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WinAPE 2.0 Beta 1

Started by Executioner, 05:28, 26 November 15

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Great enhancement!!

(Full screen doesn't work on my Windows10 system, but that not a big deal.)

Now Image-IDE-files are possible to load and it is possible to mount FAT32/FAT16 or other file-systems for testing and programming. And it works great!
I like it.
...proudly supported Schnapps Demo, Pentomino and NQ-Music-Disc with GFX



Thanks for the nice update.

Fullscreen doesn't work for me either in Win 10.
Has anybody been able to record footage?
I can only use Microsoft video codec which works, does not offer the sharpest of pictures and none of the rest will record video or cause an address violation.

High speed mode when playing games is a blast. :)
Thou shall not question Captain Wrong!


Quote from: Ast on 00:32, 29 November 15
I did some test with vertical splitscreen and it's very strange because it seems you don't have to modify crtc register2 to have some right screens.... Trying to execute the same code on my Amstrad plus will give me a crashed screen (diagonal  display of course).

Is that different to 2a18 because I didn't think I really modified the CRTC emulation code?


Quote from: seanb on 14:53, 29 November 15
Fullscreen doesn't work for me either in Win 10.

Support for other display modes (other than 800x600) is on the TODO list for full-screen, I'm aware some modern graphics cards/drivers can't handle these modes.

Has anybody been able to record footage?
I can only use Microsoft video codec which works, does not offer the sharpest of pictures and none of the rest will record video or cause an address violation.

I've found the only reliable codec is full-frames (uncompressed) as others consume too much CPU even on my i7 laptop. The best way I've found is to record an SNR first, then replay it with no frame skipping (Display every 1 frame(s)) while recording the AVI, this way the emulation can't skip frames because the AVI writing and/or processor is too slow.


Quote from: Grim on 12:53, 28 November 15
Option to keep a 4/3 display ratio when in fullscreen on a wide display.

That's dependent on how your monitor/graphics card/driver handles 800x600 mode. I'm looking at adding full-screen support for other modes with DX Stretch, which will maintain aspect ratio.

QuoteOption to disable the splash-screen (or make it so that any open menu ie. File, Settings, Debug, etc is not automatically closed when the splash-screen disappears).

Yeah, I find it annoying too sometimes. Maybe there is a way to create a window and bring it to the front without ever giving it focus.


Full frames uncompressed drops lots of frames and stutters too much and that's in my i7.
I'll look into the snr technique.
I'll have to Google what snr is first :)

Edit: found it. I'll give it a go later
Thou shall not question Captain Wrong!


Sorry but i don't speak english very well...

CPC+ is not correctly emulated.
Test with my preview: delirium tremens mainpart preview [cpc+] &copy hard'os (2001)

And this is a vidéo i made on a real cpc+:

Thanks ;)

I got other suggestion but it's to difficult for me to speak other than french language...


It's still dropping frames.
I'm sure I have it set to no frame skip when playing snr but not sure as if I set it to display every 1 frame in general it runs at 700fps and at 1100%.
I'm doing something wrong :)
Though the picture is perfect now.

Edit: I stand corrected.
It works perfectly doing that when you play it back.
Fantastic  :D
Thou shall not question Captain Wrong!


Quote from: Executioner on 09:07, 30 November 15
Is that different to 2a18 because I didn't think I really modified the CRTC emulation code?
Yes it does the same thing...

Ast/iMP4CT. "By the power of Grayskull, i've the power"

All friends are welcome !


Quote from: seanb on 15:31, 30 November 15
I'm sure I have it set to no frame skip when playing snr but not sure as if I set it to display every 1 frame in general it runs at 700fps and at 1100%.

Your PC is fast enough to do 700fps and 1100% with no frame skipping, that's good.

Edit: I stand corrected.
It works perfectly doing that when you play it back.
Fantastic  :D

Because it doesn't skip any frames, every frame of the video is written into the AVI file with no repeated frames (except for the 50Hz timing adjustment frames since the CPC does about 50.0801 frames per second with standard screen size (19968 microseconds per frame, not 20000)).


Quote from: Axelay on 13:25, 27 November 15

On Win 8.1, I had to go to the html help file, right click on it, select properties and click 'unblock' to get it to display.  Maybe the same problem for you?

THAT WORKED. MS is ... well ... weired ... :picard2:


Hey, cool, tried for about 30 minutes with some games and demos and runs fine. And I donated some bucks to you as well... thank you for your work!
CPC - My beloved first computer!


