
USIfAC II:Convert a PC or USB stick to Amstrad HDD,access dsk's,and many more!

Started by ikonsgr, 08:17, 01 December 20

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So I have a question. Many of us have the usifac ii and we were thinking of buying the RAM/ROM board you had https://www.cpcwiki.eu/forum/amstrad-cpc-hardware/new-multi-purpose-board512k-ram-expansion32x-rom-board256k-ram2x-rom-board/

Now you gave us the ulifac which is a a combination of 2 above boards.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of ulifac and usifac+RAM/ROM board except the one you mentioned about the single board and single 3d case.



I was wondering if this is possible to implement:-

When you Issue the |USB would it be possible to be included in the command a Reset as the last command ?

As I have to press the Reset every time I use the UsiFac II on either my 6128 or 464.


Keep Safe

Procrastinators Unite,
If it Ain't Broke PLEASE Don't Fix it.
I keep telling you I am Not Pedantic.


You shouldn't need the reset on a 6128, unless you are using Parados, in which case you need the ¦DOS RSX as well.

Quote from: Audronic on 22:00, 02 December 22@ikonsgr

I was wondering if this is possible to implement:-

When you Issue the |USB would it be possible to be included in the command a Reset as the last command ?

As I have to press the Reset every time I use the UsiFac II on either my 6128 or 464.


Keep Safe



@Audronic : as said above, you shouldn't need the reset on a 6128.
The |USB RSX works instantly, and USB device access is available without reset, everytime.

Could be a problem with the USB key (brand, or capacity) ? Maybe try with a smaller capacity. Or formatting ? For myself my USB key is in FAT system.


Quote from: pappous on 09:33, 02 December 22So I have a question. Many of us have the usifac ii and we were thinking of buying the RAM/ROM board you had https://www.cpcwiki.eu/forum/amstrad-cpc-hardware/new-multi-purpose-board512k-ram-expansion32x-rom-board256k-ram2x-rom-board/
Now you gave us the ulifac which is a a combination of 2 above boards.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of ulifac and usifac+RAM/ROM board except the one you mentioned about the single board and single 3d case.
The main advantage is the ability to use 16roms along with 256kb ram, instead of 2roms with ram/rom board. And also the single board and 3d case you mentioned. For most Amstrad users, ram/rom boards are mainly useful for CPC464 that already have USIfAC II,as it will give you the ability to run games that need 128kb and/or cpc6128 fw/basic 1.1 .
Obviously, ULIfAC board would be the best choice for someone that don't have USIfAC II already (especially for CPC464), but since i already made ~300 USIfAC II boards, i thought it's good to have an add on ram/rom board too.

@Audronic, as Mark_wllms noted, you don't need to reset after giving |USB, and normally this also applies for CPC464 too. In anycase, if for some reason you need to reset Amstrad after giving |USB, you can also press CTRL+SHIFT+ESC or give a CALL 0, instead of pressing reset button.


Quote from: ikonsgr on 08:20, 01 December 22
Quote from: GUNHED on 20:01, 30 November 22Have you made any tests if it works with FutureOS too?
FutureOS uses a lot of roms and if i remember correctly it also uses a custom program to place them, which unfortunately didn't seem to support USIfAC. If there is a way to place roms manually (e.g. what romfile goes to which rom slot),  give me a hint and i'll try it.
Yes, FutureOS needs four ROM slots. But since todays ROM expansions usually have 512 KB it's not a problem. Currently there is no support for the USIfAC internal ROM because I don't know how to program it.
The installer runs from any disc or disc image, and installs to M4, Symbiface, X-MEM, FlashGordon, MegaFlash and so on. But it also allows to set up the ROM numbers, so you can install the four ROMs 'by hand' after setting up their ROM numbers :-)
http://futureos.de --> Get the revolutionary FutureOS (Update: 2024.10.27)
http://futureos.cpc-live.com/files/LambdaSpeak_RSX_by_TFM.zip --> Get the RSX-ROM for LambdaSpeak :-) (Updated: 2021.12.26)


