Championship Boxing Although we say it ourselves, this program is very close to being a masterpiece. Let's face it, the hours you spend keying-in programs amount to a great deal of repressed aggression. So here's your chance to take on the boxing champions of the world without stirring from your armchair. The program offers you a bird's eye view of a boxi ring and the opportunity to go three rounds with an opponent o your choice. You score points only if you manage to connect with the head, and a KO is possible if your strategy's slick enough. 10 REM @ PAUL STANLEY. 216 MODE 1:BORDER 0:INK 0,0:INK 1,24:INK 2,8:INK 3,20:WINDOW #1,1,40,1,25:PAPER # 1,0:CLS #1 30 WINDOW #0,5,36,1,25:PAPER #0,0:PEN #0 ,1:CLS #0 40 GOSUB 910 50 S1=0:S2=S1 60 GOSUB 1200 70 RD=1 80 GOSUB 1430 90 GOSUB 1490 100 LOCATE 3,18:PRINT MID$(STR$(RD),2) 110 FOR X=-3 TO 2:SOUND 2,(8+100),3:SOUN D 1,100,4:NEXT 120 Y=2:X=7:Y1=Y:X1=X 130 6=23:F=17:F1=F:61=G 140 TM=3:TS=2 150 E=0 160 LOCATE X1+1,Y1+1:PRINT " ":LOCATE X 1+1,Y1+2:PRINT" ":LOCATE X1+1,Y1+3:PRINT " ":LOCATE X+1,Y+1:PRINT CHR$(231);:PEN 2:PRINT CHR$(233):PEN 1:LOCATE X+1,Y+2: PRINT CHR$(24);CHR$(234);CHR$(24) 170 LOCATE X+1,Y+3:PRINT CHR$(235);:PEN 2:PRINT CHR$(237):Y1=Y:X1=X:PEN 1