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About TFM ban

Started by Hicks, 12:41, 04 March 14

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Soooo let me see if I'm getting this right:

Because you haven't seen in in any of your meeting (incidentally, I haven't met you in any of the meetings I've been in Greece :D), you think you can waltz in here and judge me and find me to be arrogant because I am suspicious about someone who wants to be 'caustic' the first time they talk to me. Boy, you got some attitude issues...

As for the meetings being a measure, yeah, it's a well-known fact among the CPC scene members that there's an elitism prevalence that separates people between 'us' and 'them'. And, yeah, if you've become tired of me within the space of a two-page thread, imagine how bored most people have become of you people's elitism and presumption.

What's more, I'm trying to run a forum here and yes, there will be rules, and these rules have nothing to do with how many of you I have met in person but with fundamental issues of basic decency and respect; your elitism lies in that you think that because you've been to so many meetings and are so awesomely and fucking cool, you don't need to abide by them. Good luck with that.


There were of course a lot of Amstrad meetings in Greece these last years  ;D
It's obvious that you are speaking of something you don't know at all... Elitism in meeting... It's the exact inverse: friendship and human relations. Not trolls on the Internet because of sarcastic comments.
I stop here because it's a "no exit" discussion.
And I give you the last words, Censor Gryzor (fuck another caustic comment... I should be punished for this :)


You seem to know all about meetings in Greece... kudos! I didn't know it must be a CPC-*specific* meeting for me to qualify as a worthy member of the scene! Tsk! My bad.

And: you're probably missing the plot, so let me spell it out for you: I don't care who and how much you hug with in the meetings, the elitism comes out towards those who don't participate.

You may pretend to be as much of a caustic as you want. But to be caustic it takes talent, it's not just about being offensive and arrogant. Keep that in mind next time someone looks at you thinking of words other than "caustic".

But I guess I shouldn't be surprised; the fact that you're siding with TFM, the person that most complaints have been leveled at in the past, speaks volumes...

PS Nice to see you addressing only a very few of the points I make...


Cpcwiki is probably mainly visited by people from the web, it's totally clueless to think it should be a website for people who meet or represented by an admin of your choice. Are you serious? Wow and you can deny it's not elitism on a hobby here. How cool :D

Gryzor is a nice guy. You don't even realise your sarcasms or what? ;D

There are underground CPC website, random people from the web don't visit them, they won't bug you, l33t place, see what I mean?


Thanks mate. I really don't understand how some people are more entitled because they have attended some parties. Or how some are so aggressive...


Wow, what the hell happened here?   :o

Firstly to Gryzor, you probably did overact, but I can totally understand why - I'm sure you're sick of the entire TFM thing now and this must have seemed like a totally uncalled for personal attack. From a neutral point of view, if you take it as a joke the screenshot was pretty funny as a parody, but I guess it's hard in your position for this not seem like an attack.

But really, Hicks, whether it was meant as a joke or not, you must surely have known that that picture was going to have the potential to cause offence. There's really no way it couldn't. Especially, when you follow it up with all that other stuff in the subsequent posts.

Sure, you ARE active in the mainland Europe demoscene (even I've met you and I've only met a handful of CPC sceners) but to be fair you are pretty new to THIS forum. What you won't have seen is a very active and close-knit but also incredibly welcoming and tolerant community, the success of which is largely due to years and years of Gryzor putting in a lot of effort to keep the site up to date, manually get rid of all the spam, moderate things and generally keep this place a pleasant place to be. A lot of it is even unseen and unthanked, but take a look at the amount of spam edits on the wiki to see just how active the spambots are! Honestly, the only issue we've had since Gryzor took the helm is this stupid TFM debarcle. Just because you've not seen Gryzor at a French demoparty, doesn't mean he's not active in the CPC community. He pretty much runs the biggest CPC community singlehandedly. Maybe some of the French communities are bigger, I don't know. I'm sure it's the biggest English speaking CPC community.

For whatever reason, you're siding with TFM. That's your choice, I guess. You said earlier though,
QuoteBut I read the posts from TFM in the Hall of Shame and I must say that I didn't find anything very offencing, but just some critics, ironic messages, etc
which suggests that you're basing your opinions on just that and you've missed all the occasions where TFM has single handed pissed off everybody else in the thread. This isn't a one off. This is par for the course with TFM. If you don't believe me, read through all the 16KB ROM competition threads. The whole thing was an embarassment from before the competition when he was trying to get people disqualified for letting some people see their entry early, to months afterwards when he was basically saying that the ONLY reason he lost was because there was an organised conspiracy to vote other people's games ahead of his. If I'm honest, TFM single handedly made me feel ashamed of our community and the fact that outsiders were hearing about our competition via Retro Gamer, coming to our forum and seeing that kind of bickering as representative of the CPC scene as a whole.

Like I say, I don't know the exact reasons why TFM was banned in this case, but I can be damned sure that they were good ones. I've been victimised by him too several times in the past. Once for example, I dared to make a positive comment about the 6502 to somebody else which lead to many insults and when I asked him politely over PM to tone it down, it got worse. There's absolutely no way of ever convincing him to even consider the possibility of another viewpoint when he has it in his head that he's right. After the idiocy he displayed last summer, I actually had him on my ignore list for about six months so that I didn't have to read any more of his posts unless somebody else quoted them. I've never done that on a forum or even newsgroup before, and I've been using the internet for over 20 years!

