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read/write sectors in dsk or edsk

Started by arnoldemu, 10:57, 28 July 10

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Is there a command-line tool which will read/write sectors in dsk or edsk?

I want to be able to give the tool a file and it will write it sector by sector to the dsk.
or, to tell it to read sectors and put them into a file.

any ideas?
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Yep, Ramlaid has made a wonderful tool call CpcManageDsk (Windows only), which I guess is unreleased. Orion Prime couldn't have been made without it. PM me if you're interested (contact at julien-nevo dot com). Maybe I should press him to put online again...

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Ok, please, PLEASE do release it! Pleeeeeeeeeeeease!!!


Quote from: Targhan on 09:04, 30 July 10
Yep, Ramlaid has made a wonderful tool call CpcManageDsk (Windows only), which I guess is unreleased. Orion Prime couldn't have been made without it. PM me if you're interested (contact at julien-nevo dot com). Maybe I should press him to put online again...
you have e-mail ;)
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For other peoples info: Ramlaid's cpcdskmanager tool will format a dsk and let you put data onto it, but it doesn't (yet?) read data from a dsk to a file.
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There is also a version of the write direct command for WinAPE assembler which will allow you to write sectors directly from your assembler source, but nothing to read them :)


Quote from: Executioner on 06:33, 23 August 10
There is also a version of the write direct command for WinAPE assembler which will allow you to write sectors directly from your assembler source, but nothing to read them :)
Well I am thinking of either extending cpcxfs (but then this is mostly file related) or modifying a really old tool I have from 2001 for doing this job.

I need to use the tool because I want to format a dsk, write some sectors for "CAT art".
I needed it because when I got the "CAT art" it was also itself on a dsk and needed extracting ;)
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