Countabout Kids and computers just don't mix. Not if it's your computer that is. They take up far too much valuable hacking time. However it has to be conceded that micros do have a role in the pedagogic process, and so it is not without some reluctance that we have included a selection of educational programs, of which this is one. This is for the very small, and has been designed to keep them quiet while you have an algorithm to work on, whilst at the same time teaching them the basics of counting. The program sets a series of counting problems from the numbers one to nine. You know, count the ships, flowers, cats, houses or whatever .. . 10 REM COUNTABOUT 20 REM H.WALWYN 30 MODE 1:WINDOW #1,1,40,1,25:BORDER 0:I NK 0,0:INK 1,24:INK 2,20:INK 3,6:PAPER # 1,0:CLS #1 40 X=0:GOSUB 770 50 Z$=CHR$(10)+STRING$(8,8) 60 V=26:W=4 70 LOCATE 1,4:PRINT CHR$(24)"A counting game for children aged 2 - 5.";CHR$(24) 80 GOSUB 350 90 LOCATE 8,22:PRINT"Press any key to st art" 100 K = RND: IF INKEY$="" THEN GOTO 100 ELSE CLS #1 110 WINDOW #0,5,36,1,25:PAPER #0,0:PEN # 0,1:CLS #0 120 REM 130 Q=INT(RND*9)+1 140 K=INT(RND*5)+1 150 J=1:JL=6 160 FOR I = 1 TO Q 170 LOCATE J,JL 180 ON K GOSUB 550,590,640,680,720 190 IF INT(I/3)=I/3 THEN J=1:JL=JL+6 ELS E ..7=J+7