
CubeMDOS / FAT16+FAT32-OS - for XMASS, Symbiface_2+3,HXC/FlashFloppy

Started by SOS, 00:18, 23 March 18

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I'm finished, attached is my latest version.

Key Features:
- Detect (nearly) all Fat16+Fat32-Partitions on your CF-Card, DOM, etc. (1st Partition please). Prefered is Fat32 (should be faster with Save-Commands)
  You can format the media with e.g. Windows and fill it with data.
- Partial longnames.
- the usual RSX like |MD, |RD, |REN,....
- |DIR + |CD accepts Wildcards
- DSK-Support
- Compatibility should be high (i hope so  ;) ) - but i'm playing around with a lower-rom-patch to increase compatibility.
- Burn to ROM7 is allowed (max. compatibility), with (or without) AMSDOS as ROM15 (best compatibility) or below 15.
- ROM7 without Floppy-ROM is allowed too, compatible with Duke's lower-ROM-Patch

The ROM must be placed below (if used) AMSDOS, M4DOS, PARADOS
Not compatible with ACMEDOS at the same time.

YANCC-User should be update to the latest version.

Added 23.03.18: CubeIOS180318b - first release - The ROM had fled  :-[ but i found it (please reload the file, sorry)
Added 15.04.18: CubeIOS140418b - Bugfixing + flexible ROM configuration allowed, changed handling of |A (see textfile)
Added 30.08.18: FormatBAS - the upcoming next release(s) will no longer include "Format.bas"
Added 01.10.18: CubeMDOS230918b - Renamed ROM, Support of Symbiface 3, HXC+Gotek (see Readme) + Small Bugfixes
Added 04.10.19: CubeMDOS290919b - A lot of Bugfixes
Added 20.01.20: CubeMDOS120120b - DSK-Support (read only) +  Bugfixes


Well done SOS !
Happy to see other os will be ready for our beloved x-Mass !

Ast/iMP4CT. "By the power of Grayskull, i've the power"


All friends are welcome !


I just give it a trial but formatting a 128Mb DOM give wrong size results...If I choose FAT16 format then I own 400Mb ??


Quote from: Kris on 17:39, 25 March 18
I just give it a trial but formatting a 128Mb DOM give wrong size results...If I choose FAT16 format then I own 400Mb ??
At the moment i have no check against the real-media-size.

You can't choose a format with higher capacity as your media can fit!
So you must choose a correct format, eg.
128MB-DOM = 1st ACMEDOS-Format (128MB),
256MB-DOM = 1st ACMEDOS-Format (128MB),
512MB-DOM (or higher) = You can use all formats (128MB,400MB,450MB)


Cool. Works great for Winapes IDE-Device.

Created empty Image via
dd if=/dev/zero of=cpcide.img count=128 bs=1M, set to W95 FAT16 (LBA) with fdisk and initialised with mkfs.vfat cpcide.img

Mounted it in Winape and could Save Files to it.

Created Entry in /etc/fstab to mount it parallel in Linux. Copying Files from Disk-Images to the IDE-Image via ManageDSK works like a charm.

Must now look, how to get it transferred to the XMASS-DOM. Are there Adapters for USB available to Mount the DOM on a PC?


Quote from: Fessor on 20:23, 10 April 18
Must now look, how to get it transferred to the XMASS-DOM. Are there Adapters for USB available to Mount the DOM on a PC?
but i will recommend:
buuuut, not all CF-Cards accepted from the XMASS...



New Version released (Symbiface 3-Support, HXC/Gotek & Small Bugfix).
My big thanks (again) to Audronic & 00WReX for beta-testing  :D
(bohh, they have good,strong nerves  ;) )


Congrats to your update. Let me ask you few questions.

- Is your DOS compatible to X-DDOS and / or to R-DOS?

- What's the difference to support SF2 and SF3? There is no SF3 docs out there? Can you tell a bit?
http://futureos.de --> Get the revolutionary FutureOS (Update: 2024.10.27)
http://futureos.cpc-live.com/files/LambdaSpeak_RSX_by_TFM.zip --> Get the RSX-ROM for LambdaSpeak :-) (Updated: 2021.12.26)


Quote from: GUNHED on 15:13, 01 October 18
- Is your DOS compatible to X-DDOS and / or to R-DOS?
- What's the difference to support SF2 and SF3? There is no SF3 docs out there? Can you tell a bit?