Thanks for the update!
I checked it briefly and it seems that the following issue still exists:
- a colon in the comment triggers an error during assembling, looks like the text after ";" is parsed and interpreted. Try the following for an example:
org #2000 ; this : triggers error



Quote from: Docent on 04:01, 05 December 15
I checked it briefly and it seems that the following issue still exists:
- a colon in the comment triggers an error during assembling, looks like the text after ";" is parsed and interpreted. Try the following for an example:
org #2000 ; this : triggers error

I believe this is because the assembler uses the same syntax as Maxam on the CPC, and Maxam doesn't ignore colons within comments. If it sees one, it will try to process the rest of the line - and "triggers error" isn't a valid Z80 instruction.

I've found one of my own posts on this forum from several years ago which discusses this bug/feature (delete according to your personal choice ;)).


Quote from: Docent on 04:01, 05 December 15
I checked it briefly and it seems that the following issue still exists:
- a colon in the comment triggers an error during assembling, looks like the text after ";" is parsed and interpreted. Try the following for an example:
org #2000 ; this : triggers error

Yes, this is a Maxam issue. It annoys me too, but I'm not really sure how to fix it without breaking compatibility.

I was thinking of maybe adding a couple of comment directives to turn some options on/off. eg.

; wd cc=1,op=1

wd = winape directive

(cc = colon in comments, op = operator precedence)


The Hash tag "#" is typical for Hisoft's Devpac Assembler.

Maxam uses "&" when dealing with Hexidecimal values, don't think it likes the Hash Tag, though the Winape Assembler may accept it (don't know though).
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Quote from: AMSDOS on 05:14, 06 December 15
Maxam uses "&" when dealing with Hexidecimal values, don't think it likes the Hash Tag.

maxam supports both # and &.


Quote from: Executioner on 23:50, 05 December 15
Yes, this is a Maxam issue. It annoys me too, but I'm not really sure how to fix it without breaking compatibility.

I was thinking of maybe adding a couple of comment directives to turn some options on/off. eg.

; wd cc=1,op=1

wd = winape directive

(cc = colon in comments, op = operator precedence)
Personally I'd be inclined to just break compatibility in this case, I suspect there isn't much maxam code around that actually relies upon it and going the other way it should be easy enough to just delete a comment if you really have to compile in maxam for some reason.

If you're going down the comment directive route though, I'd just go with something like:


To enable all new assembler features, rather than creating a mix and match. I'm not sure there is significant enough benefit to making every option switchable (and debugging or merging code using different settings becomes a nightmare quickly)


Quote from: Executioner on 23:50, 05 December 15
Yes, this is a Maxam issue. It annoys me too, but I'm not really sure how to fix it without breaking compatibility.

I was thinking of maybe adding a couple of comment directives to turn some options on/off. eg.

Admitted, it can be annoying, but it's very useful in other cases. It's not bug, it's a valuable feature.  :)
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


Maybe the Syntax-Highlightning of a Comment-line needs a fix so that it ends at a colon.


Quote from: Fessor on 01:47, 07 December 15
Maybe the Syntax-Highlightning of a Comment-line needs a fix so that it ends at a colon.

The syntax highlighting already does that, unless you use double semi-colon. Double semi-colon disables the
colon problem.

Try typing a line with a colon and then toggle the comment, eg.

ld a,(hl)  ; Comment:ld b,a


ld a,(hl)  ;; Comment:ld b,a


Good hint! Just tried it in MAXAM and it works. Nice!  :)
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


Quote from: Executioner on 23:50, 05 December 15
Yes, this is a Maxam issue. It annoys me too, but I'm not really sure how to fix it without breaking compatibility.

I was thinking of maybe adding a couple of comment directives to turn some options on/off. eg.

; wd cc=1,op=1

wd = winape directive

(cc = colon in comments, op = operator precedence)
This is a good idea, I'd go also for a "Maxam compatible" global toggle switch in Assembler->Options or somewhere is settings, so one could switch it on/off for all files, being assembled. Having such switch you could make the assembler more modern and implement features you want. I consider Maxam compatibility as some sort of legacy option, there are missing features when it is enforced - like better expression evaluation for example... ( ld hl,96*(16+8) should assemble without problem).


Quote from: Docent on 01:26, 08 December 15
like better expression evaluation for example... ( ld hl,96*(16+8) should assemble without problem).

provided it follows the laws of BOMDAS!
* Using the old Amstrad Languages :D * And create my own ;)
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Quote from: Executioner on 05:28, 26 November 15
- Some support for Get Drive Parameters command (#EC).
Works fine! Got the name "Winape IDE" :)
...proudly supported Schnapps Demo, Pentomino and NQ-Music-Disc with GFX

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