Holiday Expenses Calculate all your currency needs for a trip through several countries. Approximate rates are included for 19 currencies and you may enter others as you wish. Four currencies are handled at one time by the holiday costs and cross-rates pages and there are twelve holiday costs categories, ranging from hotel bills to phone calls and gifts for the folk back home. Enter your anticipated costs in each of the countries, press a key, and see the total in sterling. 10 REM HOLIDAY EXPENSES. 20 REM @ MICHAEL BEWS. 25 pu$=CHR$(163) 30 MODE 1:BORDER 0:INK 0,0:INK 1,18:INK 2,24:INK 3,14:PAPER 0:PEN 1 40 WINDOW #3,19,40,13,18:PAPER #3,3:PEN #3,2 50 E$=" 1 5 10 20 50100500" 60 DIM C$(12),C(13,4),N$(4),R(4) 70 CF=0:TF=0:VF=0:N=1:CY=1:FG=0:T=0 80 GOTO 870 90 REM RATES DISPLAY 100 :CLS:PRINT" HOLIDAY EXPEN SES" 110 LOCATE 13,2:PEN 3:PRINT STRING$(16,2 08):PEN 1 120 ZONE 7:PEN 2: PRINT;pu$;"STG",N$(1), N$(2),N$(3),N$(4):PEN 1 130 FOR X=1 TO 7:Z$=MID$(E$,X*3-2,3):LOC ATE 1,X+3:PEN 2:PRINT Z$;" = ";:PEN 1 140 FOR Y=1 TO 4 150 0$=STR$(R(Y)*VAL(Z$)) 160 GOSUB 1680 170 LOCATE (Y*7),X+3:PEN 2:PRINT 0::PEN 1 leo NEXT 190 NEXT X 200 LOCATE 1,11:PEN 2:PRINT" 1 2 3 4 5 ":PEN 1