Fall Guy This is a game for two, in which each player directs a small figure down a vertical maze so that it can drop through a hole in the moving floor at the bottom. The figure is manoeuvred through the maze by directing markers up and down the outer walls and by shifting horizontal sections of the maze to the left and right, allowing the figures to drop through to lower levels. The trick is to alter the internal pattern of the maze in order to move your own figure, without at the same time opening up advantages for the opposition. 10 REM FALL GUY 20 REM @ PAUL STANLEY 30 MODE 1:BORDER I:INK 0,0:INK I,8:INK 2 ,6:INK 3,18:PAPER 0:PEN 1:CLS 40 REM 50 GOSUB 1060:GOSUB 900 60 WINDOW #1,1,40,1,25:PAPER #1,0:CLS #1 70 WINDOW #0,5,36,1,25:PAPER #0,0:PEN #0 ,1:CLS #0 90 DIM A$(19) 90 INPUT"Please enter your names. First, the player on the left:";b$:INP UT"And now the player on the right:";C$ 100 LOCATE 11,11:PEN 3:PRINT"PLEASE WAIT ":PEN 1 110 GOSUB 850 120 GOSUB 790 130 Y=INT(RND*19)+2:Y1=INT(RND*19)+2 140 6=7:G1=24:F=1:F1=1 150 W$=" "+CHR$(231)+CHR$(231)+CHR$(231) +CHR$(231)+CHR$(231)+CHR$(231)+CHR$(231) +CHR$(231)+CHR$(231)+CHR$(231)+CHR$(231) +CHR$(231)+CHR$(231)+CHR$(231)+CHR$(231) +CHR$(231)+CHR$(231)+CHR$(231)+CHR$(231) 160 FOR L=1 TO 5:ENT 1,100,L,4:SOUND 1,2 84,30,15,0,1:NEXT 170 LOCATE 5,Y+1:PRINT CHR$(233):LOCATE 28,Y1+1:PRINT CHR$(234) 180 LOCATE G+1,F+I:PEN 3:PRINT CHR$(232) :LOCATE G14-1,F1+1:PRINT CHR$(232):PEN 1