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Amstrad CPC WiFi

Started by Duke, 07:36, 07 May 16

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Quote from: waltermixxx on 20:42, 22 February 23I've been making my way through the  112 pages, and found this inquiry on page 73 about saving to a mounted .dsk image file.  It seems as of this was not possible.  I will keep reading incase I find the answer.  Hoping it's possible as of the latest firmware, but certainly not the end of the world as I belive you can save your basic programs right onto the sd card. :)  I shall keep reading.  It's been great reading through, kills the time until my M4 arrives. :) 

Cheers. :)
Phew, thats a lot of posts to go through ;-)
You are right, I never enabled the writing of files inside the dsk images, as there was never a big push for it.
As you say, you can read/write (including save/load basic) files in the native FAT32 filesystem, use long filenames & sub directories and transfer them easily via the web interface - much more convenient.


Quote from: waltermixxx on 15:35, 18 February 23Just a quick question,  is it possible to create a blank.dsk image put it on the sd card, and mount that disk image, then from basic 1.1 write and save basic programs to that mounted disk image, as if it were a floppy...  please let me know.  I have not received my M4 yet, so just wondering.
Create a blank image with an emulator,  transfer it to your M4 SD, change directory into it, here you are...
...proudly supported Schnapps Demo, Pentomino and NQ-Music-Disc with GFX


Eventually I created a 16 KB XROM for FutureOS with full support for the M4 SD card. 

Right now it provides a (G)UI with function: 
- RUN, 
- TYPE (files, pictures, headers), 
- REName (files or create directories), 
- ERAse files and 
- Copy from different origins to one target (floppy, M4, HD20 hard-disc). 

All DIRectories are displayed in a sorted way.

Two DIRectories are displayed at the same time (right and left)

Next step: Since the XROM actually is more a stand alone extension, the next step is a better integration into FutureOS.

If somebody wants to do a test, please EMail (/PM) me. --> Get the revolutionary FutureOS (Update: 2024.10.27) --> Get the RSX-ROM for LambdaSpeak :-) (Updated: 2021.12.26)


Quote from: GUNHED on 13:34, 23 February 23Eventually I created a 16 KB XROM for FutureOS with full support for the M4 SD card.

Right now it provides a (G)UI with function:
- RUN,
- TYPE (files, pictures, headers),
- REName (files or create directories),
- ERAse files and
- Copy from different origins to one target (floppy, M4, HD20 hard-disc).

All DIRectories are displayed in a sorted way.

Two DIRectories are displayed at the same time (right and left)

Next step: Since the XROM actually is more a stand alone extension, the next step is a better integration into FutureOS.

If somebody wants to do a test, please EMail (/PM) me.
That's great news @GUNHED - thanks for your work. Will check it out later.


Thanks, but it's not uploaded somewhere yet. 
Will come the next month. 
Like to make some kind of manual before. :) --> Get the revolutionary FutureOS (Update: 2024.10.27) --> Get the RSX-ROM for LambdaSpeak :-) (Updated: 2021.12.26)


Quote from: GUNHED on 16:02, 23 February 23Thanks, but it's not uploaded somewhere yet.
Will come the next month.
Like to make some kind of manual before. :)
Ah, I misread. Thought it was ready (and attached) ;-) will have to wait then.


This time I want to provide it fully fledged, guess people don't want to download 3 betas before.  :) --> Get the revolutionary FutureOS (Update: 2024.10.27) --> Get the RSX-ROM for LambdaSpeak :-) (Updated: 2021.12.26)


Another quick question, the M4 board sent out to me, is the edge connector a 90 degree one, or the one that is parallel to the pcb?   :)   just wondering.  (if you could post a pick of the type of M4 board and edge connector that would be great.  I'm not sure my discription is clear...)   Cheers.

Amstrad CPC 464 + M4 :)


Quote from: waltermixxx on 04:14, 25 February 23Another quick question, the M4 board sent out to me, is the edge connector a 90 degree one, or the one that is parallel to the pcb?  :)  just wondering.  (if you could post a pick of the type of M4 board and edge connector that would be great.  I'm not sure my discription is clear...)  Cheers.


Thank you :)

so looking forward to this.

Amstrad CPC 464 + M4 :)


I have my ZXUno to keep me busy.  I've always wanted an Amstrad CPC6128.  :)
I think the M4 and a memory upgrade and CPC464 should pretty much get me there. :)
Amstrad CPC 464 + M4 :)


it arrived!!! :) thank you Duke,  now all i need is the Ram card to plug in the IDC female connector and I'm all set. :)

time to bring the CPC 464 to the Dining room along with my RGB2HDMI and Monitor   :)

Amstrad CPC 464 + M4 :)


After cleaning my edge connector really well,  the M4 roared to life. :)
now I shall watch the Retro Noob's excellent video on how to get this all sorted out. :)


Amstrad CPC 464 + M4 :)


hi there,  ok things are going well.  but I have run into a snag.... long file names...

I found the ~ but I cannot seem to use it when changing directories,  I can use a * to change a directory, but when I try and mount a disk image, or CD into a disk imag with a long name.dsk  I cannot seem to do that.   it seems to lock up.

wondering what the proper syntax would be to change into directory: verylong~1 and from there, mount or CD into  bugger~1.dsk   as the "~" does not appear when typing ctrl 2 ( the 2 key is working and a ~ appears if I type it normally, just not after a |CD (enter) and then try and type bugger~1.dsk   the ~ does not appear...:(

so |CD Bugger(tild does not show up when doing ctrl 2)1.dsk   is there a trick i have not managed to find?  please advise. :)   if it's in M4info.txt i could not find it. :) any help appreciated. :)
Amstrad CPC 464 + M4 :)


Try using |ls instead |dir to get the long filenames and use them directly. Also use cursor/copy for the filenames, its quicker and no problems with symbols.

