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Mp3 on cpc via uart

Started by zhulien, 23:46, 04 June 20

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We have mp3 on cpc via uart on the fantastic lambdaspeak...

What other hardware that is currently available do we have that can play mp3s through the same uart mp3 boards?

Duke, does m4 have the ability to drive a uart?


Pretty much everything can do that:

- M4 with UART enabled
- Speak&SID
- Mega (Mini) Booster

- LambdaSpeak

- etc.


your amstrad news source in spanish language :


Well, I don't know all the alternatives. What I know is that LambdaSpeak III has software support. Also the SF3 seems to be as easy to be used.

From a programmers POV the LS3 and SF3 are very easy to be used. And that's the most important point. Every 'easy to be used' device can be supported in such players. --> Get the revolutionary FutureOS (Update: 2023.11.30) --> Get the RSX-ROM for LambdaSpeak :-) (Updated: 2021.12.26)


Thanks, that is a cool list.  The reason is I wanted to try write a driver for them which are easily switchable.

I actually have M4 but how do I enable UART?

I also have USIfAC but haven't tried it yet.

I have the speak&SID, I must have missed the fact it has UART.

I have Mx4 Mini Booster (that can in place of the usual USB adapter right)?
I have LambdaSpeak which is what I was playing with so far.

My 2 sets of guinea pig test drivers are now to be... mp3 playback via UART devices and... mouse support

I currently only have ToTo's mouse card which of course works great, but I don't have anything else, perhaps when I get the mp3s working and a mouse driver, then other programmers can add more mouse drivers.  The cool thing about Toto's mouse card, it supports 2 mouses at the same time!  So I plan to do that.


Quote from: XeNoMoRPH on 06:35, 05 June 20

I never knew symbiface 3 had uart also - I did try order one and as friendly as they were, they haven't been able to read my emails or send me? or maybe I can't read theirs?


Quote from: zhulien on 14:32, 05 June 20

I never knew symbiface 3 had uart also - I did try order one and as friendly as they were, they haven't been able to read my emails or send me? or maybe I can't read theirs?

You can PM Hans here in the Forum. As I remember his nick is @TMTLOGIC . He is a very friendly and polite guy. But he is of course not online 24/7 because he's working very hard on the SF3. --> Get the revolutionary FutureOS (Update: 2023.11.30) --> Get the RSX-ROM for LambdaSpeak :-) (Updated: 2021.12.26)


Yes he had been trying to help me...


Yes iam not 24/7  online here
I send you an PM


Quote from: zhulien on 14:29, 05 June 20
I have the speak&SID, I must have missed the fact it has UART.
It has 4bit GPIO (digital input and output), UART ("serial interface"), I2C, and SPI.
The latter two require firmware programming though. But easy to do - open source. So it has everything that MiniBooster had back in the day. Plus more of course (SID + SpeakJet).

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