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G-Paint V2.0 by Güenter Radestock

Started by ComSoft6128, 07:02, 22 June 22

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From CPC Attack! (1992):
"Without a doubt, GPAINT is the ultimate in public domain art packages. It's written in machine code, uses an ICON system, works in all three modes, has user definable fills, a wide range of shapes, and fonts in various sizes. It's VERY good. VERY good indeed. Compared with the Art Studio it still fares well, and although isn't as good, it isn't too bad. In fact unless you own a 128K machine, and can run the Advanced Art Studio, then GPaint should satisfy your every need."

From CPCWiki:
"Two versions were available. GPaint 1.0 was 64k-compatible, whereas GPaint 2.0 required 128k, and could utilise Güenter's Atari-ST mouse adapter and the Vortex RAM expansion. Interestingly, v2.0 also had a screen layout reminiscent of the popular Atari ST art package DEGAS."


Not emulated - original hardware and software.
Please note that  the aspect ratio for this YouTube video is 16:9 but the CPC monitor
has an aspect ratio of 4:3 so you may wish to adjust your viewing device accordingly.


Well, I'm still using this program on a regular base - and OCP art studio once in a while. :)

The cool thing about G-Paint is that I can use my proportional Atari ST mouse with it.  ;D --> Get the revolutionary FutureOS (Update: 2024.10.27) --> Get the RSX-ROM for LambdaSpeak :-) (Updated: 2021.12.26)

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