The frustrating thing is that TFM does have value to bring to the scene. He's still active, still writing software, still knowledgeable about the Z80 and CPC hardware. He can also be incredibly helpful when he chooses to be. It's just that he either likes to always pick fights or he genuinely has no way of comprehending that anyone might hold a different view to him or even worse, that someone else might actually be right. If anyone expresses an idea that he dislikes, he always sees it as a personal attack and starts with the insults. If a third party calls him out on it, he'll say it was only a joke but then continue again in a couple more days. If more than one person agree with the idea that's contrary to his view, he'll then start down the whole "everybody is against me" track.

Sad as it may be, a temporary ban really does seem to be the only thing he will respond to. No amount of polite requests were heeded last summer. Only when he received a few days ban did he actually start being pleasant for a while, but it didn't last long. Perhaps this time he might learn from a longer ban, only time will tell.

But seriously, attacking the moderator is ridiculous. This is so far off censorship, it's laughable that the term is even being used. At every step, Gryzor has made it totally clear what he was doing and why. It's certainly a far more open process than I've seen on almost every other forum I've ever been on.

Now can we please get back to being nice to each other?  :D


Ok...?!?! I seem to have run out of popcorn.


Can we close this thread now and get back to talking about what we actually all come here for? Our original subject was the Amstrad CPC as far as I can remember...



And how a single joke (with simleys) become a new scene drama... Quite despairing.


@Hicks: Maybe because the joke was on an already existing scene drama? ;D

Anyway, I can affirm that Gryzor has attended at least one meeting where 33% of the greek active CPC demoscene was present; and we talked a lot about the CPC. He also paid for my coffee, so I owe him the next one. Therefore Gryzor will possibly meet with that 33% of the greek CPC demoscene in the very near future. :P



Quote from: Hicks on 13:29, 11 March 14
And how a single joke (with simleys) become a new scene drama... Quite despairing.

Is simleys a new game in the sim series? Will it be part of the eagerly expected 30 years frenc^h^h^h^h^h CPC scene demo?

PS:  :) ;) :D ;D
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Quote from: BSC on 13:52, 12 March 1430 years frenc^h^h^h^h^h CPC scene demo?

I think we are two or maybe three years away from that, non?  ;D



I just seen the pic from Hicks and spilled my coffee out of laughter. That's why I instantly put a like, it was... creative :)
But I realized later maybe it's offensive to most since I was the only one giving a like (I guess calling an admin censor is like godwins law), and don't believe of course gryzor was strict in general, given how much patient he was before with all these incidents. Just to let you know, don't want anyone to think I was against someone here, I spontaneously liked the pic because it seemed funny at first.

I've met TFM several years ago in CPC Only Meeting 2. He seemed like a nice guy, we felt like family, was good times. Of course I can see how he reacts when his game is taking not the most positive reviews or in any other occasion, I don't agree with the way he acts, don't know if I would have the heart to ban him if I was admin, so I don't know what to say. Perhaps he grows up one day and can return back to this forum without causing any more problems.


No need to explain your Like mate; as a matter of fact, I found the image quite good too. It was the overall context that was problematic.

As for TFM, I think I made it clear that it wasn't easy at all for me either banning him; been deliberating for months about it...


@Hicks: Really, I laughed, too ;)

@Gryzor: Hey, take it easy ;)

@All: Peace

@TFM: Happy holidays
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That's what you said with Kangaroo, Leonie etc... you must know, by now, that "take it easy" only works for so long.


Quote from: Gryzor on 22:26, 12 March 14
That's what you said with Kangaroo, Leonie etc...
Seems you have a problem with german people, markus beware  :laugh:
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Quote from: fano on 07:52, 13 March 14Seems you have a problem with german people
Or the other way around.
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I'd say more that but there are not present so i can't speak about  :-X 
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Quote from: fano on 07:52, 13 March 14
Seems you have a problem with german people, markus beware  :laugh:

I don't think so.
Some Germans (Incl. me) may have problems sometimes in really understanding the meanings of things when written in a foreign language like English.
And some then behave strange.
Then, perhaps a comma or a smiley is missing, or whatever, and we have a nice drama scene ;)

Edit: We also seem to like drama scenes in German forums, so the language barrier maybe not the only reason
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Personally, I just don't like anyone... at least then everyone knows their place! ^_^

EDIT: Oh, I didn't put a proper smiley in it, so someone might take offence, so... ;-)


Nonsense. I can't remember anyone liking drama scenes in German forums.

Also, if this is a language barrier problem, simply by inference we all here must be at each others throats, since the inception of this forum, because there are English (from all parts of the Commonwealth), German, French, Spanish, Greek, Danish, Belgian, Italian, Romanian, Czech, Russian users here (and probably some I forgot to mention).

And let's face it, people speaking a Germanic language should have *less* problems understanding the basic vocabular and grammar of English. We're not doing a poetry contest here. And the occasional malapropism or wrong stylistic choice of words will readily be winked at by English native speakers.
Regardless of the concrete case here, language barrier has by now too often served as an excuse (even by Kanga IIRC).

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Quote from: MaV on 13:22, 13 March 14
Nonsense. I can't remember anyone liking drama scenes in German forums.

See? That's exactly what I meant.
The language barrier and the understanding of things.

My reply was meant a bit ironic.
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Quote from: Devilmarkus on 13:27, 13 March 14My reply was meant a bit ironic.
Irony is usually lost in written conversation, unless you mark it as that or is anything but subtle. So, put a smiley at the appropriate location and it is taken for what it is.

That doesn't invalidate my statement at all.

Edit: typo
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