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Sugarbox, a CPC emulator for windows (and raspberry pi, soon).

Started by Lone, 21:10, 05 April 16

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Quote from: eto on 17:36, 28 July 21
did that work?
Hmmm, no DSK support and USB Sound card support yet, so I did not try yet ... 😉


You don't need usb sound support.
Pi has jack for sound out.

I have running SugarPi (instant CPC baremetal) on Rasp3 and on Rasp3+ (msxVR: keyboard&case)

My 4:3 LCD doesn't have HDMI video /HDMI sound. Then I use HDMI to VGA for video out ; and mini jack for audio out. (Edit config.txt init file)

Now then GX4128 system (CPR files , 128k Ram, usb pad). Hundreds of CPCclassic / 128k / CPC+ , cpr files.
Thanks scene.

Future CPC+ (DSK files and keyboard support)

Thanks a lot Tom "Lore" for your great work



Quote from: SkulleateR on 07:26, 08 October 22@RockRiver

Wrong ! Got a Pi400 and it got no Audio Jack  ::)
You could use a HDMI sound extractor instead. 


Just wondering:

As I don't have a Pi 3 or 4:

Could it also work on a Pi Zero 2 W oder a Pi 3A? 


Quote from: eto on 11:22, 10 October 22Just wondering:

As I don't have a Pi 3 or 4:

Could it also work on a Pi Zero 2 W oder a Pi 3A?
Should work on a 3A+ but never tested myself :)



Hi @Lone  OK Testing this on my Pi3 but I cannot find a controller that works. The closest I can get is my 8BitDo NES30 in Xinput mode whereby the Select button open the menu, but Up and down do nothing. The Retroflag Controller-M also in Xinput mode does nothing (also does nothing in Dinput mode

I've tried the Mapping with Gamecontrollerdb.txt but I cannot get anything to work :( This would be an amazing thing if only I could get it to work. My RetroFlag MegaPi needs this in it's life, so do I!

Thanks craig
IRC:  #Retro4All on Freenode


Quote from: CraigsBar on 13:44, 15 May 23Hi @Lone  OK Testing this on my Pi3 but I cannot find a controller that works. The closest I can get is my 8BitDo NES30 in Xinput mode whereby the Select button open the menu, but Up and down do nothing. The Retroflag Controller-M also in Xinput mode does nothing (also does nothing in Dinput mode

I've tried the Mapping with Gamecontrollerdb.txt but I cannot get anything to work :( This would be an amazing thing if only I could get it to work. My RetroFlag MegaPi needs this in it's life, so do I!

Thanks craig
OK I've now tested more controllers. None of which work.

Original Xbox
Xbox One
Xbox 360 USB Wireless Adaptor (Not suprised about this one)
Speedlink Competition Pro USB
Mad Catz CTRL R (USB dongle)

I do not have an xbox 360 wired controller to test, and I think i have run out usb controllers to test :( So far I have found NONE that work
IRC:  #Retro4All on Freenode


Quote from: CraigsBar on 15:30, 15 May 23OK, I've now tested more controllers. None of which work.

Original Xbox
Xbox One
Xbox 360 USB Wireless Adaptor (Not suprised about this one)
Speedlink Competition Pro USB
Mad Catz CTRL R (USB dongle)
I do not have an xbox 360 wired controller to test, and I think i have run out usb controllers to test :( So far I have found NONE that work

I found, tested and now can add the following pad to the list of controllers that do not work.

8BitDo SN30 Pro USB (Wired) 
IRC:  #Retro4All on Freenode



I believe that my support for USB gamepad is still bugged...

I will also update the Circle++ lib, as it fix some problems with USB.
As soon as I have news on this, I'll let you know.


Quote from: Lone on 12:20, 16 May 23Hello,

I believe that my support for USB gamepad is still bugged...

I will also update the Circle++ lib, as it fix some problems with USB.
As soon as I have news on this, I'll let you know.

Ahh brilliant, Good to know I am not just having rotten luck then :) I look forward to an update, with all the C4CPC sourced CPR files this would make a Mini GX4000 a real possibility. a 3d printed shell, a power toggle on the supply and and the full catalog in the CART folder :)
IRC:  #Retro4All on Freenode


@Lone: Hello there :-)

Can you please tell us what's up to date with Subarbox? Any news?
Where to download the actual version? 
Anything else?