And why havent you upgraded to basic 1.1 yet ?


I'll give it a go tomorrow.  

Thanks!  :0)
Amstrad CPC 464 + M4 :)


Quote from: Duke on 10:53, 25 February 23
Quote from: waltermixxx on 04:14, 25 February 23Another quick question, the M4 board sent out to me, is the edge connector a 90 degree one, or the one that is parallel to the pcb?  :)  just wondering.  (if you could post a pick of the type of M4 board and edge connector that would be great.  I'm not sure my discription is clear...)  Cheers.

are all of them sold?


Quote from: Fran123 on 13:25, 28 February 23are all of them sold?
Yes, still 76 on the waiting list - although I have put a lot of effort in bringing it down lately.


how many sold now?   (what number was mine, I want to put a "serial number" on it)   just awesome work there Mr. Duke!!!  this thing fu***ing rocks.   and your suggestion above worked great. :)   woot woot. :) 
Amstrad CPC 464 + M4 :)


M4 Board card received today!! 😉

Thank you very much Duke, I'm so happy!
I'm going to try it over the weekend. 👍


So... Looking forward to this arriving!

C'mon Mr Postman, hurry up!

Quick question.

Near the beginning of this thread, someone found an enclosure (box/case) on eBay that was nearly perfect for the M4. Unfortunately that listing was a while ago now and the it's gone.

Does anyone know which case it was - the manufacturer and ideally the case number?

I'm not too keen on printed cases as they always look rough with a bad finish - certainly not worthy of putting an M4 in! 😂

Many thanks.



Hello @Duke 

I would like to purchase one M4 Wifi board.
Can you tell me here (or in box) how to proceed please ?



I have a short question regarding a simple program (in conjunction with the M4). Maybe I missed a point or something else?
CPC6128 + M4 Board as hardware (only ORGAMS or MAXAM installed as ROMs)

Following the simple (shortened) program below should just open a file for reading. I'm coding it in Notepad++, compile it with RASM through Notepad++ (with the NppExec extension)...
>rasm $(FILE_NAME) -ob  $(NAME_PART).BIN

...and transfer the binary directly onto the CPC (with a binary header)
>xfer -u  $(NAME_PART).BIN / 2 8000 8000

Starting the file (on the CPC itself or via xfer) creates a "PRESS PLAY then any key:" message and crashes the CPC

The same code (unchanged!!) written directly on the CPC with ORGAMS or MAXAM compiled works perfectly?
(By the way.. the file created with RASM also works perfectly in WinApe emulator)

I'm a little bit lost, because I don't know why it is so??
Did I correctly do the command with xfer?

cas_in_open equ #BC77
buffer2k equ #7000
org #8000

;open file
ld b,fnameA_end-fnameA
ld hl,fnameA
ld de,buffer2k
call cas_in_open
jp nc,fileerror

;....afterwards I'm going to read with cas_in_char the first 2k into Buffer for further purposes

;Screen A
 ld hl,msg_99
 call message
...proudly supported Schnapps Demo, Pentomino and NQ-Music-Disc with GFX


Quote from: HAL6128 on 11:26, 18 April 23I have a short question regarding a simple program (in conjunction with the M4). Maybe I missed a point or something else?
CPC6128 + M4 Board as hardware (only ORGAMS or MAXAM installed as ROMs)

Following the simple (shortened) program below should just open a file for reading. I'm coding it in Notepad++, compile it with RASM through Notepad++ (with the NppExec extension)...
>rasm $(FILE_NAME) -ob  $(NAME_PART).BIN

...and transfer the binary directly onto the CPC (with a binary header)
>xfer -u  $(NAME_PART).BIN / 2 8000 8000

Starting the file (on the CPC itself or via xfer) creates a "PRESS PLAY then any key:" message and crashes the CPC

The same code (unchanged!!) written directly on the CPC with ORGAMS or MAXAM compiled works perfectly?
(By the way.. the file created with RASM also works perfectly in WinApe emulator)

I'm a little bit lost, because I don't know why it is so??
Did I correctly do the command with xfer?

cas_in_open equ #BC77
buffer2k equ #7000
org #8000

;open file
ld b,fnameA_end-fnameA
ld hl,fnameA
ld de,buffer2k
call cas_in_open
jp nc,fileerror

;....afterwards I'm going to read with cas_in_char the first 2k into Buffer for further purposes

;Screen A
 ld hl,msg_99
 call message

Try to re-init M4 rom first thing, ie:
ld de,0x40
ld hl,0xB0FF
call 0xBCCB

Otherwise cas* vectors point to tape handling (if no M4 dos or AMSDOS) - it's  similar to run"filename (which de-initialize all roms), contrary to load"filename":call execvec.


That's it. Thank you very much @Duke!

And it's so amazing how fast a file will be loaded from the M4 into memory and transfer it parallel into a memory expansion  (1-2 sec. for 30kB with firmware call cas_in_char).
...proudly supported Schnapps Demo, Pentomino and NQ-Music-Disc with GFX

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