Newmarket This is another game with an equestrian flavour, except this time around you'll require the skills of a budding Lester Piggot. There are seven horses in the race, and two things will happen once you have decided which one you want to ride. Firstly, all the other horses will gallop off at the start, leaving you floundering at half speed. You soon discover that your mount is one of those creatures that only pulls its weight when the finishing line is in sight and then will go twice as fast as anything else on four legs. The second problem is that the other horses have a (cleverly computed) desire to crowd you out of the action. They will tend to close up in front of you and even steer straight at you from the side! There's no steward to protect you in this race, so aim for a gap in the field and hope you will be fast enough to avoid trouble. Any horses colliding with each other are flung randomly sideways and backwards, thus losing valuable speed. OK, you're under starter's orders . . . 10 REM NEWMARKET 20 REM El H. WALWYN 30 MODE 1:BORDER 0: INK 0,24: INK 1,0: INK 2,18:INK 3,7:PAPER 0:PEN 1 40 CLS 50 GOTO 650 60 PAPER 2 70 SLO=4 BO C=0 90 CLS:ENV 1,50,1,10:SOUND 1,100,100,14, 1 100 FOR X=1 TO 7:REM INK,X 110 LOCATE 1,1+X*3:PRINT RIGHT$(STRS(X), 1);" ";H$ 120 NEXT X 130 FOR X=I TO 21:LOCATE 30,X:PRINT" ":N EXT X 140 LOCATE 1,1:PAPER 0:PRINT" CONTROLS : CURSOR ARROWS UP/DOWN ":PAPER 2 150 LOCATE 9,22:INPUT"SELECT HORSE 1 — 7 ";X$