Motocross Motocross consists of two games. In the first a motorcycle races across the screen from left to right, continues down through several levels and must leap over obstacles placed in its path. In the second game, Stunt-Cycle, the motor cycle leaps over a line of buses and must be landed on the other side without loss of control. After each successful leap the number of buses is increased. This game calls for very fast reactions. It is possible, but you must delay your jumps until the last moment before reaching the obstacle. 10 REM MOTOCROSS 20 REM PAUL STANLEY. 30 MODE 1:INK 0,0:INK 1,24:INK 2,20:INK 3,6:WINDOW #1,1,40,1,25:PAPER #1,0:PEN # 1,1:CLS #1 40 GOSUB 930 50 HS=0: WR=4 60 GOSUB 670 70 GOSUB 790 80 CLS #1:WINDOW #0,5,36,1,25:PAPER #0,0 :PEN #0,1:CLS #0 90 GOSUB 330 100 TIM=TIME 110 SOUND 1,120,3 120 PEN 3:TS=INT((TIME—TIM)/300):LOCATE 27,1:PRINT MIDS(STRS(TS),2);:LOCATE X+1, Y+1:PEN 3:PRINT" ";CHR$(231)::PEN 1 130 FOR F=1 TO S:NEXT 140 X=X+1:IF X=31 THEN LOCATE 32,Y+1:PRI NT" ":X=0:Y=Y+5:IF Y=25 THEN GOTO 270 150 LOCATE X+2,Y+1:CALL 360:K=PEEK(367): IF K<>32 THEN GOSUB 210 160 IF INKEY(9)=0 THEN 220 170 IF INKEY(1)=0 THEN S=S+1 180 IF INKEY(8)=0 THEN S=S-1 190 IF S<1 THEN S=1 200 GOTO 120 210 IF INKEY(9)=0 THEN GOTO 240