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C4CPC 3D printed cartridge

Started by gerald, 12:08, 16 January 16

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Quote from: dodogildo on 22:08, 19 January 16

Uhh, isn't that one's quality a bit below the line, compared to Gerald's shared pics? Looking to the engraved C4CPC logo etc...
That's clearly a FDM print. SLS is far better.

Quote from: dodogildo on 22:08, 19 January 16
Guys, what is the best service to order a 3d print online? I asked to some local services in Istanbul and they gave me quotes around 30 Eur. I find this price a bit astronomical. What do you think?
That's on par with the Shapeways price (with slow process option).


FDM choice was not the best. I'll try another company. This time, the SLS technology :) .

-- edit --

I have long sought among Polish companies, but eventually ordered the case at Shapeways. It came out cheaper, even with shipping :)


I received my Shapeways case today.  It clipped together nicely around the board and fits into the GX4000 cartridge slot perfectly.  The surface finish on the front side has some slight inconsistencies but all in all it does a great job of protecting the board and keeping it dust free, really pleased  :)
SOH Digital Entertainments


Quote from: dthrone on 01:54, 29 January 16
I received my Shapeways case today.


really pleased  :)

Nice.  Can you share a pic,  when you have the time?  :)


The best I can manage is this, no digital camera unfortunately.  You get the idea though, it does the job  :)

SOH Digital Entertainments


At the moment All3DP | All About 3D Printing has a special offer, where you only have to pay 1$ for your first print, if its printing costs are below 30$. You just have to go to the webpage and click "Compare Prices", upload the cartridge STL from the first posting and order it. The model will then be printed by Shapeways, i.materialize or Sculpteo. Maybe this is interesting for some of you who haven't ordered one :-).

I also printed one by myself, but I guess I have to recalibrate my printer and use support material, but I hadn't the time to do that yet.



Quote from: Octoate on 11:57, 30 January 16
At the moment All3DP | All About 3D Printing has a special offer, where you only have to pay 1$ for your first print, if its printing costs are below 30$. You just have to go to the webpage and click "Compare Prices", upload the cartridge STL from the first posting and order it. The model will then be printed by Shapeways, i.materialize or Sculpteo. Maybe this is interesting for some of you who haven't ordered one :-).
Nice find,  8) though they require script permissions to an excessive lot of external sites, finally ending up with a NoScript XSS warning when linking to PayPal itself.

Anyway (if hopefully legit, with an eplus cellphone number and all), an unpolished Sculpteo white polyamide SLS (as seemed to look best in Gerald's tests) from the STL of - CPCWiki (most recent I hope?) is just cents below the Special Offer threshold, which incredibly covers even the additional postage within US$1 (96 Eurocents).  :)

It also draws attention to 3D Printing Service | i.materialise | Home which seems to offer plenty of cheaper options than Sculpteo & Shapeways (several cartridge cases might actually fit in one job).

Have yet to receive order confirmation after the debit was done though.


Quote from: OCT on 20:45, 30 January 16
Anyway (if hopefully legit, with an eplus cellphone number and all), an unpolished Sculpteo white polyamide SLS (as seemed to look best in Gerald's tests) from the STL of - CPCWiki (most recent I hope?) is just cents below the Special Offer threshold, which incredibly covers even the additional postage within US$1 (96 Eurocents).  :)
Yes, this is the latest file.
Regarding the surface quality, on my picture the Sculpteo one has some stripes on it. This comes from the cart orientation during the print : it seems to have been printed vertically, with the lowest depth side facing the powder dispenser axis. The 2 other prints from them did not have this default.
This may happen on any provider if they do not care of the orientation (to fill they printer to the max)
Also, Shapeways and Sculpteo are using the same material provider.


Quote from: Octoate on 11:57, 30 January 16
At the moment All3DP | All About 3D Printing has a special offer, where you only have to pay 1$ for your first print, if its printing costs are below 30$.

Thanks mate, I ordered one, let's wait and see what happens ;)


Quote from: dodogildo on 21:40, 30 January 16Yaay!
Thanks mate, I ordered one, let's wait and see what happens ;)
Have you received confirmation (other than for the payment)?


No but I thought maybe because it's Saturday and 9pm?

What do you think, is it a hoax?


