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Development with Tabmegx and ccZ80++

Started by N.I, 08:39, 20 April 18

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I made Tabmegx. It is a text editor for Windows. It supports Amstrad CPC.
The ccZ80++ is a programming language developed by Emilio Guerrero. It is similar to the C language.
You can easily develop games and demos with Tabmegx and ccZ80++.



Also, the ccZ80++ compiler and emulator(PC-CPC or WinAPE) are required.


Wow, this is *very* cool.
I used ccz80 (before ccz80++) quite a lot before I found cpctelera, and I really liked it.

The IDE you've created for ccz80++ looks fantastic!
Did you work with Emilio on this project?


Quote from: ervin on 14:03, 20 April 18
Wow, this is *very* cool.
I used ccz80 (before ccz80++) quite a lot before I found cpctelera, and I really liked it.

The IDE you've created for ccz80++ looks fantastic!
Did you work with Emilio on this project?
Thank you!
No, Tabmegx only calls the standard functions of ccZ80++. The ccZ80++ has simple and excellent extensibility. It also generates the optimal code for Z80. So I often use it.
I didn't know cpctelera. I've used MSX so far and I've just started using Amstrad CPC recently. Because MSX doesn't have such an IDE, it is very interesting.


Welcome to the forum N.I! good to see you on the CPC boards, your stuff is aways great!

you should consider posting a "new user" thread on the general board!
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Quote from: keith56 on 01:40, 21 April 18
Welcome to the forum N.I! good to see you on the CPC boards, your stuff is aways great!

you should consider posting a "new user" thread on the general board!
Wow, your Z80 tutorial has been of great help to make this!

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