Numbers 151 1210 LOCATE 1,11:PRINT" 7 6 5 4 z_ 1 0 10 10 10 10 1 O 10 10 10 9 1220 PRINT" 1 0 0 0 9 1230 PRINT: PRINT:PRINT"Any number raise to the power of 1 is itself and any n umber raised to power 0 is always 1." 1240 LOCATE 13,20:PRINT"PRESS ANY KEY" 1250 X$=INKEY$:IF X$=" THEN 1250 1260 B=10:GOTO 500 1270 REM ** BINARY EXPLANATION ** 1280 INK 1,20 1290 CLS:PRINT "BINARY SYSTEM (BAS E 2)" 1300 LOCATE 1,4:PRINT"Mechanical and e lctrical switches aresimplest and most reliable when theyhave only 2 poss ible states:ON and OFF" 1310 LOCATE 1,8:PRINT"From our notes on the decimal system we can see that BI NARY needs only two symbols [O] and El ] to count up to any equivalent decimal value." 1720 LOCATE 1,13:PRINT"Using the [OFF] state of a switch to represent [0] a nd the [ON] state to represent [l], it is possible to represent any dec imal number using very simple devices." 1730 LOCATE 12,22:PRINT"PRESS [ANY KEY]" 1340 X$=INKEY$:IF X$=" THEN GOTO 1340 1350 B=2:GOTO 500 1360 REM ** HEXADECIMAL ** 1370 INK 1,8 1380 CLS:PRINT" HEXADECIMAL (Base 16)" 1390 LOCATE 1,5:PRINT"Computers work b est in BINARY. Unfortunately Huma ns do not! 1e7 decimal is 101 11010 in Binary!" 1400 LOCATE 1,10:PRINT"This computer use s 8 Bit Bytes. Each byte holds n umbers from CO to 255 or 11111111 Binar Y ]