Fives 29 810 PRINT:PRINT 820 PRINT"The object of F I V E S is to calculate the five digit number which is displayedas 'FIVES' on the screen." 830 PRINT"You may do this by asking the computer to give you answers to four si mple sums" 940 PRINT:PRINT"These sums must each be one of the fourmathematical functions: Addition,Subtraction,Mul tiplication and Division [+ - * /]" 850 PRINT"For example: Press I+V [ENTER] ":PRINT"and the computer will give you a n answer NOTE: YOU USE ONLY THE 5 LETTERS OF THE WORD FIVES . [FIVES ] 860 PRINT:PRINT"YOU MAY ASK THE QUESTION S IN ANY ORDER" 870 LOCATE 1,25:PRINT" PRESS ANY KEY TO START" eeca IF INKEYS="" THEN seo 885 IT=1 890 GOTO 50 900 FOR XY=45 TO 5 STEP -1:SOUND 1,SD,2, INT(XY/5):NEXT: RETURN