X-DDOS / R-DOS: Never tested   (Edit: No, both did not run, i Need only 0-1 leading DOS-ROM, like e.g. AMSDOS on 7 or 8, Parados on 7, or no DOS-ROM)

SF3 has an USB-Interface.
I have an Prototyp-Card from TMTLOGIC.
He has documented the programming Interface.

The core functions which he provides are boring easy, so my actual ReadLBA-Sector looks:

        ld bc,#FD41
ld a,1
out (c),a ; reset pointers1
; -----------
ld bc,#fd43
out (c),h
out (c),l
out (c),d
out (c),e
;LBA number Sector write (max 32)
ld a,1
out (c),a
ld bc,#FD41
ld a,51 ; read sector from usb stick
out (c),a ; reset pointers1
    ; wait processing 0 = oke 1 = busy 2 = error
in a,(c)
cp 0
jr z,SYMBIFACE3_ReadSector1_Exit
cp 1
jr z,SYMBIFACE3_ReadSector1
; error-state, so exit

call GetAMSDOSWorkingBufferInIX ; OUT: HL=Buffer, All Register preserved
ld bc,#fd43
ld de,512
in a,(c)
ld (ix),a
inc ix
dec de
ld  a, d
or  e
jr nz,SYMBIFACE3_ReadSector2
in a,(c)
cp #1a

Because of the stable CubeROM for XMASS, I "only" added an autodetect & differs in the core-functions (like):
If Symbiface3Found then begin

Hmmm, maybe i will Play in the next days with the RTC.... (when it's functional in my prototyp-Card  ::) )


That's pretty neat actually. So adding USB seems more easy (and fun) than IDE.

About R-DOS... It should be at ROM position 1, because it "just" adds commands for RAM drive C and "should" be compatible with CubeDOS.
Well, I already downloaded the new update, but have some issues here with my hardware setup (only temporary I hope).

If you have any information about how to read / write the SF3 RTC it would be nice to post it here.  :)
http://futureos.de --> Get the revolutionary FutureOS (Update: 2024.10.27)
http://futureos.cpc-live.com/files/LambdaSpeak_RSX_by_TFM.zip --> Get the RSX-ROM for LambdaSpeak :-) (Updated: 2021.12.26)


Max. 32Bit LBA addressing possibilities means 3 TB or 28Bit 128GB? (...not an important question for a CPC) :P
...proudly supported Schnapps Demo, Pentomino and NQ-Music-Disc with GFX


Quote from: HAL 6128 on 14:25, 02 October 18
Max. 32Bit LBA addressing possibilities means 3 TB or 28Bit 128GB? (...not an important question for a CPC) :P
32 Bit = 4294967295 Sectors can be assigned, size 2199023255040 Bytes = 2,19 TB 
(never tested on my CPC, whether the whole range can be correctly assigned  ;) )
=> I'm using 32 Bit for Symbiface 3, HXC/Gotek and IDE 24 Bit :o (=16777215 Sec's = 8,5 GB  >:(  ).

I think, i must set this to my todo-List, should be 28 Bit (=137 GB) or more :-[

Edit: I'm blind (can't read my own source code), IDE are supported up to 28 Bit (=137 GB) (cross checked with WinApe) all ok  :) 


I attempted to use CubeMDOS 23.09.18b in order to manage Toto's XMASS.

First: I can't enter ParaDOS menu any longer with RSX |DRIVE.
I know the RSX |DRIVE is taken by CubeMDOS, but perhaps there is another way to enter the menu of ParaDOS.

Second: Some subfolders shows as name "eEUERO~1" (with YANCC) in place of their real name.
(with pure CubeMDOS on the commandoline the first letter is instead of "e" a  (&HE5) Symbol)
This happens both on XMASS and on HXC Gotek with RSX |HB.

My configuration on CPC6128:
ROM8: LAUNCH 14.04.18b
ROM6: ParaDOS 1.1
ROM5: CubeMDOS 23.09.18b
ROM4: YANCC 14.04.18b

Perhaps I'm doing something wrong.

By the way, I'm using YANCC for more than an year and I really won't miss it. Thanks  :-*

Best regards


Moin netmercer   :)
Quote from: netmercer on 01:07, 13 November 18
First: I can't enter ParaDOS menu any longer with RSX |DRIVE.
I know the RSX |DRIVE is taken by CubeMDOS, but perhaps there is another way to enter the menu of ParaDOS.

