither work in real CPCs (in emulator goes :P) with CRTC 1... I can fix that for the intro and the outro, but for the game wasn't possible without disassembling and relocating all the game.


Well I have a dumb question then, how do I completely disable CPC+ emulation ?

Starting from the .INI I provided, I did uncheck "enable plus features" in general, also unchecked "enable cartridge" in memory, and I did put back Parados for ROM7. Then I just get a black screen when I reset the CPC o.O

It must be so simple that I am quite blind at it.
Amstrad news site at Genesis8 Amstrad Page


Of course, you only need to go to Settings > General and in the Profile, select the "CPC6128 with ParaDOS" for example ;)


Thanks, one more reason to really go to change my glasses...
Amstrad news site at Genesis8 Amstrad Page


Very funny. Usually the easiest way to ensure compatibility is to select the saved configuration as stated (Profile: CPC6128 with ParaDOS). Interestingly, I don't appear to have made versions without ParaDOS.


That is the perfect demostration that the High Compatibility of ParaDOS ;), in other case your email would be flooded by request to add them  :P

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