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Plus2CPC. Plus cartridge slot for the CPC

Started by abalore, 09:35, 27 May 21

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Philippe Lardenois

Why destroyed ? It's just putting the eeprom on a Zif....
It should work as well


Quote from: Philippe Lardenois on 17:25, 21 July 21
ok. So according to what I read, we could use a Plus original cartridge, with a Zif Support and an eeprom.
Am I Right ? Is there a file containing a compilation like yours somewhere to burn on the eprom ?
Sure, find a couple of compilations here.


Quote from: Philippe Lardenois on 20:53, 21 July 21
Why destroyed ? It's just putting the eeprom on a Zif....
It should work as well

Because you have to physically break open the case and cut a hole in the case for the EPROM on ZIF to fit. A new PCB and a 3D printed case is a much friendlier option.



Quote from: abalore on 12:37, 21 July 21The 74HC112N chip is only needed for the cartridge to work in the Plus, to work in the Plus2CPC adapter is not needed.

Are the resistors and/or capacitors needed then, if it's used in the Plus2CPC adapter?


Does anyone have a spare PCB or cartridge that he's willing to sell?


Quote from: eto on 14:20, 22 July 21
Are the resistors and/or capacitors needed then, if it's used in the Plus2CPC adapter?
In order to work with the Plus2CPC adapter, only the ROM is needed, resistors and capacitors are not required.
About the spare cartridges, I buy all the parts in Aliexpress and order the PCBs in JLCPCB. Obviously you'll need also an EPROM programmer to write the contents.
I would consider to sell DIY KITs if there is demand for it and is worth the work of putting the parts together and arrange the shipping. These kits would be with a blank EPROM to program yourself.


Here is compilation 3
Enjoy it!

Philippe Lardenois

I bought PCB to try to make some carts. Will let you jnow if it works...


Quote from: Philippe Lardenois on 11:56, 28 July 21
I bought PCB to try to make some carts. Will let you jnow if it works...
Great! to make it work with the Plus2CPC you only need to put the EPROM in, all the other parts are for the Plus. Also, if you plug it in without the case enclosure, please pay attention to the pin alignment, because a bad alignment can damage something.


Quote from: abalore on 05:25, 15 July 21
Hello! IDC version for MX4 is in production now and will be dispatched soon!

Time to order from U.

Philippe Lardenois

let me check first if it works... :P
I'm on holidays for 2 weeks so gonna test it when I'm back

Philippe Lardenois

Well, received the PCBs today, solder one and must admit that it works well.
How did you make your compilations ? Is it possible to build an empty 360Ko Disk for example, fill it with games and then convert with no$cart ?

I listed the menu in your mega compilation and saw that you mixes a disk and Rom games. How to do that ?


a little video [size=78%][/size]


Thanks @abalore  - the Plus2CPCs arrived safely in the UK. I programmed an EPROM with compilacion.bin
Thanks @Chinnery  - I used your Gerbers to get some cartridge PCBs made.

It all works really well. It's a really cool way to have lots of games ready to go on the CPCs.
The on/off switch and the reset are very useful.
I will be using this a lot!
Thank you.

CPC464, CPC6128, PCW8512, PCW10, BSA & NSP


Quote from: Richard_Lloyd on 12:11, 10 August 21
Thanks @abalore  - the Plus2CPCs arrived safely in the UK. I programmed an EPROM with compilacion.bin
Thanks @Chinnery  - I used your Gerbers to get some cartridge PCBs made.

It all works really well. It's a really cool way to have lots of games ready to go on the CPCs.
The on/off switch and the reset are very useful.
I will be using this a lot!
Thank you.
I'm very glad to see people is enjoying my humble contribution to the CPC.

Philippe Lardenois

@abalore Hi Friend
I understood how to built a CPR from disk with nocart software.
But it seems you'are able to add rom slots on your compilations.

