DDI-1 new belt installed, but after one succes, always read-fail

Started by Lux, 19:07, 10 September 12

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With "them" I just meant the Abacii Abacuses Abacus' Aba.. the ones we used. They weren't from Amstrad.



Ah... meh, we had some of these too. Good integer arithmetics, though!



I finally decided to have a last try and check if the issue might be the DDI hardware, so I switched the drive with a fully working one from a 6128.
As I aspected, everything OK with de DDI, no more read fail.

Then I gave the read-fail-drive one last go on the 6128...I tried a CAT...and the damn thing works!
I so hate love this old stuff! :D


Hahaha! Poor thing only needed a kick in the balls or something :D


Dodgy connection on the flat cable, or a stuck mechanism, that just needed a good rattle. Eitherway, congratulations on "fixing" it :D



Check for dry joints on the power and data connectors on the iffy drive - you may have disturbed them when you unplugged it from one cable and plugged it into the other!

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