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CPCWiki 2011 statistics

Started by Gryzor, 10:12, 03 January 12

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Soooo. 2011 was a fantastic year for the scene, I would dare say. New sites, exciting hardware, fantastic software... what more can one ask? Sure, a new CPC model, but let's not get carried away, shall we?
The wiki did pretty good. To tell you the truth, I didn't think that after last year's stellar performance we could do any better, but by gods we did! Things seems to be reaching a plateau, to be sure, but still we're moving forwards... So, without much further ado:

  • Visits up by 67%! That is, 208k visits over 125k in 2010.
  • Over 81000 people (according to Google) have visited the site, an increase of 60%!
  • 43% more pageviews (1.315.000!). This is not as good, since it shows that more people come here and leave after visiting fewer pages. Still, the time spent on the site is good, at 7mins (7:19 last year) so it would seem to me that maybe people visit less pages but they care more about what they read?
  • Bounce rate is slightly up, 39% over 36%. As I said last year, I always found this metric to be a bit of a mystery in all the sites I've managed, but it does go hand in glove with what I said above.
  • New visits are pretty much stable at 38%.
  • The forum is the main entry point once again, but this time I don't care adding up the various urls: it seems people don't directly visit the forum's home page but many different pages on it. Interesting!
  • 56% came to the site through search engines, which shows the tremendous potential hidden therein, if we ever manage to do some decent SEO'ing. 24% came through referrals and only 20% was direct traffic, which is quite interesting.
  • Browsers: Firefox 47% (down from 51%), IE 17% (down from 23 - let's get this over with folks! :D ), Chrome 18% (10%), Opera 7,3% (8% - nobody knows a good browser when they see one!), Safari 6% (4,3%).
  • Windows 80% (down from 86%!), Mac 7.7% (5%), Linux 7.3% (6.3%), iCrap 2.2% (.9%)
  • Geography: UK 21.4%, France 12.8%, Germany 11.9%, Spain 11.1%, Australia 6.6%, US 5.1% (!?), Greece 4.8%, Denmark 2.9%, Italy 1.8%, Norway 1.7%. We also got visits from Surinam, the Niger, Somalia, Turkmenistan, Trinidad-Tobago (er... no, wait..), Congo, Burundi and a host of other countries that Amstrad has been opening local offices probably. Actually, the only countries we haven't got any visitors from are Greenland and a very few African countries. Makes you wonder :)
Here's to an even better 2010 - though I find it hard to achieve!


Whoops... just realised this topic was locked. My bad. Pity we missed the discussion...


I'm scared to ask what's the iCrap up to now (percentage wise).  :o
* Using the old Amstrad Languages :D * And create my own ;)
* Incorporating the Firmware :P
* I also like to problem solve code in BASIC :)   * And type-in Type-Ins! :D

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Well, here ya go:



Quote from: Gryzor on 20:06, 04 November 12
Well, here ya go:

Well if my calculations are correct, collectively all "iProducts" put together is at 4%

I just see everyone going around with some kind of iDevice, it's not just young people either, old folks have got themselves some sort of iDevice or iTablet.  :o
* Using the old Amstrad Languages :D * And create my own ;)
* Incorporating the Firmware :P
* I also like to problem solve code in BASIC :)   * And type-in Type-Ins! :D

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There's a separate report on mobile devices I could pull if you're interested, but yeah, tablets and such are not frequent visitors. I guess people visit news sites etc on their tablets?


I usually browse the forum with my Android tablet during the breakfast, in case that a nice thread appeared during the night... but all my serious work here (reading and posting  ;) ) always happen when i'm in my desktop :)


Does it look ok on your tablet? Only seen it on an iPad (where it looked fine)...


40% of my Forum browsing / posting is done on a HTC Desire S (with Opera Mini), the rest is on a Windows 7 or XP PC.



I want to say all my browsing is done on my 6128plus, but I can't (yet) 8)


@Bryce: a wonder your eyesight still allows you to build stuff!

@steve: well, some browsers allow you to customise the agent... Would actually be fun to build a custom browser for forum users :)


And remember, it was me who disagreed with the font being made bigger on the Wiki! :D

All that SMD soldering has made my eyes good for reading small stuff :)



...or picking lice, should the need arise. You're  doing just fine :D


Quote from: Gryzor on 18:09, 06 November 12
Does it look ok on your tablet? Only seen it on an iPad (where it looked fine)...
Yes, it looks fine, even using the default browser :)


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