
Locomotive BASIC - GRAFTRIC by Loriciels (Yvan Staron & Frederic Bernheim)

Started by ComSoft6128, 07:47, 22 February 22

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French commercial program released in 1985 (86?) for the 464/664/6128 (and also the C64) by the Loriciels software house. The two BASIC files are Listed and I've used the default program values. The "3D" object starts at 3:58 and completes at 14:28.

"This program allows a graphic representation of an equation of the type z=f(x,y).
x and y represent the coordinates of the projection of a current point of the surface on the base plane z=0."

Mini review from 'CPC' magazine (@ CPCRulez):
"3D curves
All lovers of mathematical curves are already rubbing their hands: finally a software capable of ensuring the layout in 3D (3 dimensions) of the craziest equations... or the most serious. Curious ? student ? passionate about beautiful figures? enter your equation, Graftric takes care of doing the calculations (it's sometimes a bit long, but we only get what we deserve... you shouldn't put 3 cosines and 2 exponentials in a row!). Graftric will represent the curve in two ways: mesh or checkerboard. The curves thus obtained can be saved on tape, titled and then reused, perhaps to embellish the title page of a program... The choice of colors is left to the initiative of the user. It should be noted that, despite the special nature of this software, its production and presentation have been meticulous. A software that will reconcile you with maths!".


Not emulated - original hardware and software.
Please note that  the aspect ratio for this YouTube video is 16:9 but the CPC monitor
has an aspect ratio of 4:3 so you may wish to adjust your viewing device accordingly.

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