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Favourite CPC emulator?

Started by ElderlyGoose, 16:14, 19 January 18

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What is your Go to CPC emulator?

2 (3.2%)
4 (6.3%)
Caprice 32
5 (7.9%)
1 (1.6%)
2 (3.2%)
0 (0%)
1 (1.6%)
4 (6.3%)
0 (0%)
6 (9.5%)
3 (4.8%)
26 (41.3%)
WIP Retro Virtual Machine
2 (3.2%)
0 (0%)
6 (9.5%)
1 (1.6%)

Total Members Voted: 63


Quote from: VincentGR on 12:41, 07 March 18
Forgot to mention about WinCPC.
This is the first I run for just tests, DSK images are assigned there.
Already mentioned  ;)
CPC 464 with USB Floppy Emulator / CPC 464+ with USB Floppy Emulator / CPC 6128+ with C4CPC and Gotek HxC USB Drive Emulator


I always stick with Winape  :) Our adventure was completely developed using it and SciTE as text editor  :)


Used to love SciTE (in its WinSCiTE interation) until Notepad++ won me over... Partly because it runs great in ConEMU ( /offtopic


I don't use WinCPC anymore as it steals my personalized icons. I use several emulators depending on the purpose:

* CPCE: it starts really fast. I have dsk files associated to it. It is perfect for fast testings and it also loads tapes really fast. I usually play games on it too, the update snapshot key rules!
* JavaCPC: amazing to create and handle cdts. It's good in image editing, in some cases better than ConvImgCPC. The writting text feature is great too. It has dozens of useful tools!
* WinAPE: brilliant for assembler programming, memory editing and disk editing. I find it a bit uncomfortable to load files and sometimes has weird crashes.
* Old good Arnold 2002. It's integrated in CPCLoader as internal emulator and I always use it to create the screen captures for CPCGamesCD. In the future it will be replaced by New Arnold and it'll be the main emu of the program instead Caprice 4.x.x.


I tend to use Winape, though I'm on Alpha 18 because of being on an older computer, which works fine, though I've decommissioned that system from the Internet because the Anti-Virus software was the virus. I play a few games on it, mostly I do coding BASIC & Assembly in the Assembler Window, though I cheat occasionally and use Text Editor when coding Hisoft Pascal programs, which Paste nicely into the Programs editor.

I've also been using the Online CPCBox which I can run on my Mac (the sound doesn't work though), so I can do simple BASIC stuff like the program in the Image attached, to adapt for other Languages, but it could also be useful for showing off code to other people who don't normally use CPC, but want to play a game. Or I could be on here one minute and on an emulator the next. :D
* Using the old Amstrad Languages :D * And create my own ;)
* Incorporating the Firmware :P
* I also like to problem solve code in BASIC :)   * And type-in Type-Ins! :D

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ACE for MorphOS is still my emu platform of choice.

Fast (even on a lowly mac mini g4) accurate (even relentless scrolls flawlessly) and a nice gui.

Oh and it does mean I *still* don't need Windows for a viable amstrad plus emulator.

Sent from my ONEPLUS 3t using Tapatalk

IRC:  #Retro4All on Freenode


Well, my best working choice is JavaCPC and then Caprice and WinCPC. Main reasons are accuracy, safety of the DSK, and DSK handling (which is by far the very best on Caprice). --> Get the revolutionary FutureOS (Update: 2023.11.30) --> Get the RSX-ROM for LambdaSpeak :-) (Updated: 2021.12.26)


Quote from: Skunkfish on 10:59, 07 March 18
I'll be trying out most of the current emulators (and a few of the legacy ones) for a future article in Colour Personal Computing, hopefully giving Kev Thacker's Acid tests a whirl on each of them and testing a variety of software that is known to push the hardware (suggestions for such software is welcome).
Speaking as someone whose work will be ranked possibly as high as mediocre:

  • Warhawk for a hardware vertical scroll;
  • Ghosts 'n' Goblins for a hardware horizontal scroll;
  • Prehistorik 2 and Super Cauldron for an all-of-the-above;
  • Robocop on a 128kb machine for sampled speech; and
  • the Batman demo, particularly the 3d bits, for high resolution multiple-segment graphics output.
The Acid tests are really useful only for their stated purpose: you either get 100% conformance or you don't. So they'll identify the cream of the crop but don't expect a ranking of the rest.
Spot response while I'm commenting anyway:
Quote from: ThomH on 19:54, 26 February 18I should probably add a File -> New... dialogue to mine. One day.
This was added a month or two ago. So that's something. I'm otherwise immediately invested in joystick support. It's a hassle for a Mac emulator because there's no direct API for that. Instead you get to deal with the USB HID yourself. Good work, Apple!


So many emulators.


Quote from: Widukind on 13:24, 15 June 18
What would be a even better CPC emulator for Linux, please? (Maybe one which is a bit similar to the nice Hatari emulator).
I suspect you're asking just a shade too early. The Retro Virtual Machine 2.0 videos I've seen appear to show a great fidelity of emulation, but it's currently in private development. 1.x is Mac only and doesn't emulate the CPC.


Can someone show the results of this poll please, I do not see a view results button, I do not use an emulator so cannot vote, if I wanted to know which emulator I should use, the results would be helpful.
Thank you.


Current results should be attached as an image in this post...
An expanding array of hardware available at (and issue 4 of CPC Fanzine!)


Are there any "tiny" CPC emulators around, with source code?
I've started walking around with my Ericsson MC218 pocket computer again, mainly for writing stuff while sitting in the bus. But it would be nice to be able to make some CPC BASIC stuff too.

The Psion 5MX / Ericsson MC218 actually has a Java Virtual Machine, so it does run Java. Therefor I'm looking at CPCInAJar at the moment, but not having much luck making it run.


Quote from: mr_lou on 11:40, 17 June 18Therefor I'm looking at CPCInAJar at the moment, but not having much luck making it run.
I don't know which Java version CpcInAJar needs. It's a light version of the Desktop Java-CPC it seems, both from the same author (Dev-Markus).


I also tried Kevin's Arnold emulator and it looks very good.
Unfortunately on my desktop Linux machine (Ubuntu 18 LTS) the CPC games and demos usually run twice as fast.
Anybody else noticed this and knows a workaround?


Quote from: Widukind on 19:40, 17 June 18
I also tried Kevin's Arnold emulator and it looks very good.
Unfortunately on my desktop Linux machine (Ubuntu 18 LTS) the CPC games and demos usually run twice as fast.
Anybody else noticed this and knows a workaround?
I also noticed an issue, with sound playback being too fast.

I'm gonna tag @arnoldemu here to notify him. My version is from August 19th 2017.


I voted CoreAmstrad because I created it, but in fact it's not an emulator  :P

I love WinAPE (because simple of use, and somes asm are just done for it, nice breakpoint also), JavaCPC (because I can debug it and look after some behaviours of CPC itself), I use arnoldemu testbenches (but not arnoldemu itself, cause got windows ^^'), Caprice32 sometime (for source code exploration, for getting another point of view)


Actually WinCPC is still missing in the poll. Should be added.  :) --> Get the revolutionary FutureOS (Update: 2023.11.30) --> Get the RSX-ROM for LambdaSpeak :-) (Updated: 2021.12.26)


I added it myself and also upped vote limit to 3, just because :D

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