Quote from: dodogildo on 21:47, 30 January 16No but I thought maybe because it's Saturday and 9pm?
Well, automated sites know no weekends (isn't that the point of "Industry 4.0"?  ;D ).
QuoteWhat do you think, is it a hoax?
I'd rather like to give them the benefit of doubt and assume they have yet to fine-tune interactions with their plethora of third-party servers involved, possibly running the Special Offer precisely for that reason.
So if they can't process PayPal's confirmations automagically (yet), someone there will have to sift through plenty of orders for "C4CPC_all.stl (Polyamide, Solid, raw, White)" and put these back on track Monday morning.


Well, alarmed I contacted them via support page and get that response swiftly:

this is Mathias from All3DP.
Thanks for ordering at our service. We have well received your order and you will receive a detailed order confirmation in short term.

Best regards!

Customer Support"

So, like it's written on a towel in a far away galaxy

"don't panic" ;)


Quote from: gerald on 21:27, 30 January 16Regarding the surface quality, on my picture the Sculpteo one has some stripes on it.
I had seen these, but the features seemed more pronounced on this than the Shapeways one (which seems to have some diagonal stripes instead).
QuoteThis may happen on any provider if they do not care of the orientation (to fill they printer to the max)
Wondering if you've tried out a "multiplied" STL that helps Belgian max out theirs (i.e. make you several to the dollar)...


Wow, amazing. Have oredered a black one. Seems it is $30 + shipping (I saved $55 or so total). I haven't even got a C4CPC yet, but couldn't miss this offer...


I ordered some kinda yellow ( Polyamide, Dyed, velvet, Ochre) because I figured the white will never match the real color of the GX4000 or the CPC plus and may look cheap.

@octoate thanks again, buddy.

(@oct the official order confirmation arrived recently , BTW)


The team of (see "About us" at the bottom of the page) is well known here in germany, so there was no reason to mistrust them for me. I have also ordered a cartridge and the estimated delivery date is Febuary 16th.

@dodogildo No Problem :).


Thought I'd add reading the above comments that the surface inconsistencies I  mention are orientated diagonally.  If you're looking for a indistinguishable copy of a GX4000 cart in colour and finish, it is a long way off.  If you want a C4CPC housing that protects the board, gives access to the SD, USB etc. and fits the cart slot snugly enough to prevent dust entering the GX4000 through the exposed cart slot it does the job.  Better to mod an existing cart if you want more than that  :D
SOH Digital Entertainments


Quote from: dodogildo on 23:12, 30 January 16(@oct the official order confirmation arrived recently , BTW)
Also got one overnight (to my PayPal address rather than the one used for ordering), apparently "least-cost routed" from "Fulfilled by sculpteo" to i.materialise (maybe reconstructed from the payment data, may just not be ideal if one could have ordered right there with their "velvet" specialty or wants to try out a specific fab: 2+ weeks at each suggest they are all operating at full capacity anyway).
So @Gerald I should soon have one from there to compare.


Oh maaan I got an email from them stating they're canceling my order as it's not eligible for $1 campaign because the project consists of two parts.




And me. Think might be able to reorder through shapeways and still use the deal though? haven't had a chance to try yet


Every orders have been cancelled according to what I understand.......juste because, the module is in 2 parts :(
It seems that the amount of order @1$ make them afraid  :picard:


Well, using come common sense making 2 orders out of one works well.  ;)
TFM of FutureSoft
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Quote from: Kris on 14:49, 01 February 16juste because, the module is in 2 parts :(
Can't see where they clearly specified that limitation upfront for the majority who haven't designed their own STLs (while cases have to come as some incarnation of Yin&Yang to "embrace" anything).
Then again, sounds like realigning the halves in the file (so the recipient has to separate them after fabbing), faire un pont et ça ira?  ???

@Gerald, maybe ("best price guaranteed" SLS in spite of its name) rejects your file for the same (unspecified) reason, would "building a bridge (to be broken) to their heart" ('s campaign logo after all) do the trick?
One that serves a justifiable technical purpose such as ensuring coherent orientation/size/surface structure (as had been genuine issues in earlier tests) of course (rather than subverting unfortunate constraints of their own contracts with printing services).

After all, none of the orders from this forum seems abusive, but rather about some pretty legitimate trial runs to find the best fab&formula, where prices would otherwise be prohibitive - i.e. just what their promotion seems to try&enable&encourage.

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