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Amstrad Action TYPE-IN PROJECT

Started by CPCIak, 09:56, 03 January 10

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I've done some type-ins for issues 40-45. They will need bug testing, although all the machine code programs are typed in correctly.

I will work on more when I get some time.

Zoe Robinson

Quote from: EgoTrip on 16:07, 06 November 13
I've done some type-ins for issues 40-45. They will need bug testing, although all the machine code programs are typed in correctly.

I will work on more when I get some time.

Cool. Thank you. Sorry I didn't reply sooner, I've been away.

I'm hoping to have some more free time to work on these type-ins myself, too. Fingers crossed that the project can be finished by the end of the year. :)


Oh, hey Zoe, welcome back! :)

Zoe Robinson

Thanks! It's good to be back. :D


First of all apologies for the thread necromancy  :-[

I stumbled across this thread while looking for a few particular type ins and wanted to lend a hand. I'll PM Gryzor directly about how to add contributions to the wiki but in the meantime I have done what Zoe intended i.e. take the type ins from the covertapes and save to .dsk files.

I've done issues 81-89 with the exception of 88 and 83, because 83 was an exact reprint of 82's type-ins section!  :picard:

Maybe 2016 will be the year of the completed AA Type-Ins wiki!

Zoe Robinson

Thank you for doing this, it's much appreciated!  ;D


hey @robbarton ! No PM received here... :) Let me know whenever and I'll be glad to help you!


PM sent this time!  :)

My plan is to do AA88 and then go back to earlier issues; this type ins thread contains some links from CPCIak (AA101, AA106, AA107) and Egotrip (AA40-AA45) but that content doesn't seem to have made it to the wiki.

I'm happy to provide the content in the form of text files and screenshots if someone can advise how to turn it into wiki pages.

Zoe Robinson

Yeah, there were a few things that never made it onto the Wiki for various reasons; mostly due to me having so little time to deal with it all of a sudden.


@Gryzor - not sure if you got my PM?

Is this the best place to upload the files for the wiki? Please educate me if adding to this thread isn't the best way to do this:

4 x zip files, each containing: 1 x DSK image, 1 x text file, and screenshots of each program.

AA101, AA106, AA107
These are all CPCIAK's work except the text files

This one is my work (hopefully no typo's!  ::) ) Maybe some kind souls will take a look and iron out the bugs!

More to come, just need to do some screenshots.


Johnny Olsen

This one is my work (hopefully no typo's!  ::) ) Maybe some kind souls will take a look and iron out the bugs!

No need to do it the hard way, use Pat McDonalds typewriter.
type-writer &copy amstrad action (1989)


If someone wants to buy me a new laptop I can do some more, as well as finish off my game.


I have finally worked out how to upload to the wiki and get the screenshots and disc images to link. It seems my use of Noscript on Firefox was somewhat hampering the experience  :picard:

Now that's out of the way, I have added wiki pages for AA issues 81-88, 101, 106, 107.

The plan is to do issue 77, then  issues 89-100 so that the run from 76 to the end is complete.

Please enjoy these type ins and share any feedback.


I've added more pages to the wiki: type-ins from AA42, 43, 44 and 89.

I have now added the last few bits of "low hanging fruit" to the Type Ins wiki (i.e. other people's hard work). My task now is to knuckle down to the rest!

Obviously the speed of edits to the wiki is going to slow down for a while as I enter the programs (have been copying and pasting from PDFs and correcting the OCR, going via notepad into Winape), but I'll try to post stuff progressively rather than wait until it's all done. The inertia is overcome, now to keep up the momentum!


Following an earlier suggestion, I have gone through scans of AA issues 27-100 and listed each type in and author. Then I cross-referenced that against CPC Power and got what they had from the list.

I have uploaded AA52 and AA97 now.

I've got another source of type-in files that I need to check but hopefully some of these will be on the list and I'll be able to tick off a few more issues.