Quote from: GUNHED on 03:08, 04 December 22
Quote from: ikonsgr on 08:20, 01 December 22
Quote from: GUNHED on 20:01, 30 November 22Have you made any tests if it works with FutureOS too?
FutureOS uses a lot of roms and if i remember correctly it also uses a custom program to place them, which unfortunately didn't seem to support USIfAC. If there is a way to place roms manually (e.g. what romfile goes to which rom slot),  give me a hint and i'll try it.
Yes, FutureOS needs four ROM slots. But since todays ROM expansions usually have 512 KB it's not a problem. Currently there is no support for the USIfAC internal ROM because I don't know how to program it.
The installer runs from any disc or disc image, and installs to M4, Symbiface, X-MEM, FlashGordon, MegaFlash and so on. But it also allows to set up the ROM numbers, so you can install the four ROMs 'by hand' after setting up their ROM numbers :-)
Well, even if we manage to install the roms, since there is no "mass storage" support for USIfAC II, it will not very useful to have just the OS installed...  ::)


Quote from: GUNHED on 20:01, 30 November 22Yes, FutureOS needs four ROM slots. But since todays ROM expansions usually have 512 KB it's not a problem. Currently there is no support for the USIfAC internal ROM because I don't know how to program it.
The installer runs from any disc or disc image, and installs to M4, Symbiface, X-MEM, FlashGordon, MegaFlash and so on. But it also allows to set up the ROM numbers, so you can install the four ROMs 'by hand' after setting up their ROM numbers :-)
Well, even if we manage to install the roms, since there is no "mass storage" support for USIfAC II, it will not be very useful to have just the FUTUREOS installed...  ::)


Quote from: ikonsgr on 21:00, 04 December 22
Quote from: GUNHED on 20:01, 30 November 22Yes, FutureOS needs four ROM slots. But since todays ROM expansions usually have 512 KB it's not a problem. Currently there is no support for the USIfAC internal ROM because I don't know how to program it.
The installer runs from any disc or disc image, and installs to M4, Symbiface, X-MEM, FlashGordon, MegaFlash and so on. But it also allows to set up the ROM numbers, so you can install the four ROMs 'by hand' after setting up their ROM numbers :-)
Well, even if we manage to install the roms, since there is no "mass storage" support for USIfAC II, it will not be very useful to have just the FUTUREOS installed...  ::)

Well, FutureOS should be able to work with your floppy disc emulation. If I understood you right, USIfAC II can even emulate the Vortex F1-D controller.
This way you could try drives A, B, E and F (to see DIR press space then letter of drive). Curious to know if it works.  :) :) :)
http://futureos.de --> Get the revolutionary FutureOS (Update: 2024.10.27)
http://futureos.cpc-live.com/files/LambdaSpeak_RSX_by_TFM.zip --> Get the RSX-ROM for LambdaSpeak :-) (Updated: 2021.12.26)


Can you provide me a link with the 4 16k roms, and the numbers they should placed to?


Quote from: ikonsgr on 22:24, 04 December 22Can you provide me a link with the 4 16k roms, and the numbers they should placed to?
Yes, please go to www.futureos.de

There you click at "Downloads", then either use the set of ROMs (numbers 10-13) or get the installer DSK, which can adapt the desired ROM select numbers.
http://futureos.de --> Get the revolutionary FutureOS (Update: 2024.10.27)
http://futureos.cpc-live.com/files/LambdaSpeak_RSX_by_TFM.zip --> Get the RSX-ROM for LambdaSpeak :-) (Updated: 2021.12.26)


This is what i get:
You cannot view this attachment.
It seems that except the 1 low rom , there are only dsk images and cpr files for cartridges... ::)


Ok,i found it in another download place  ;D
I manage to load FUTUREOS (even with low rom for instant os loading), but i couldn't load anything form a dsk image (BAS or BIN files), does futureos uses it's own executables?


