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Started by Bryce, 09:47, 19 January 16

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Quote from: TFM on 22:02, 22 January 16
Pastis helped me a lot in the Alsace.  :)
Sacrilège, en Alsace on ne boit pas de pastis !
Gewurztraminer, Riesling, Sylvaner, Edelzwicker : oui, Pastis non !


Quote from: gerald on 22:27, 22 January 16
Sacrilège, en Alsace on ne boit pas de pastis !
Gewurztraminer, Riesling, Sylvaner, Edelzwicker : oui, Pastis non !

Well, I did hang out with the wrong guys then.  :-X
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


cheese omelet !


Quote from: TFM on 22:56, 22 January 16

Well, I did hang out with the wrong guys then.  :-X
ils devaient etre sur tres grand sud de l'Alsace, Marseille ? :D


La sécu c'est bien, en abuser ça craint.
Brain Radioactivity


Quote from: TFM on 18:55, 22 January 16
A geh, a so a Schmarrn! Dringd's liaber a Bier!

Ok that was funny but nobody who doesn't speak fluent German and know the dialects will understand the joke.

@MacDeath: Yes there are, where I live it is not uncommon to see waitresses dressed up like that.

Je appris français à l'ecole, mais apres 20 ans je tout oublie.  :picard:
CPC - My beloved first computer!


Quote from: Apollo on 23:28, 25 January 16
Ok that was funny but nobody who doesn't speak fluent German and know the dialects will understand the joke.

Well, you know, that happens to me when I read Spanish or French stuff too. But I do bitch therefore? Of course not!  :laugh:
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


Quote from: TFM on 23:41, 25 January 16
Well, you know, that happens to me when I read Spnish or French stuff too. But I do bitch therefore? Of course not!  :laugh:

I learn Portuguese for 10 years now and with jokes I am still often lost.  :P

Some examples, easy to understand jokes and with English subtitles:

CPC - My beloved first computer!


Get a roommate from Brazil and you will learn more quick.  :)
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


Too late, my better half is Brazilian and that's why I learn Portuguese to be better able to communicate when visiting family  ;)
Once we were 3 months staying in Brazil and that was the biggest leap in my language skills by far  :D
Sorry for dragging the thread Offtopic  :picard:
CPC - My beloved first computer!


Could be worse, I married a Ch'ti :D

I'll let our French members explain what that is :)



Quote from: Apollo on 23:28, 25 January 16
Je appris français à l'ecole, mais apres 20 ans je tout oublie.  :picard:

J'ai fait 7 ans d'allemand et j'ai rien oublier. Je connais toujours que deux phrases:
Ich weiß nicht.
Ich habe keine lust auf Kartoffelsalat.

The french system is really great for learning foreign language... You understand nothing ? Don't care we will continue to do the courses that only 4 people in the room can nearly follow.


Quote from: CloudStrife on 01:12, 27 January 16
Ich habe keine lust auf Kartoffelsalat.

Thanks, I was having a rather miserable morning until I read this :D


Awwwww man! Now I'd like some Kartoffelsalat and a big glass of bier, but it's only 09:20....  :D


Quote from: robcfg on 09:21, 27 January 16
Awwwww man! Now I'd like some Kartoffelsalat and a big glass of bier, but it's only 09:20....  :D

Yeah, it's way too early for Potato Salad. :D



Never to early, but soon to late for Weisswurst, so let me hurry up....
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


QuoteJe appris français à l'ecole, mais apres 20 ans je tout oublie.

J'ai appris le français à l'école, mais après vingt (20) ans j'ai tout oublié.

(still better than mein Deutsches sprache...)

was ist das ? ist das wie ein schlönge mit zweï cartöfel ?


No, the traditional Bavarian White Sausage. It has to be eaten before noon.  :)
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


Can I get Schweinshaxe instead ;)


Quote from: dodogildo on 06:54, 28 January 16
Can I get Schweinshaxe instead ;)

There is a really big advantage in the case of Weisswurst. As TFM told, you have to eat it before noon and it really requires that you drink some Weißbier at the same time. Prost und hoch die Tassen.  8)


Weisswurst, Haxe, Kartoffelsalat and Bier... Glad to see we got such a French vibe going on here. It's like being in Paris :D



Besides, there's still hardcore Bavarians who will tell you that you cannot eat the Weißwurst as any other normal Wurst but have suck on one end (zuzeln). ;)
Black Mesa Transit Announcement System:
"Work safe, work smart. Your future depends on it."


Ok... so, after all this constructive dialogue, should I lock the thread? Should I delete it? Should I delete the French section? Should I add more sections and pray?


It doesn't look like the French section is going to be seriously used. Remove it.




I would answer all questions with "No!". It contains really important information about european food-culture.  ;D

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