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Started by Lone, 22:31, 27 November 16

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Since I worked a lot on various dump format support for Sugarbox, I decided to use all this code in a stand-alone utility, for dump conversion.

It can convert your disks from dsk, edsk, supercard pro, HFE, IPF, CT-raw, Raw (kryoflux) to dsk/edsk, scp, IPF, HFE.
It can be use for batch (directory (with recursive option) and filter can be used).

Here it is :

UPDATE 12/16/2016 : 0.27.2 fix lots of bugs. Link is here :


By the way : don't use it for DSK convertion : a lot of other tools are working far better.
The main quality is on the other formats (more straightforward formats)

EDIT - To be more precise : DSK can be used as source, but shouldn't be used as output. Samdisk (for example) works far better.
The main quality of my tool is the recréation of a complete MFM track from many source (including edsk), and the possibility to write it to another format. IPF, SCP and HFE should be prefered, as it can be automated (DSK need lots of computing, which aer not of great quality here).

Another note on IPF : The IPF genereted is exactly what is on the track. Unlike the SPS tools, there is no recognition of an existing protection scheme. The drawback is the size of the dump (which is often a bit big). The advantage is that every dump should work exactly as the original tacks.



Here is a small update.

The IPF conversion is now far better : As far as I have tested it (about 4000 dumps), it generate exactly the same track.
Also, there is less crashes on the read side (especially with wrong dsk !)


A little update : The tool no longer crash when converting to E-Dsk format (but, still, don't use it !)


Linux users may enjoy the source release of sugarconv  8)

install cmake & zlib libraries (zlib1g-dev or something like this)
go to SugarConvDsk directory
cmake .
make all
My pronouns are RASM and ACE


No luck on Mac due to the <experimental/filesystem> include...  :picard:



I made a new release with some various fix & enhancement.
Also, a linux binary is available for download (no mac yet, as I don't have any chance to have a mac to compile and test it)


Very nice! Just saw this new tool. Will have a look now! Thanks a lot for creating it.  :) --> Get the revolutionary FutureOS (Update: 2023.11.30) --> Get the RSX-ROM for LambdaSpeak :-) (Updated: 2021.12.26)


Quote from: Lone on 18:51, 08 October 18

I made a new release with some various fix & enhancement.
Also, a linux binary is available for download (no mac yet, as I don't have any chance to have a mac to compile and test it)

I can help you testing on Mac, but the <experimental/filesystem> include is not available on Mac compilers.

I managed to compile it on Linux Mint 19 though.

What do you use <experimental/filesystem> for?


It's mainly used for std::filesystem::path class (an easy way to handle path )

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