
Yet Another Norton-Commander Clone (YANCC) for ACMEDOS+M4DOS+CubeIOS

Started by SOS, 05:53, 08 September 16

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Steps for noobs:

With YANCC, after copying the yancc.dsk to the CPC
dskx, "yancc.dsk", "/yancc"

After this then
| cd, "yancc"Then RUN "config.bas"

Afterwards when the updated YANCC-CP.ROM file made use

| romup, "yancccc-cp.rom", 3 (or whatever ROM slot)
| romup,"launch.rom", 10 (or whatever ROM slot)

To upload to ROM slots in the M4 board

CPC464/GT64, CPC464 Plus/CTM640, 2 x CPC6128/CTM644

Takis Kalatzis


I installed YANCC (latest version) on a CPC6128 with M4 Board. I have a strange message (Unknown directory) at the second window, after I switch from m4 to floppy. Same message appears at the bottom of second window when I copy a file from sd to floppy.

ROM Configuration : M4 6, AMSDOS 8, YANCC 9, LAUNCHER 10, Modified Lower ROM 31

Is this normal behavior?




Quote from: Takis Kalatzis on 14:04, 19 March 21
ROM Configuration : M4 6, AMSDOS 8, YANCC 9, LAUNCHER 10, Modified Lower ROM 31

Is this normal behavior?

no ;-)
Why you put AMSDOS on 8? You have also an active AMSDOS on 7 => 2 active AMSDOS's
Please place YANCC below the M4/AMSDOS-ROM (e.g. in slot 5 or 4 or 3,2,1) and test it again

Takis Kalatzis


Putting AMSDOS at slot 8 was a suggestion from Duke in order to have access to both SD and Floppy Disk (without disabling m4 ROM).

With AMSDOS in slot 8 : Idisc changes to floppy, Isd changes back to M4 SD
Without AMSDOS in slot 8 : Idisc does not change to floppy

I tried your suggestion:

With AMSDOS removed from slot 8 and YANCC in slot 3, the results were worse (see screenshot). Only m4 detected but no files shown!

With AMSDOS in slot 8 and YANCC in slot 3, same behavior as before (Unknown directory)

Pretty puzzling...



Quote from: Takis Kalatzis on 18:40, 19 March 21
Putting AMSDOS at slot 8 was a suggestion from Duke in order to have access to both SD and Floppy Disk (without disabling m4 ROM).

With AMSDOS in slot 8 : Idisc changes to floppy, Isd changes back to M4 SD
Without AMSDOS in slot 8 : Idisc does not change to floppy

I tried your suggestion:
With AMSDOS removed from slot 8 and YANCC in slot 3, the results were worse (see screenshot). Only m4 detected but no files shown!
Sorry for the late answer, today i check this on my Amstrad.
We must divide two things:
* "Unknown Directory": YANCC-Bug, but need Time to fix
   (it's a "new" bug,  older version should not have it, maybe use an older YANCC-Version)
* Normal Amstrad has AMSDOS in Slot 7, when you place M4DOS in 6, you must have an functional AMSDOS in 7 (Floppies are Present)
   When you set M4DOS in 7, you must set AMSDOS in a slot 8,9,10,.... - when you dont do that, you get YANCC with the last Screenshot "ROM0" in the middle.


I've had problems with the above empty (frozen) screen also

CPC6128, Drive A 3" internal, Drive B Gotek

2. Utopia
7. AMSDOS (yes its default ROM 7. If I remove this no difference)
8. Launcher

The above shows
Drives found A, C, D
ROM :7
All drives work
Unknown directory

However if we enable Lower-rom slot 31 = 6128 Lower OS Mod then it freezes with

Drives Found A,C

So seems to be an issue with the M4 + lower ROM OS mod + YANCC (141119b)

*Edit - Using FW316 seems to work fine
CPC464/GT64, CPC464 Plus/CTM640, 2 x CPC6128/CTM644


Careful with Utopia, try to remove it and let us know if this solves the problem.
http://futureos.de --> Get the revolutionary FutureOS (Update: 2024.10.27)
http://futureos.cpc-live.com/files/LambdaSpeak_RSX_by_TFM.zip --> Get the RSX-ROM for LambdaSpeak :-) (Updated: 2021.12.26)


Hi there,
I got my M4 board a view weeks ago and it works fine so far.
But this topic here causes me some headache.
I cannot get it to run.
As already mentioned by some other guys, I cannot start YANCC or the Launcher.
The CPC is always reset after |YANCC or |Launcher is entered

Config.bas was executed and the ROMS copied successfully.
My config you can see in the attached picture.
Tried it on a CPC 464 and 664 without success.

Hope someone reads this, even though the thread has been dormant for 2 years  ;)

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