
CubeMDOS / FAT16+FAT32-OS - for XMASS, Symbiface_2+3,HXC/FlashFloppy

Started by SOS, 00:18, 23 March 18

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Quote from: SOS on 19:53, 23 June 19
(Version runs without an Problem in Winape)
IMHO then the emulator has to get improved. If software developers care too much about emulators, then one day stuff will not run an real CPCs.  :o
However, great work!!! I like to use it with SF3.  :) :) :)
http://futureos.de --> Get the revolutionary FutureOS (Update: 2024.10.27)
http://futureos.cpc-live.com/files/LambdaSpeak_RSX_by_TFM.zip --> Get the RSX-ROM for LambdaSpeak :-) (Updated: 2021.12.26)


New Version 290919b - Changelog:
- Config.BAS, Extended - You should run Config.BAS before use
- Bugfix of FlashFloppy-Support (Amstrad+)
- CAT/DIR: Possible false display in the path name  (thnx netmercer)
- Display VolumeName during boot - Changed/Fixed - again :-(
- No MSD-Hardware found, correct exit
- Make-Directory: Convert Directory-Names to Uppercase (else Directory can't read by Windows)
- FAT16: Can't create more than 64 DirEntries  - checked 20000 save's   (thnx m_dr_m)
- FAT32: Saves to LBA 65535 crashes
- Internal Restructure/OS-Integration changed->Some more games should be run.
- V1 (default) & V2 mode introduce ->Some more games should be run.
- |disc , then cat crashes
- CAS_IN_CHAR: Reads sometimes a little bit too much bytes & improved 1A-Handling (Orgams)
- Sometimes deleted directories will be displayed (thnx netmercer)
- CD in MD-Created Dir's with length < 8 chars problems  (thnx netmercer)
  e.g.  |MKDIR,"TEST.TST"
  |CD,"TEST.TST" results 'no directory'
  |CD,"TEST    .TST" opens the directory
- Directory ".." in Root-Directory confuses CubeMDOS

Remarkable parts are the 2nd ROM, which allow to install CubeMDOS at ROM14 and AMSDOS at ROM15.
V1+V2: My main focus are game-compatibillity. Only a few games (+ORGAMS + Symbos) can not be started with the default configuration (V1).
So you can switch with |V2 to an alternative configuration (or use config.bas to switch V2 permanently "on").

YANCC-Users must be Update YANCC when using this new Version.


Nice. No DSK file with the ROM inside like for YANCC?  :-*
"You make one mistake in your life and the internet will never let you live it down" (Keith Goodyer)


Quote from: TotO on 13:53, 25 November 19
Nice. No DSK file with the ROM inside like for YANCC?  :-*
We will see, very soon  ;)


Hi Folks,
I'm looking for a beta-tester for my new DSK-Plugin (incl. new YANCC-Version).
You need an XMASS or SF2.
I think the compatibillity is good, the performance is medium, but useable (tested with 2GB F32-DOM).
SF3-Version with Hardware-Acceleration is coming very soon (fucking fast  :o ;D).
Please PM, when you have fun and time to test.


Any chance for the next version of CubeMDOS to work at the same time as M4 so we can have Hx Floppy Support, Compact Flash Support and SD Card Support all at the same time with internet?


Quote from: zhulien on 07:18, 07 January 20
Any chance for the next version of CubeMDOS to work at the same time as M4 so we can have Hx Floppy Support, Compact Flash Support and SD Card Support all at the same time with internet?
hmmm, it's problematic:
you can only have one primary mass-storage-rom.
when you (a game) init AMSDOS, then you have only chance to init one mass-storage-rom.
also the RSX's are problematic too.

i removed for testing the M4-ROM-Check, and test
CubeMDOS at ROM > 6
=> i cant switch to CubeMDOS.
CubeMDOS at ROM < 6
=> i can switch to CubeMDOS with |DISC and back with |SD.
|TAPE resets at the moment the Amstrad
(it's problematic, because you have only one place in the RAM for the pointers)
When M4-ROM-is active:
|CD goes to the CubeMDOS-MassStorage and not to the M4

And what's you goal to have both MassStorage's active?


Quote from: SOS on 19:18, 07 January 20
hmmm, it's problematic:
you can only have one primary mass-storage-rom.
when you (a game) init AMSDOS, then you have only chance to init one mass-storage-rom.
also the RSX's are problematic too.

And what's you goal to have both MassStorage's active?

I understand.  Let's see if my drivers ROMS get traction - if they do then maybe we can revisit.  If I have the hardware why not make use of it?  It is good hardware.


New Version 120120b - Changelog:
- DSK-Support (read only - "Write" is on my todo-checklist, but has no high priority)
- HXC/FlashFloppy: Save-Bug
- |A & |B -Bug (Thanks Ast)
- |DIR sometimes brings an AUTO-Line after display
- Compatibility fix, when starting Games from Floppy + CubeMDOS in ROM7   


Cool! Can you please summarize up which expansions it does support now? (Guess that's interesting for people getting a mass storage device now).  :)
http://futureos.de --> Get the revolutionary FutureOS (Update: 2024.10.27)
http://futureos.cpc-live.com/files/LambdaSpeak_RSX_by_TFM.zip --> Get the RSX-ROM for LambdaSpeak :-) (Updated: 2021.12.26)


Quote from: GUNHED on 17:50, 20 January 20
Cool! Can you please summarize up which expansions it does support now? (Guess that's interesting for people getting a mass storage device now).  :)

Please see the Title "CubeMDOS / FAT16+FAT32-OS - for XMASS, Symbiface_2+3,HXC/FlashFloppy"  ;)


Is it possible thate CubeMDOS changes / reset the configuration of the memory banks?

