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[CALLING ALL MUSICIANS] - CPC Christmas album 2015 contributions required.

Started by tastefulmrship, 09:43, 12 September 15

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Quote from: Neil79 on 09:42, 14 November 14
Any chance of a Christmas album?

The Amiga and C64 can't have all the fun :)

Last year, I was going to respond to this post from Neil79 with a 70+ Amiga/C64 chiptune conversion disk, but life and not-really-being-bothered got in the way. However, this year I have decided that our little platform deserves a Christmas album.

What I am contemplating is an alternative Christmas album (for an alternative computer platform)!

And... what I need is willing musicians to compose an alternative Christmas tune or two. Make it whatever you want; Dubstep, Gabba hardcore, cheesey chiptune, whatever! All I ask is that it's weird, alternative and festive! (Weirder the better, though)

- All contributions will be released; so even if you're not a musician (like me), you can get your hard work released on your favourite 8-bit computer!
- All contributions will be FULLY credited. Any shout-outs you want, then add them! Why not?
- The tunes must be either Arkos or STarkos format (I can also play .ayc/.ym tunes if people prefer using PT3 or VortexII)
- There are no time constraints; if your song is 55 minutes long, then 55 minutes long it is.
- Make sure the song isn't too large in size; this Christmas album will have to work on all CPC formats (ie in 64k).
- For now, NO SAMPLES! I know this could be a bugger for Christmas tunes, but I'll have to see how much space is left to handle samples before committing to accepting sampled releases.

Any questions, concerns, contributions (code, ideas, etc) then please post them here.

And hey... let's be careful out there!

EDIT: I will be releasing an advert-tro as well at the end of the month, but I thought I'd get in early incase there are any issues people may have about the whole thing!



This is a great idea. Wish I had more time to be a part of it but I'm already kinda drowning in projects as it is... :-/
Do you need music for your Amstrad CPC game project?
Take a look at - that's where I put my tracks.


Quote from: SuTeKH/Epyteor on 09:43, 12 September 15
Any questions, concerns, contributions (code, ideas, etc) then please post them here.

What's about Soundtrakker Songs? Can they be used too?

TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


Not quite the advertro I was hoping for, but the-real-world-land has been a bitch and this is the best I can offer!


I love the advertro!  8)

Sadly, composing music is something my brain isn't prepared for, but we have great musicians here!

Looking forward for a Merry CPC X'Mas!


I don't understand, you have a fullscreen in 192x272 equivalent and yet you manage to make those boobs too small...  :picard:



Quote from: SuTeKH/Epyteor on 11:17, 05 December 15
Not quite the advertro I was hoping for, but the-real-world-land has been a bitch and this is the best I can offer!
Who makes this delicious picture ?
Concerning the tune you need, can you tell me if you want soundtrakker, starkos or ym music ?

Ast/iMP4CT. "By the power of Grayskull, i've the power"

All friends are welcome !


Quote from: Ast on 10:57, 07 December 15
Who makes this delicious picture ?
Concerning the tune you need, can you tell me if you want soundtrakker, starkos or ym music ?
The picture was found online; I cannot find any names to credit, though. I spent a good few weeks repixelling/recolouring/retouching it for the CPC screen size. I might add it to the musicdisk (as a .SCR or .BIN) if I still have disk space... as it looks pretty good on a CPC monitor! ^_^

Preferably STarKos or Arkos format... due to memory constraints and a lack of wanting to add the .ayc player to an already chunked-up memory!



I just have discovered this project  :doh: .  I suppose it"s now a little bit too late to compose something for Christmas. Anyway, that's a good idea, we need more musicdisks ! And looking at the international list of guests, I am sure all tunes will be nice !


Quote from: TomEtJerry on 08:37, 22 December 15
I just have discovered this project  :doh: .  I suppose it"s now a little bit too late to compose something for Christmas. Anyway, that's a good idea, we need more musicdisks ! And looking at the international list of guests, I am sure all tunes will be nice !

Well, to be honest, only one person composed a tune for the musicdisk... so I guess it's not going to happen this year! However, I think it might be a good idea to start on a 2016 Christmas Album. Or (in keeping with the Amstrad demo tradition) release it in Easter! (I'm kidding! I'm kidding! ^_^)

I do have to thank those who contributed some amazing graphics to the project, and apologise for wasting their time... but they will be used next year!


Quote from: SuTeKH/Epyteor on 08:54, 22 December 15I do have to thank those who contributed some amazing graphics to the project, and apologise for wasting their time... but they will be used next year!
Next year then, no probs! :) That'll leave us enough time to polish them. *g*
Black Mesa Transit Announcement System:
"Work safe, work smart. Your future depends on it."


Quote from: SuTeKH/Epyteor on 11:17, 05 December 15
Not quite the advertro I was hoping for, but the-real-world-land has been a bitch and this is the best I can offer!

Beautiful. [emoji2]

Sorry Off topic:  Which drawing software? is it easier for you to work with an emulator and a real mouse,  or do you prefer working directly on the CPC?

I'm also considering getting back into 8 bit arts after 25 years :)


Quote from: dodogildo on 08:48, 26 December 15
Sorry Off topic:  Which drawing software? is it easier for you to work with an emulator and a real mouse,  or do you prefer working directly on the CPC?
Personally, I used ConvImg-CPC (1.4) to convert the original to 192x272 (MODE 0, 16 colour), then MSPAINT and PSP7 to retouch (or "recolour" as the term is around here) the picture. I then found a festive border and used the same tools to convert and recolour that. Then, plonked the border into place using MSPAINT along with the text. This is my usual method of picture conversion.

A lot of people prefer to stick to CPC-only development, and that's fine too! Each to their own and all! ^_^ It's when CPC-only developers claim PC --> CPC developers are "not true CPCers" that I have a problem; our community is too small for such pettiness. Let's just enjoy what people have done for our little machine and forget those who troll for the sake of trolling!

As an aside; the world-scene have released the Christmas version of Chiperia - Merry Chipsmas Everyone!



Quote from: Gryzor on 19:41, 16 January 16
Btw, @SuTeKH/Epyteor , love your avatar :D
Yeah, you can thank rexbeng for that! Though, I am still waiting for the coloured versions... with a little "twist"... which will be showcased when the musicdisk is released... this Christmas! Big props if you can read the text in the middle! To be honest, it's easier to read in that small avatar than it does on a CTM, but hey-ho!

It was a little disappointing that no-one did any music for this (apart from one person), but you've all got 11 months to contribute! As said earlier, even if you're not a musician, contribute to the disk... it WILL be included! So, Happy New Year, CPCers.


Oh, so it turned to Xmas 2016 :D Well, there's always Easter, too!

And no, I can't read the middle I'm afraid!

Oh wait, I just squinted: Demoscene Is Not Dead :D

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