Evolution 3 123 190 PEN 3:PRINT:PRINT"This is the 3rd an the final section inthe series of evol ution programs. ":PEN 1 200 PRINT:PRINT"This one involves a nucl ear war, where you can play the part of P.M of any of TEN superpowers which ma y exist in 2002(the year in which this war takes place)" 210 PEN 3:PRINT:PRINT"The object is to p rogram cruise missilesto home in on the enemies' capitals. ":PEN 1 220 PEN 2:PRINT:PRINT"In 2002 the world is not very different from the previous 20 years, apart from some superpowers e xisting. South Americahas been over-ru n by Brazil and itscapital city is Br asillia.":PEN 1 230 PRINT"Japan has become a powerful na tion and the Arabs have a fighting nati on based around Riyadh. Also Australia and South Africa are superpowers." 240 LOCATE 1,25:PEN 2:PRINT CHRS(24);" PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE 9 CHR$(24);:PEN 1 250 IF INKEYS<>" THEN 250 260 IF INKEYS=" THEN 260 ELSE CLS 270 PEN 2:PRINT CHR$(24);" / O L U T I O N ";CHR$(24);:PE N 1 280 PEN 3:PRINT:PRINT:PRINT"The way you program your missiles is by compass dire ctions (ie N,S,W and E). The world ma p is divided into squares, and each ste p of the program moves the missile one square. ":PEN 1 290 PEN 2:PRINT:PRINT"For example moves the missile 2 squares up, 2 righ t and 1 down. If the missile goe s off the screen at any side it will a ppear on the opposite side.":PEN 1 300 PRINT:PRINT"THE RED SQUARE IS YOUR T ARGET."