Horse Race Horse Race is a racing and betting game for any number of players in which six horses race across the screen. At the beginning of the game you have the optiOt to choose how many races there will be at the meeting. Before the start of each race the betting form is displayed, complete with the tipsters' odds on each runner. The odds are a fairly accurate reflection of each horse's potential. Starting with £200, each player may bet on one horse in each race and the winner is the player who ends up with the largest amount of money at the end of the meeting. If you want the rules to allow cheating then the players who lose all their money may have the option of accepting the offer of an additional £50, otherwise they are out of the game. 10 REM @ PAUL STANLEY 20 MODE 1:BORDER 4:INK 0,8:INK 1,24:INK 2,6:INK 3,23 : PAPER 3:PEN 0 30 GOSUB 900 40 PEN 2: INPUT "How many races would yo u like there to be at this meeting ;races 50 PEN 0: PRINT:PRINT: INPUT "How many P unters are there ? ";A 60 DIM P(A),X(6),H(6),F(6),E(A),B(A):FOR C=1 TO A:P(C)=200:NEXT 70 GOSUB 1040 80 CLS:GOSUB 640 90 FOR C=2 TO 12 STEP 2 100 LOCATE 1,C:PRINT MIDS:(STRS( C/2),2,1 ); CHR$(231) 110 LOCATE 2,C-1:PRINT CHR$(143); 120 NEXT 130 PLOT 596,396:DRAW 596, 200 140 LOCATE 2,13:PRINT CHR$(143); 150 A$="FINISH":FOR C=1 TO 6:LOCATE 39,1 3+C:PRINT AS(C):NEXT 160 FOR C=392 TO 200 STEP -32:PLOT 24,C : DRAW 600,C:NEXT