Yes |DRIVE is caught by CubeMDOS, but when execute, i'm doing a decision "ParaDOS found?", so if yes, I execute the ParaDOS-RSX.
Works here   ???
Could you reproduce that in WinApe?
Same effect with Parados 1.2?
You can attach the big-floppy-drives? (so Parados is loaded correctly)
Please, could you send me the "?peek(&b0c7)"  and b0c8 & b0c9 values

[Strange Things happens with the Quote, so plain:]
Second: Some subfolders shows as name "eEUERO~1" (with YANCC) in place of their real name.
(with pure CubeMDOS on the commandoline the first letter is instead of "e" a  (&HE5) Symbol)
This happens both on XMASS and on HXC Gotek with RSX |HB.

Which media do you use (e.g. SD-Card 16GB FAT32 & DOM 512MB FAT16 both with partions at max size)?
You will see the strange names on both medias and the Gotek has HXC Firmware(!?)
In YANCC you dont see the longnames in the penultimate line? (I think YANCC is ok, and CubeMDOS reported strange Things)
With |DIR you will see "aUERO~1" (instead of the correct Name "EUERO~1")?
Do you deleted the subfolders before, when yes: How do you deleted them (Windows, CubeMDOS, ...)?
The directory-content is correct, when displayed in MSDOS?
Do you have a chance to do a screenshot of the sector-content of the Directory on your WindowsPC or could you upload an Image of your media on an internet-hoster (prefered)? (i can assist you (PM))


Servus SOS  ;D ,
thank you for your quick reply.

With Parados 1.2 the |DRIVE RSX works.  :doh:
I'm still using ParaDOS 1.1, because I patched it for my needs. I will see what to do...

Strange subfolder name:
In XMASS I'm using a 512MB CF card formated in FAT16 by ACMEDOS (no partition, 123 MB) and in Gotek there is a 8GB FAT32 USB stick.
Under Windows, Symbos or ACMEDOS the subfolder names are right and all works as expected. I think YANCC is ok, too.
In the past I deleted and created different files and subfolders on the CF card by ACMEDOS. For the USB stick I did this only with Windows.
The affected subfolder could be opened with its right name under CubeMDOS and the included files are usable.
Because of the beginning letter "&HE5" of the "wrong" name it might seem, that this folder was deleted, but it was not.
I will try to make a image of the directory sectors for you.

Best regards


Servus SOS,

in WinApe with CubeMDOS a image of my X-MASS drive shows the same behavior as a real CPC6128.
Enclosed you will find a screenshot of WinApe with strange subfolder name:  :o

Best regards


Quote from: RockRiver on 09:29, 20 November 18
Symbiface II (IDE) support???

Yes, should be run (i can't test it - i have no SF2).
Please reported back.  (then i will Change the title of this thread)
Media max. 128GB FAT16 or FAT32.
CubeMDOS should be detect every 1st Partition.


Quote from: netmercer on 01:07, 13 November 18
Second: Some subfolders shows as name "eEUERO~1" (with YANCC) in place of their real name.
(with pure CubeMDOS on the commandoline the first letter is instead of "e" a  (&HE5) Symbol)
This happens both on XMASS and on HXC Gotek with RSX |HB.
Bugfix sent to netmercer.
If he does not report any problems, the bugfix will be included in the next version.
The next version will take a while (I'm still struggling with the FlashFloppy-Firmware)

(Thanks to netmercer for cooperation)


Hello SOS,

I have updated my X-MEM / X-MASS installer with:
- FW3.16 (UK,FR,ES) + EXP ROM
- BASIC 1.20
- SYMBOS 3.0 ABCD ROM (optional)

The disk content include FORMAT (use FAT32), INSTALL and the X-MEM FLASHER tool.
Here the link: xmem_xmass_install.zip


"You make one mistake in your life and the internet will never let you live it down" (Keith Goodyer)


Thank you so much SOS for your work. You save our sources!
I've used the CubeIOS version for some months, and it really improves my life.

Some bug reports / feature requests (NB: I'm using 1st ACMEDOS format):

1/ Path handling
1a/ I regularly save backups on A from Orgams itself. It would be nice to just use "A:gap.o"
1b/ Even more important when includes are included: be able to write INCLUDE "/lib/arithm.o" (and relative paths as well)
Both Offset and Candy have a nice system working.

2/ |A inconsistent
Sometimes it works directly, other times I just log on A but subsequent CAT is on D: and I have to use |AOFF. I've tried both settings of the ROMs IIRC.