:) :) :) --> Get the revolutionary FutureOS (Update: 2024.10.27) --> Get the RSX-ROM for LambdaSpeak :-) (Updated: 2021.12.26)


I use SugarPi with mini Hori PS4 wired but no button respond to "P"/pause ... :'( and some games use that... keyboard support for P key??

SugarPi is my GX4128   8)
Thanks @Lone  for your amazing work


I only just know about sugarbox for Raspberry Pi.  I am wondering what would it take to make sugarbox talk to the CPLink card to take some I/O from the real CPC (keyboard & joystick) but run fully emulated otherwise on the Pi?  (If that were to prove successful, then additional features could be added like more colours, playcity, multi-play etc).  Sort of like a Turbo Chameleon for CPC but in software.



Long time no see... Here are some fresh news about all my projects :

Sugarbox V2.0.3 is out just today. Few bugfix (espacially for non FR keyboards...). Also, some new windows, that can be used to debug. It's far from Winape and Ace-DL, but, hey, it's new  ;)

- SugarPi is not released yet, but I have a complete layout now, as I rewrote the whome display using Dispmanx rather than the basic framebuffer. Why changin this ? To have a setup screen more sexy (and also, because it's fun to make thing works with minimal to no informations... That will certainly sounds familiar to some people !).  You can build current version, if you can't wait a working version. To check out, it's still here !

About Sugarbox talking to CPLink card... I'll check that as soon as I will have some spare time !


Thank you Lone for this update. I like the overall design.
On Windows 11, I notice the screen is not centered (see screenshot).
Just so you know, Pinball Dreams does not seem to work correctly. It scrolls endlessly to the vertical.
The debugger looks spiffy. Just the R register seems missing.


Thanks for the feedback !
I'll take a look at the Pinball dream problem.
I will also try to have a better centered screen !


Sync with Vsync work slllllooooooooowwww.

Setting > Configuration not open window

Where is Display, Where is F11, where is Full 64x19.5 window 8-(


Last usable version is 0.31.

CPC 6128, Whole 6128 and Only 6128, with .....
NewPAL v3 for use all 128kB RAM by CRTC as VRAM
One chip drver for 512kB extRAM 6128
TYPICAL :) TV Funai 22FL532/10 with VGA-RGB-in.


Quote from: Jean-Marie on 22:36, 17 November 24On Windows 11, I notice the screen is not centered (see screenshot).

Just to confirm I'm seeing the same issue... boots OK... then jumps to the right.


@Lone : Can you please update the FutureOS ROMs. They are from 2015. The recent update is from 2024.10.27  :)

I'll attach them right here... --> Get the revolutionary FutureOS (Update: 2024.10.27) --> Get the RSX-ROM for LambdaSpeak :-) (Updated: 2021.12.26)



Some news :

- @GUNHED : Next release will include Future OS update.
- @8tpercent  @Jean-Marie  : I will also investigate and fix the screen position
- @McArti0 : Configuration menu shouldn't be shown, as it's not coded yet. About synchronisation, I'm working on some tweaks that should be nice :
   - Sync on frame, to have the previous behaviour of butter-smooth scrolls
   - Sync on sound, to have a non interrupted sound (quite nice with demo like "Eerie Forest").
   - Sync on sound and frame : I'm trying to have a nice feature for rich people with GSync (and maybe freesync) : Idea is to sync on sound, but to have a vsync  handling also. If it works as I expect, we may have uninterrupted sound with smooth animation. Finger crossed !

Expect this one at the begining of december, if eveything run as expected.
For other feature, they may be included in another release.


Here is version 2.0.4 which fix few bugs 

- Fix display problems : Bad position, synchronisation error (with the "Sync with sound" version).
- Add Future OS update

GUNHED --> Get the revolutionary FutureOS (Update: 2024.10.27) --> Get the RSX-ROM for LambdaSpeak :-) (Updated: 2021.12.26)


better, but still vsync x86 0.31 is much better.
Auto hide Windows Start toolbar, interrupt vsync in ShugarboxV2 x64 (0.31 x86 no)

border 22,17
ink 0,4,9
speed ink 1,1
CPC 6128, Whole 6128 and Only 6128, with .....
NewPAL v3 for use all 128kB RAM by CRTC as VRAM
One chip drver for 512kB extRAM 6128
TYPICAL :) TV Funai 22FL532/10 with VGA-RGB-in.

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