Can you explain us how you achieved that ? For example in your Compilation3, seems you added 5 roms.

Would be great to understand how to do that.



Quote from: Philippe Lardenois on 19:06, 18 August 21
@abalore Hi Friend
I understood how to built a CPR from disk with nocart software.
But it seems you'are able to add rom slots on your compilations.

Can you explain us how you achieved that ? For example in your Compilation3, seems you added 5 roms.

Would be great to understand how to do that.

Hello Phil,
I manually add the ROMs in free 16KB blocks of the cartridge binary using a hexadecimal editor, and then I call a small assembler routine from BASIC from the menu (located in the converted DSK) to switch the ROM and run the game.
This is the assembler routine:
org &8000
ld bc,&7f85
out (c),c
ld bc,&df85
out (c),c
jp &c009
And this is how it's called from BASIC :
POKE &8007, rom : CALL &8000
Where "rom" is the Plus cartridge range ROM number (from &80 to &9F)

Philippe Lardenois

Thanks a lot for your explanations.
Gonna try this.


Philippe Lardenois

successfully build and burnt my first compilation with my all time prefered games.
Working Great.
Also burned an Alcon 2020 and working great too.

Very happy with that.

My compilation attached for those interested.

contains : Arkanoid-Batty-Boulderdash-La Boule Infernale-Bruce Lee-Classic Invaders-Chuckie Egg-Donkey Kong-Fruity Franck-Gauntlet-Grand Prix Simulator 1-Harrier Attack-Mutant Monty-Paper Boy-Konami's Ping Pong-Daley Thompson Decathlon-Manic Miner-Moon Buggy-Green Beret-Haunted Hedge-Pac-Man-Tapper-Tempest-The Sentinel-Thrust



Quote from: Philippe Lardenois on 19:26, 21 August 21
successfully build and burnt my first compilation with my all time prefered games.
Working Great.
Also burned an Alcon 2020 and working great too.

Very happy with that.

My compilation attached for those interested.

contains : Arkanoid-Batty-Boulderdash-La Boule Infernale-Bruce Lee-Classic Invaders-Chuckie Egg-Donkey Kong-Fruity Franck-Gauntlet-Grand Prix Simulator 1-Harrier Attack-Mutant Monty-Paper Boy-Konami's Ping Pong-Daley Thompson Decathlon-Manic Miner-Moon Buggy-Green Beret-Haunted Hedge-Pac-Man-Tapper-Tempest-The Sentinel-Thrust

Excellent job!!

Philippe Lardenois

One more for the road. Still experimenting Abalore fantastic routines.

As I can't put a rom bigger than 16Ko, I learned with your second compilation to inject a second and partial third disk on the cart.

Struggling with Target Renegade but no luck- loading till the end but remains stuck on grey screen.
If some of you need a cartridge with roms inside, please PM. Have some PCB and eeproms to burn if I can help.

This one has 1942,1943,Army Moves, Astro Attack, Bombjack, Commando, Gryzor, Galapship, Gyroscope, Ikari Warrior, Rambo 1st Blood part II, Renegade, Silkworm, Victory Road.



Updated CprSelect (V1.4) : only change is that I hopefully fixed the selection raster position  :doh:


"You make one mistake in your life and the internet will never let you live it down" (Keith Goodyer)


Awesome stuff Gerald!
I'm sending some labels here for my game compilations.

Philippe Lardenois

Thanks for the labels.

Is there a way @abalore to launch a 32K or 48k rom from the cartridge ? 16k roms are ok for me. But wonder if it's possible ?


... can be done by using a LowerROM and a ROM-card (ROMs smaller than &80 of course!).
This allows to copy an original 6128plus cartridge in a non-destructive way.

Thanks for the Plus2CPC.  :) :) :) --> Get the revolutionary FutureOS (Update: 2024.10.27) --> Get the RSX-ROM for LambdaSpeak :-) (Updated: 2021.12.26)

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