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"A View To A Kill" - bug? anyone completed mines level?

Started by Xyphoe, 04:23, 26 August 10

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Hey guys,

I think I've encountered a really annoying game-destroying bug with the James Bond game "A View To A Kill".
You're supposed to get a 'code' at the end of the Mines level to enter on the next mission, except you're never given it!

I've completed the Mines level and both the original disk and tape versions just to make sure it's not a transfer bug, on completing (ie dropping the detonator outside of the mine) the disk version just takes you straight to the high score entry and the intro starts up again - the tape version is different you get a text screen telling you that you have completed the mines mission / saved silicon valley / the next mission is now loading and tape starts ... but no code!

Without the code the next mission(s) you can only do in 'practice mode', which is why its destroying the game - was hoping to do a proper long play video for it and hoping there was an 'ending' to the game like on the C64 I've seen on youtube.

Has anyone completed the mines level and been given the code? (I've got all objects, rescued MayDay, etc within the time limits) Have I missed something?

Can anyone find the code or find it in the actual game code itself? (I actually, a few years ago found the detonator diffuse code from searching through the code in the WinApe debugger!)

The code is 5 letters or digits long.

I found codes for the Spectrum version from magazine articles on WorldOfSpectrum but they dont work.



I take it then that's no-one?  :(

Oh well ... can any assist in looking at the game code and figuring out where the codes are or how they're generated?


Xyphoe wrote:

I take it then that's no-one?  :(

Oh well ... can any assist in looking at the game code and figuring out where the codes are or how they're generated?

Sorry I cannot really help, only thought I had about this was if someone had the Cheat Mode book which AA had around 1990 then they might have some codes in there for "A View to a Kill"
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Quote from: CP/M User on 03:07, 28 August 10
Xyphoe wrote:

I take it then that's no-one?  :(

Oh well ... can any assist in looking at the game code and figuring out where the codes are or how they're generated?

Sorry I cannot really help, only thought I had about this was if someone had the Cheat Mode book which AA had around 1990 then they might have some codes in there for "A View to a Kill"

Good suggestion - I doubt though if anyone bothered with the game  :P Any idea if it was scanned and put online anywhere?

On a side note, I just completed "The Spy Who Loved Me" - the game just loops without any kind of congratulatory text at all ... even the final bad guy (which was the tanker, not Strombergs base??!) didn't even explode - the disk just loaded and up started the first level again!  :o   naughty Domark.  >:(

Johnny Olsen

Johnny Olsen

you have to load city hall and look at &7413

ld hl,&a676 is the place where your code is stored
ld a,&05    code length
push af
push hl
call &bb5a  write the code (your Typeins)

at &7427

ld iy,&a676
ld a,&35     ascii code for 5
cp (iy+00)   compare has you type 5
jp nz,&747f  if it is different to 5 then jump out else
ld a,&32     ascii code for 2
cp (iy+01)   test next code

the way I found that &a676 was the address to store the code:

I type "johnn" and use winape seach to find it in the memory

Johnny Olsen

The code for Paris game is a little harder to crack

I Think the &91b4 and &91c5 is the place to look at.

org #91b4
ld hl,#95a6
xor a
ld (#7ffe),a
ld b,#05
xor (hl)
inc hl
djnz l91bd
cp #0b
jr nz,l91d8

ld hl,#95a6
xor a
ld b,#05
add (hl)
inc hl
djnz l91cb
cp #15
jr nz,l91d8
ld a,#ff
ld (#7ffe),a

the program xor the first number with A reg. and then the result with the second number and third ...fifth
and compare the result with &0b

if that is ok it add the five number's and compare that result with &15
if ok then poke &7ffe,&15

but i'm tired now i'm going to bed


I only ever played the spectrum version, though I am puzzled by why the cpc has all the levels out of order. I wonder if that is the source of the bug, since the mine was the final level?

Johnny Olsen

I've never played the game and have no intentions to do it.

Quote from: andycadley on 07:29, 28 August 10
I am puzzled by why the cpc has all the levels out of order.

Because Amstrad is a special Machine  ;)

Anyway the code for paris game = 49152

I can not figure out what the difference is whether you have code or not


Quote from: Johnny Olsen on 04:04, 28 August 10
you have to load city hall and look at &7413

ld hl,&a676 is the place where your code is stored
ld a,&05    code length
push af
push hl
call &bb5a  write the code (your Typeins)

at &7427

ld iy,&a676
ld a,&35     ascii code for 5
cp (iy+00)   compare has you type 5
jp nz,&747f  if it is different to 5 then jump out else
ld a,&32     ascii code for 2
cp (iy+01)   test next code

the way I found that &a676 was the address to store the code:

I type "johnn" and use winape seach to find it in the memory

Holy shit - amazing dude, that's above the call of duty! THANK YOU!!!
Well done - I owe you a big one!

What's your prize?  ;)

Well the reason I need these is I'm doing a longplay video, if you don't have the codes you can only do the other levels in 'practice mode' and I would presume there would be no 'completion of game' type thing. I was hoping for an ending for doing all the game parts but from examining the code now myself in more depth there's no indication of any kind of ending loading up certainly nor can I find any kind of message congratulating you for completing all 3 parts in order!!! If you do the Paris game in practice mode I think you still get the same message ("M gives you two weeks leave"). Also there's no scoring or high score table on the last Paris mission ... part of the reason of the code from the first level Mines is so your score gets carried over to the 2nd Level the City Hall game .......... so it's utterly utterly pointless.

F***ING DOMARK!!!!!!!!!!!

Johnny,  I actually found that Paris code myself the other day, if you load up the City Hall game you will find that number in plain view at the address - A1E0 !!

Johnny Olsen

Quote from: Xyphoe on 21:51, 28 August 10
Holy shit - amazing dude, that's above the call of duty! THANK YOU!!!
Well done - I owe you a big one!

No Problem

Quote from: Xyphoe on 21:51, 28 August 10
Johnny,  I actually found that Paris code myself the other day, if you load up the City Hall game you will find that number in plain view at the address - A1E0 !!

I know i found it there myself


Sorry, forgot to say thanks again and that the longplay video has been put up - with shoutout and thanks to yourself in there!

*edit* Have we lost the 'insert YouTube' button? Can't find it?

Johnny Olsen

Hi Xyphoe

Did you ever get codes from the game when you completed the next levels ?


Quote from: Johnny Olsen on 14:28, 01 October 10
Hi Xyphoe

Did you ever get codes from the game when you completed the next levels ?

Only from the City Hall game! The Mine level never you gave you it of course ... and what was the end result of playing the game through with the codes? Well ... you can take a look at part 4 of the video if you really want to... see if you're annoyed as I was! LOL

And yea... Gryzor .... has the YouTube button disappeared for embedding videos? Unless I'm totally blind and stupid :(

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