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Wanted 256K RAM Expansion

Started by Vyper68, 13:59, 19 December 17

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As it says i am after a 256K or better RAM Expansion for my CPC464 any takers just PM - me fair prices paid.
Paul Woakes - Genius & Programmer

Thank you for Mercenary Paul


The best and cheapest think you can get is an X-MEM from the great Tot0.  :) --> Get the revolutionary FutureOS (Update: 2024.10.27) --> Get the RSX-ROM for LambdaSpeak :-) (Updated: 2021.12.26)


Quote from: GUNHED on 15:25, 20 December 17
The best and cheapest think you can get is an X-MEM from the great Tot0.  :)

I don't think they are available anymore and they only fit a X4 Board by the looks of it, I need one that has an edge connector DK Tronics style with a pass through so i can use my DDI-3 as well. Then i could run the 128K Demos and games.

The other option is to set up a second drive on my CPC6128 but i have not made much of a start on that project yet.
Paul Woakes - Genius & Programmer

Thank you for Mercenary Paul


Well, you can contact Tot0 and ask him about production. He will know. PM him or email him. He is a great polite guy and will surely help if possible.  :)

Also you can add a socket to a expansion port cable to be able to connect a MX4 card. That's the cheapest way. Of course it's needed to be somehow handy to squeeze that think properly on a cable.  :) --> Get the revolutionary FutureOS (Update: 2024.10.27) --> Get the RSX-ROM for LambdaSpeak :-) (Updated: 2021.12.26)



Quote from: SRS on 16:52, 25 December 17
How about that one ?

I did buy a DDI-3 from that seller, that expansion was my go to option if I could not get hold of an old one. I was after an original  DK Tronics model to begin with.
Paul Woakes - Genius & Programmer

Thank you for Mercenary Paul


Ah, I see. You could even upgrade your DDI3 then :)


Still after a DK Tronics memory expansion if anyone is willing to part with one.
Paul Woakes - Genius & Programmer

Thank you for Mercenary Paul

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