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Sugarbox, a CPC emulator for windows (and raspberry pi, soon).

Started by Lone, 21:10, 05 April 16

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Do you plan to implement the IDE-Interface? (XMASS,...)


Quote from: SOS on 10:25, 16 August 18
Do you plan to implement the IDE-Interface? (XMASS,...)

I have no real plan for anything : New features mainly are added when asked for.
I also plan a cross platform release with a new GUI, new hardware (technimusic (an old promise) , XMASS and IDE interface, etc)
Added from these, bugfix, improvement of the CRTCs, and so on.




Some news from Sugarbox : I'm currently porting it to Rapsberry Pi (without any OS - bare metal rules !).

Here is a teaser of it :



I currently work on the PI 3 model (mainly because it's the only one I own).
I plan to make it work for Pi2 also.


That's really nice. The beginning of a CPC micro of sorts! What OS are you using?


Quote from: Gryzor on 13:56, 21 August 19
That's really nice. The beginning of a CPC micro of sorts! What OS are you using?

No OS ! Bare metal here (so it can boot in less than 3 seconds - which was mainly why I did it : I loved when my CPC start in few seconds)


Quote from: Lone on 20:48, 21 August 19

No OS ! Bare metal here (so it can boot in less than 3 seconds - which was mainly why I did it : I loved when my CPC start in few seconds)

Finally I'm going to buy a Raspberry Pi 3  ;D


Quote from: Lone on 20:48, 21 August 19

No OS ! Bare metal here (so it can boot in less than 3 seconds - which was mainly why I did it : I loved when my CPC start in few seconds)

Well yes, you did say that, but I assumed it just boots straight to the emulator instead of going through a desktop and whatnot. How are you booting directly into the CPC? It's not quite an FPGA to just load the core!


From the forums:

- When the Raspberry Pi is first turned on, the ARM core is off, and the GPU core is on. At this point the SDRAM is disabled.
- The GPU starts executing the first stage bootloader, which is stored in ROM on the SoC. The first stage bootloader reads the SD card, and loads the second stage bootloader (bootcode.bin) into the L2 cache, and runs it.
- bootcode.bin enables SDRAM, and reads the third stage bootloader (loader.bin) from the SD card into RAM, and runs it.
- loader.bin reads the GPU firmware (start.elf).
- start.elf reads config.txt, cmdline.txt and kernel.img


In fact, I do a very, very light OS (no multitask, almost no drivers, etc).
It's basically some init functions, then it goes straight to the emulation core.

Have a look at or for some informations (really interresting by the way)

With the help of circle++ lib, it's really easy to do it (and quite fun and satisfying)


Ah that was what I was thinking, something minimal and lightweight to get you going :) Still, very interesting indeed! Got to try it...


Amstrad news site at Genesis8 Amstrad Page



As I have too may paralell project, and few time to run all of them, there is not too much to say :
By now, continuous integration is done, but it's not running on Pi 1 nor pi 4 (and I didn't tested it on pi2, as I don't have any).
It's not working really well, I have some regressions on it while I tryed to have good synchronisation with sound (not working correctly by now).

So, to be short : Not so much interesting to say.

Only news is that code is available on a public repository on github, is someone wants to have a look at some infamous experimental code :


Here are some news :
The first almost-stable version for Raspberry pi 3/4 is available. It's supposed to become a "CPC Mini".

Here is a short video "how to " :

It can be download here ;



With a Pi400 (at least once they have it in grey/black rather thank pink) this could be a "close to real hardware" experience :-)


v1.2.0 is available since the 3rd February 2021.
Hmm how will I be able to resist to the urge of buying a Pi 4 or a Pi 400 when I already thought about it ?
Amstrad news site at Genesis8 Amstrad Page



Here it is :

It's tagged as "pre-released", as it was done for a youtube video that present it


Nice work, really smooth on my Pi 400  8)

Colours are very dark (scanlines ???) btw.

Now I'm waiting for DSK support and USB Soundcard since my Monitor got no HDMI Sound  ???  and then I will paint my Pi 400 in amstrad colours  ;D ;D ;D


SugarPi rulez!!

one Pi3 user here. Thanks!!! (great baremetal emu)

I'm trying in Pi2 and doesn't work. Now I'm have a Pi3.  8)  CPCmini / GX4000 mini finally!!!
Please add more keyboards and pad/joysticks change support... (xinput pad info and that)...


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