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Port of FUZIX for the CPC6128

Started by ajcasado, 00:07, 13 October 24

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I've managed to get the floppy driver working. The code is hardcoded to assume two floppy drives: the first one (drive A  - /dev/fd0) is single-sided, and the second one (drive B - /dev/fd1) is double-sided. The format is fixed to 9 sectors of 512 bytes per track, numbered from 1 to 9, with a GAP3 value of &2A. The number of tracks isn't predefined, but if the range allowed by the drive is exceeded, an I/O error occurs.

I've added a function to the Makefile to generate a DSK file with a minimal 720k root filesystem for drive B, which can be selected as fd1 at the bootdev: prompt during boot. However, it's not very practical (yet) since it still needs either an IDE device or the Albireo's USB storage for swap space.

You can download it from:

There is also a dsk image of a 40 tracks single sided floppy that can be formatted using mkfs from FUZIX
CPC 664

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I've tested the FUZIX utilities dosdir, dosread, doswrite, and dosdel, and they work with a FAT12 720k formatted disk on /dev/fd1.
CPC 664

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I've managed to add support for standard RAM expansions to be used as RAM disk for swap space in FUZIX. For this purpose, I created a new platform in the FUZIX platform tree called CPC6128-SME.

The size of the RAM expansion isn't automatically detected; it needs to be set in the config.h file before compilation.

Two expansion sizes are supported: 512k and 1024k. I've uploaded the corresponding builds for both sizes to

With this version, you can run FUZIX using only a floppy drive, as long as you have a standard RAM expansion of at least 512k and a 3.5" floppy disk drive or a device capable of emulating one well enough.

CPC 664

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You start to get old when you stop learning.


Quote from: ajcasado on 23:26, 15 January 25With this version, you can run FUZIX using only a floppy drive, as long as you have a standard RAM expansion of at least 512k and a 3.5" floppy disk drive or a device capable of emulating one well enough.
Whether this is actually useful is pretty debatable, but at the very least, it's definitely a challenge!
CPC 664

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You start to get old when you stop learning.


Following the guidance of @EtchedPixels (Alan Cox), I've merged both CPC6128 ports and documented the use of extended RAM as swap space, as well as how to build the port with the desired swap option, in the README file in
CPC 664

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You start to get old when you stop learning.


I've tested the 512k RAM disk version with the root filesystem image for floppy disk using the Usifac II floppy disk emulation by @ikonsgr , and it seems to work. The corresponding fuzix.dsk is loaded with |mg, and root.dsk with |mg2. Then, the emulation is activated with |fdc, and FUZIX is loaded using |cpm. After that, the image change button is pressed, and at the bootdev prompt, fd1 is inserted as boot device.
CPC 664

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