I have code where I select a memory bank and then use cas_in_open, cas_in_direct and cas_in_close to read a file directly into the selected memory bank.
This works without any problems under AMSDOS.
Not with CubeMDOS, however, and I wondered in the WinApe debugger why code was overwritten and memory banks remained empty.


Quote from: Fessor on 21:44, 13 February 20
Is it possible thate CubeMDOS changes / reset the configuration of the memory banks?
Use |V2 for your code


Quote from: Fessor on 21:44, 13 February 20
... and I wondered in the WinApe debugger why code was overwritten and memory banks remained empty.
No emulator is perfect. However IMHO we really shouldn't start to write software for emulators instead of the CPC. Else we just can use the PC instead of the CPC. No offense, just my POV.
http://futureos.de --> Get the revolutionary FutureOS (Update: 2024.10.27)
http://futureos.cpc-live.com/files/LambdaSpeak_RSX_by_TFM.zip --> Get the RSX-ROM for LambdaSpeak :-) (Updated: 2021.12.26)


Quote from: GUNHED on 20:04, 14 February 20
No emulator is perfect. However IMHO we really shouldn't start to write software for emulators instead of the CPC. Else we just can use the PC instead of the CPC. No offense, just my POV.
What do you mean with "software for emulators"?
Im using the Emulator as Tool to Develop for the CPC. And using PCs/Workstations as IDE for the 8bits began back in the 80s. Emulators are just an logical Evolution of what started back then.


Quote from: Fessor on 13:42, 15 February 20
What do you mean with "software for emulators"?
For example: The code of the CPC-Telegramm was (back the day) changed to run on emulators too.  First it looked super great and did run on the CPC. Later it just looked great and did run on everything.

But back to topic! I'm just encouraging the inventor of the great CubeMDOS to focus an CPC and not on emulators. If something doesn't run on an emulator the emulator need to be changed and not something actually working on the CPC itself.
http://futureos.de --> Get the revolutionary FutureOS (Update: 2024.10.27)
http://futureos.cpc-live.com/files/LambdaSpeak_RSX_by_TFM.zip --> Get the RSX-ROM for LambdaSpeak :-) (Updated: 2021.12.26)


I don't read anything about it but I had an issue with CubeMDOS, I don't knowif it is on a todolist somewhere, maybe I did wrong...

Returns Syntax Error

Is it "normal" ?
Supersly from the Les sucres en morceaux


Quote from: GFXOR on 14:42, 09 April 20
I don't read anything about it but I had an issue with CubeMDOS, I don't knowif it is on a todolist somewhere, maybe I did wrong...

Returns Syntax Error

Is it "normal" ?

No, not normal.
Works here.
Ok, lets reproduce:
Please your Rom-Config & Which hardware do you use?
Could you check it with a short example:
> save"scr",b,&c000,&3fff
> cls
> load"scr",&c000


Thank you for your quick answer.
I simply didn't make your test before, sorry. And it works.
I made other tests, and it seems that the problem is from my side (maybe my file has a problem). Maybe a pb of file copy (2 files had the same pb), maybe a connector problem...

I will just come back here if I identify something new and concrrete and reproductible.
Just in case, my rom config (CPC6128) :
Nothing else except in ROM0 and 7 (alternadtive 464 boot with XMem).
Supersly from the Les sucres en morceaux


Does anybody have a version of this that can be run on a C4CPC?


Quote from: lordoftime on 21:21, 12 April 20
Does anybody have a version of this that can be run on a C4CPC?
Hmm, its a problem, i do not have an C4CPC.
I think it's a "normal" ROM-Board for the Plus-Slot?!
How do you configure the ROM-Numbers and what's the problem (e.g. the CPC reset)?


It loads them from a menu - i am new to all this but think it might need to be in a special format or something? has nobody here done this?


Quote from: SOS on 09:16, 13 April 20
Hmm, its a problem, i do not have an C4CPC.
I think it's a "normal" ROM-Board for the Plus-Slot?!
How do you configure the ROM-Numbers and what's the problem (e.g. the CPC reset)?
It's a normal romboad with a twist.
ROMs are mapped from 128 to 160, so none of them are initialised by the FW.Also
- rom 128 is a mirror of the lower ROM,
- rom 129 is a mirror of upper ROM 0- rom 131 is a mirror of upper ROM 7
So either you modify the FW to initialise ROM in the cartridge range (something @dragon did)
Or completely replace ROM7, but then you lose floppy access


i wanted to use this with my hxc as a mass storage rather than the sperate dsk images so I am assuming i still need floppy access as thats how it connects? can anybody supply a version of this i can just put on c4cpc sdcard and run?

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