Thanks for your hard work mate :)

Zoe Robinson

Quote from: robbarton on 16:49, 11 February 16
have been copying and pasting from PDFs and correcting the OCR, going via notepad into Winape)

You've been what?  :o

Do you mean to say I was typing in all these things the hard way:'(

:picard2: :picard2: :picard2: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :picard: :picard: :picard:


Quote from: Zoe Robinson on 19:04, 13 February 16

You've been what?  :o

Do you mean to say I was typing in all these things the hard way:'(

:picard2: :picard2: :picard2: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :picard: :picard: :picard:

Typing in by hand is the honourable and correct way to do it  :) , not the cheeky shortcut way that I have been employing!

Anyway the OCR is terrible on some of the scans so pretty often I end up retyping a line quicker than editing it. However it's great to be able to do a search-replace on G0T0, F0R etc. where the letter o has OCR'd as a zero.


Just had a look at a Text Version of AA44 Type-ins page on, this was the one of the few programs I could understand, but there's errors galore!


Binary loader

A short'risweet program from Shabaz Yousaf that can load in
any binary rue, at any address {only works from tape). After
you've done this, by typing


you can find o-i~ just where the oode is trying to go.

If you ve ever tried exploring code without being sure just
where it's supposed 10 go. yon should find this very useful,
especially for low loading programs that are tricky to handle
from Basic.

1 ' Binary Loader

2 ' By Shabaz Yousaf

3 ■ For Amstrad Action 27 Septsube* 19B8

4 ' Press TAB to load any binary file.

5 ' Type PRINT BEX? (PEEK (6B03Q)+FEEK(*B031)*256)

6 ' to find LOAD addrass-

7 <

10 FOR i=£BO00 ttO £B02F:READ a?:P0KE i, VAL("A"+aS)

: NEXT: CALL 4B000
20 DATA 01, f f, SI, 11, Oc.bO, 21, 32,^,03^0, be, 3ft, 44

,cd, le
30 DATA lijfea^l^OO^COfi.OO^l^O.^Ccd,!?,^,^!

40 DATA b0,fi2 r,83 r bc,cd,7a,bc.c9,*<,53 1 6b,7$

* Using the old Amstrad Languages :D * And create my own ;)
* Incorporating the Firmware :P
* I also like to problem solve code in BASIC :)   * And type-in Type-Ins! :D

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@ AMSDOS: yes, that is a perfect example - I can read a PDF of the scanned AA page and understand what variables etc are being used (and I'm not even 1% of a programmer) but the OCR on some of the pages is really bad and unusable. I think it must have something to do with either the scanner resolution or the software that was used.

I've uploaded AA40, 60 and 66 today. Only 52 issues to go!  ;D I suppose that makes the completion 50.5% (53 of 105 issues as 1, 2 and 83 had no (unique) type-ins).


For the benefit of anyone who hasn't clicked the link, the type-ins in the Christmas Crackers booklet are:

Type-Writer (Pat McDonald)
Magazine Editor (Johnnie Chan) Jul 88
Treasure Hunt (Benedict Garrett) Sep 88
Text Editor (Mark Bonshor) Sep 87
Ripples (David Carter)
Fireworks (Johnnie Chan)
Landscapes (Martyn Harrison) Feb 87
Snowstorm (Shaun Garrad) Jan 87
Dalivre (SKULL DATRSMA PD) 1991
Star Dodger (Rajiv Gatha) Jun 87
Synth (Alastair Scott) Mar 87
Merlin (David Hall) 1991

All of the above were previously published in AA and most of them are downloadable from the wiki!


AA issues 39 and 48 now uploaded.

The observant among you will have noticed that I have changed plan of attack - instead of doing the issues sequentially I got even lazier than before and have sorted the issues into number of type-ins to complete per issue. I'll work upwards from the issues with just 2 to do until I get to the issues with 8 in them!


Quote from: robbarton on 10:48, 17 February 16
AA issues 39 and 48 now uploaded.

The observant among you will have noticed that I have changed plan of attack - instead of doing the issues sequentially I got even lazier than before and have sorted the issues into number of type-ins to complete per issue. I'll work upwards from the issues with just 2 to do until I get to the issues with 8 in them!

I trust the Module Designer from AA48 is complete with missing bit of code that was posted in AA49.  :)
* Using the old Amstrad Languages :D * And create my own ;)
* Incorporating the Firmware :P
* I also like to problem solve code in BASIC :)   * And type-in Type-Ins! :D

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