Quote from: ikonsgr on 00:10, 05 December 22Ok,i found it in another download place  ;D
I manage to load FUTUREOS (even with low rom for instant os loading), but i couldn't load anything form a dsk image (BAS or BIN files), does futureos uses it's own executables?
Yes, of course, and you will find lot's of Apps in the download section too. I try to add a DSK image here...

To download DSKs and ROMs please click at the most upper buttons of my homepage. You scuccessfully clicked at the first one. The second one is 2 cm lower on screen.

Also there is a youtube channel to see how to work with FutureOS.
Please let me know if something is missing :-)
http://futureos.de --> Get the revolutionary FutureOS (Update: 2024.10.27)
http://futureos.cpc-live.com/files/LambdaSpeak_RSX_by_TFM.zip --> Get the RSX-ROM for LambdaSpeak :-) (Updated: 2021.12.26)


Quote from: WacKEDmaN on 04:12, 19 December 22flashing AT firmware
Can you put a small guide on how you have done the AT flashing on the wifi device? thanks


your amstrad news source in spanish language : https://auamstrad.es


Quote from: XeNoMoRPH on 11:11, 23 December 22Hi @ikonsgr !!!
Could you make this game work on Usifac II?, thx  :)
Prince of Persia [Joseman Mass Storage 2022]
download: https://github.com/sJoseman/amstrad/blob/751a35b2de6183e9d65e1a145f96c87297b33c3d/Prince%20of%20Persia%20%5BJoseman%20Mass%20Storage%202022%5D.zip
I suppose this is only for M4 boards (probably because dsk image of game has problems loading with M4). With USIfAC II you can use the dsk image of game, you can find it here (it's included in the Classic & worth to play list .


I would be great a HTTPGET RSX command in the USIFACII ROM instead the games.


Quote from: WacKEDmaN on 07:08, 27 December 22hmm it seems |COM has an issue where it sends the full string in uppercase.. i cant connect to Wifi as password is sent all uppercase.. i also cant access websites that rely on lowercase in the URL.. (eg cant access ..it sends HTTP://

heres a vid of the esp32 commands in use...
Indeed, i use uppercase command because AT commands should be in upper case, but this might cause problems with arguments in lowercase.
Anyway, it's very easy to fix this, give |COM and then type "quit", then give a list command and delete the basic line: 40 A$=UPPER(A$). Then just run again the program and problem should be fixed. Mind only that AT commands should be in uppercase for the esp module to accept them.


New year brings another small firmware update (6g) :

- bug fix:|COM arguments of AT commands are not converted to uppercase (AT commands must given in upper case though)
- bug fix:|SIZE hungs up if usb device is not enabled
- |HELP: Add |SIZE RSX command to the list


Quote from: ikonsgr on 17:43, 01 January 23New year brings another small firmware update (6g) :
- bug fix:|COM arguments of AT commands are not converted to uppercase (AT commands must given in upper case though)
- bug fix:|SIZE hungs up if usb device is not enabled
- |HELP: Add |SIZE RSX command to the list
updated my devices successfully. thanks for the support, ikonsgr


Not sure if this is the right place, but I just  wanted to say publicly thank you to ikonsgr (John) for helping me and taking time to answer my emails to help me with the RAM/ROM board and the Serial board.



Hi ! 

I'd like to order 1 board if available and compatible with my 6128+, please.
Also, do you sell the 3D printed case as well ?

Thx ! 


Quote from: ikonsgr on 17:43, 01 January 23New year brings another small firmware update (6g) :

For your great work, continued support and patience for all: those of us who are just happy to have a (magic) USIfAC; those who want more and want it NOW; those who are impressed and interested and want to understand how you did it in excruciating detail; and those who bring you problems you never expected but deal with with grace. THANK YOU.

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