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Forum WYSIWYG editor is ... problematic

Started by duncan_bayne, 22:44, 31 January 13

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Hi All,

I've been having a really horrible time with the forum's WYSIWYG editor (running on Chromium 23.0.1271.97 Built on Ubuntu 12.10, running on LinuxMint 14 64-bit).

Problems have included:

  • insertion of multiple line-breaks
  • mangling of font-size
  • introduction of font and size directives in the actual text (that is, so you see them in the text, they're not actual directives
  • mangling the entire WYSIWYG text into a mix of directives and plain text
  • randomly sprinkling directives around the text when switching between WYSIWYG and plain mode

Is anyone else experiencing this?  It's become so I simply can't use the WYSIWYG mode any more which is a shame.

Duncan Bayne


That's why I avoid WYSIWYG interfaces. I much prefer to format it myself, then I'm sure of what I'll get :).



Hello Duncan,

The editor is known to have some issues, though not to the extend you have experienced to tell you the truth. Are you referring to the quick reply editor or the full Reply editor?

-if you're refering to the quick reply one, then do try the normal edit box since it's much more compatible
-Profile->Modify Profile->Look and Layout->"Show WYSIWYG editor on post page by default".

I'm afraid I can't do much to the quick reply editor, it's a third-party editor that has been incorporated to the forum...

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