3/ Crashes when trying to save the 65th file.
"Directory full" message would be more gentle!

4/ Be able to use FAT with 128MB
For interoperability and since you say saving would be faster.

5/ YANCC should have a 'Move' command
At least YANCC should retain the selection (like PARADOS copier).

6/ There should be a |MV RSX as well!
Specially with 7/ fixed.

7/ Globs doesn't work as in AMSDOS
E.g. |DIR,"*.BAK"

8/ |ERA doesn't work with globs.
E.g. |ERA,"*.BAK"

9/ Sort directory.
It should take less than 1 frame on a 4Mhz Z80 :)

10/ Fix |DRIVE
When wrong number of arguments, you should lift the command to overridden DOS rom.
Right now we cannot invoke Parados copier anymore.

11/ Open source.

Ok, that's a lot demands! It just shows I've used it quite intensively (:)
As i said it's really useful. Thanks to TotO and yOu, disc access is now on par with general CPC reactivity (From switch on, 1 second to fire up Orgams, 2 seconds to load a source !).


Hi there!

nice to hear  :)

At the Moment I'm busy with Symbiface 3-Support, but i will continue the open points soon, i have some first Questions (i will check this message completely later):

Quote from: m_dr_m on 15:55, 20 February 19
2/ |A inconsistent
Sometimes it works directly, other times I just log on A but subsequent CAT is on D: and I have to use |AOFF. I've tried both settings of the ROMs IIRC.
Strange, i will later test this, please inform me, when you can reproduce that

Quote from: m_dr_m on 15:55, 20 February 19
4/ Be able to use FAT with 128MB
For interoperability and since you say saving would be faster.
What do you mean exactly?
I support the original 128MB formatted media's from ACMEDOS.

Quote from: m_dr_m on 15:55, 20 February 19
5/ YANCC should have a 'Move' command
At least YANCC should retain the selection (like PARADOS copier).

6/ There should be a |MV RSX as well!
Specially with 7/ fixed.
It's a similar feature.
I thinking about it, but when i will add this, i think not in this year.  (last Point on my todo-list)

Quote from: m_dr_m on 15:55, 20 February 19
7/ Globs doesn't work as in AMSDOS
E.g. |DIR,"*.BAK"

8/ |ERA doesn't work with globs.
E.g. |ERA,"*.BAK"
7: Oh, should work  :(   (but doesnt)
8: I will take a look.....

Quote from: m_dr_m on 15:55, 20 February 19
9/ Sort directory.
It should take less than 1 frame on a 4Mhz Z80 :)
No it's canceled, i'm thinking about this feature, but IMHO i Need a 40mhz instead of a 4mhz-CPU.
Next Problem: I Need RAM for sorting.


Quote from: SOS on 17:03, 20 February 19
> 2/ Inconsistent |A
Strange, i will later test this, please inform me, when you can reproduce that
I reproduce ~50% of the time.
* Booting on D.
* Working on D.
* Resetting to exist Orgams.
* |A

Quote from: SOS on 17:03, 20 February 19> 4/ 128Mb FAT
??What do you mean exactly?
I support the original 128MB formatted media's from ACMEDOS.
Here is what I've understood. I might be wrong:
- If I choose FAT format, it will try to use 400Mb. So, once the first 128Mb of the DOM is used, all hell breaks loose.
- ACMEDOS format is safe, but slower in regard to SAVE and not readable by SymbOS.
Hence, a FAT format not overflowing over 128Mb would be perfect.
Quote from: SOS on 17:03, 20 February 19> 9/ Sorting directory
No it's canceled, i'm thinking about this feature, but IMHO i Need a 40mhz instead of a 4mhz-CPU.Next Problem: I Need RAM for sorting.
Not counting the 2ko for cat, cannot we reuse some AMSDOS buffer (like the one used to read sectors)?
Do you plan to maintain the 64 files directory limit (I would be fine with that)?I could do the sorting routine, if you wish!

Thank you for your fast reply!


Quote from: m_dr_m on 19:52, 20 February 19ACMEDOS format is safe, but slower in regard to SAVE and not readable by SymbOS.
ACMEDOS handle an unparted FAT16 mass storage. You can read and write from SymbOS as well as from any compatible OS (windows, linux, ...) if connected.

"You make one mistake in your life and the internet will never let you live it down" (Keith Goodyer)

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