
Prodatrons Digitrackker 1.4 - now vor LambdaSpeak / Amdrum in 8 Bit Mode!

Started by GUNHED, 18:45, 01 March 21

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Wouldn't it be the best if the best software runs with the best hardware?

For Digi-Samples the best software I know is Prodatrons Digitrakker.

And for 8 Bit Samples? Is it the Digiblaster? The Amdrum? The Music machine?

Judging by quality it's the LambdaSpeak (1.X, 3, FS - all of them), because their 8 Bit Sample Port serves the best quality (and it's Amdrum compatible).

So what to do?
Take this DSK and 100's of samples from Prodatrons homepage.
Switch the channel to 'D' for 8 Bit Digital, then just play a song (with your LambdaSpeak).

If you don't have a LambdaSpeak you can use JavaCPC, which does support the Amdrum port of the LS.
http://futureos.de --> Get the revolutionary FutureOS (Update: 2024.10.27)
http://futureos.cpc-live.com/files/LambdaSpeak_RSX_by_TFM.zip --> Get the RSX-ROM for LambdaSpeak :-) (Updated: 2021.12.26)



Nice, have you made changes to Digitracker from the original source?
Any chance of supporting additional RAM?  :P
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Hi @GUNHED , Can't load a song from the M4 ?, I have to change the rubber of the CPC floppy disk.
your amstrad news source in spanish language : https://auamstrad.es


Quote from: Skunkfish on 13:59, 03 March 21
Nice, have you made changes to Digitracker from the original source?
Any chance of supporting additional RAM?  :P
Prodatron provided the source code kindly on his home page. Therefore it's not a hack, it's an adaption. And the new source is part of the DSK.

You can probably use multiple 64 KB RAM Blocks (the usual is &7FC2), but this needs to change the code of the player generator. However it seems not to be planned to have more than 64 KB RAM for sample data. This is just what I saw from an quick look. But Prodatron made the great Digitrakker, he knows more.  :) :) :)

Quote from: XeNoMoRPH on 16:48, 03 March 21
Hi @GUNHED , Can't load a song from the M4 ?, I have to change the rubber of the CPC floppy disk.
Oh, I'm sad to hear. As much I see, the Digitrakker does use firmware calls to work with files. So, it should work with the M4 too. I have to check that by myself.

As nice it is to work with Prodatrons great Digitrakker, it's also very nice to use digi-samples, MDLs, songs and so on in own productions.
Therefore Prodatron made the 'Player Generator' for the Digitrakker. It's nearly 4 KB long and can be adapted at nearly every start address.

Now the 'Player Generator' was adapted for LambdaSpeak too. See first DSK.

The 2nd DSK contains 'Demo1.bas' and 'Demo2.bas' to show how easy it is to use digi stuff even in BASIC.
http://futureos.de --> Get the revolutionary FutureOS (Update: 2024.10.27)
http://futureos.cpc-live.com/files/LambdaSpeak_RSX_by_TFM.zip --> Get the RSX-ROM for LambdaSpeak :-) (Updated: 2021.12.26)



Seems cool! Just a couple of questions :
- from memory, weren't the samples internally stored as 7 bit in DigiTracker? I seem to remember something about the 7th bit as a marker.
- I don't know anything about the hardware you're using, but do you mix the channels, like the original code did? 7 bits +7 bits = 8 bits, +7 bits / 2 to retrieve the carry. Right? One channel in output.

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Quote from: Targhan on 18:28, 03 March 21
Seems cool! Just a couple of questions :
- from memory, weren't the samples internally stored as 7 bit in DigiTracker? I seem to remember something about the 7th bit as a marker.
True, I just took a look at some MDLs, they're 7 bit (0-7F).

Quote from: Targhan on 18:28, 03 March 21
- I don't know anything about the hardware you're using, but do you mix the channels, like the original code did? 7 bits +7 bits = 8 bits, +7 bits / 2 to retrieve the carry. Right? One channel in output.
Exactly. 7 bits + 7 bit = no carry set, then + 7 bits (3rd channel) may set the carry so there is a pointer to one of two tables out of 256 bytes.

What I changed was the digiblaster port from &EFxx to &FFxx, also the table was changed by XOR 80 (because the Digiblaster need that inverted 8. bit, but the Amdrum / LambdaSpeak don't need it be inverted). The tables are made during the application run. All changes in the source code are marked with an ###, so you can find them very easy.

For LambdaSpeak please take a look here:

and here:
http://futureos.de --> Get the revolutionary FutureOS (Update: 2024.10.27)
http://futureos.cpc-live.com/files/LambdaSpeak_RSX_by_TFM.zip --> Get the RSX-ROM for LambdaSpeak :-) (Updated: 2021.12.26)


And this is the disc like you know it from the original release...
http://futureos.de --> Get the revolutionary FutureOS (Update: 2024.10.27)
http://futureos.cpc-live.com/files/LambdaSpeak_RSX_by_TFM.zip --> Get the RSX-ROM for LambdaSpeak :-) (Updated: 2021.12.26)


Well, when I try to load a song, the list of folders from the SD of the M4 does not appear, and at the moment I cannot load from the floppy disk, I must fix it :(
your amstrad news source in spanish language : https://auamstrad.es


Quote from: XeNoMoRPH on 21:01, 03 March 21
Well, when I try to load a song, the list of folders from the SD of the M4 does not appear, and at the moment I cannot load from the floppy disk, I must fix it :(
Try to click at drive A (or B) first, then the "@" will turn into the drive letter. (Also it helps to switch additional ROMs off).
http://futureos.de --> Get the revolutionary FutureOS (Update: 2024.10.27)
http://futureos.cpc-live.com/files/LambdaSpeak_RSX_by_TFM.zip --> Get the RSX-ROM for LambdaSpeak :-) (Updated: 2021.12.26)


Quote from: GUNHED on 15:14, 04 March 21
Try to click at drive A (or B) first, then the "@" will turn into the drive letter. (Also it helps to switch additional ROMs off).

the program tries to read from the floppy drive if I do that  :-X
your amstrad news source in spanish language : https://auamstrad.es


Quote from: XeNoMoRPH on 08:17, 05 March 21
the program tries to read from the floppy drive if I do that  :-X
Well, I'm sorry to hear. Maybe Prodatron or Duke can help.
The source code is provided in the DSKs I postet.
http://futureos.de --> Get the revolutionary FutureOS (Update: 2024.10.27)
http://futureos.cpc-live.com/files/LambdaSpeak_RSX_by_TFM.zip --> Get the RSX-ROM for LambdaSpeak :-) (Updated: 2021.12.26)


My digitrackker wishlist:

- support more ram, 576kb? ideally 2mb?
- load from m4 without issues
- allow AY sequencing as well so we don't have to only have digital sounds, makes sense to use inbuilt AY rather than sample the AY just to use it in digitracker


http://futureos.de --> Get the revolutionary FutureOS (Update: 2024.10.27)
http://futureos.cpc-live.com/files/LambdaSpeak_RSX_by_TFM.zip --> Get the RSX-ROM for LambdaSpeak :-) (Updated: 2021.12.26)

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