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Amstrad Action reviews

Started by Andrew Green, 22:54, 28 October 15

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Andrew Green

Hi there,

I've got a bit of an unusual query that I'm hoping someone here can help with. I'm trying to find some ratings that were given in Amstrad Action issue 66 for the following games; Strider 2, STUN Runner, Narco Police and E-SWAT. The problem is that the ratings were printed near the centre of the page, and so the last digits were missing from the Graphics, Sound, Grab Factor and Staying Power categories.

Can anyone help me to complete these ratings?



Tried to paste screenshots but didn't work.  :picard:
I'll keep trying... ::)

OK, got it.
Missing the page for E-SWAT but I see AMSDOS has the numbers below me...
Keeping it Kiwi since 1977


"Opens well worn out Issue 66 of AA"

As I recall those games didn't rate too great. E-Swat was the worst of that lot I think.

Strider II
Graphics 69%
Sonics 48%
Grab Factor 73%
Staying Power 46%
AA Rating 60%

S.T.U.N Runner
Graphics 62%
Sonics 71%
Grab Factor 63%
Staying Power 48%
AA Rating 56%

Graphics 42%
Sonics 21%
Grab Factor 52%
Staying Power 30%
AA Rating 48%

Narco Police
Graphics 72%
Sonics 38%
Grab Factor 62%
Staying Power 69%
AA Rating 68%

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Heres the first three, but E-SWAT isnt in my scan of AA66


Heeey what do you know, we've got all the AA ratings online! :)

Amstrad Action ratings - CPCWiki


Quote from: Gryzor on 10:09, 29 October 15
Heeey what do you know, we've got all the AA ratings online! :)

Amstrad Action ratings - CPCWiki

I should point out Robocop 2 was awarded "Stunner", not an "Rave", the same applies for "Fire & Forget 2" & "Burnin' Rubber"
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Ok, you can edit the page and fix it :) thanks for noticing!


Quote from: Gryzor on 10:53, 29 October 15
Ok, you can edit the page and fix it :) thanks for noticing!

I've altered Burnin' Rubber & Robocop 2 to reflect that, unsure if Fire & Forget 2 was a Stunner or not, the AA Rating doesn't seem to reflect the scores given for Graphics, Sonics, Grab Factor or Staying Power. I think Pang (AA 70) might of been another Stunner as well, but will need to check this.
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Thanks man, for making it more accurate!

Andrew Green

That's absolutely brilliant! Thanks for all your help, glad you didn't get put off by the avatar!



Quote from: Andrew Green on 20:17, 29 October 15
That's absolutely brilliant! Thanks for all your help, glad you didn't get put off by the avatar!


People here are more likely to be put off by the C64 than the Speccy.


True that, but I guess we're the most tolerant bunch out there :)


Quote from: Gryzor on 09:12, 30 October 15
True that, but I guess we're the most tolerant bunch out there :)

That is true you should see the vitriol that comes forth if you dare to mention the CPC on a C64 forum


Quote from: dcdrac on 18:00, 30 October 15
That is true you should see the vitriol that comes forth if you dare to mention the CPC on a C64 forum

I got a bit of abuse from a C64 fan recently.  He first complimented the graphics of my CPC projects and then asked if I had plans for C64 versions and if they could look pretty much the same if not better and when I was trying to politely explain that would be quite difficult since my stuff is very much designed to make most out of the CPC's particular graphical abilities he got all weird and started slagging off the CPC and my stuff going on about how much more amazing the C64 is and there's far better looking games on it than my CPC projects anyways.    Not saying that's a common reaction of all C64 owners but it was a particularly rude one who does a disservice to his bretheren.
Favorite CPC games: Count Duckula 3, Oh Mummy Returns, RoboCop Resurrection, Tankbusters Afterlife

Zoe Robinson

Quote from: Carnivac on 18:08, 30 October 15
Not saying that's a common reaction of all C64 owners but it was a particularly rude one who does a disservice to his bretheren.

I dunno, it seems like the common reaction I've seen.  :(


Quote from: Zoe Robinson on 18:26, 30 October 15

I dunno, it seems like the common reaction I've seen.  :(

Well, sadly that's my usual experience too.  :-X
TFM of FutureSoft
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Quote from: Carnivac on 18:08, 30 October 15Not saying that's a common reaction of all C64 owners but it was a particularly rude one who does a disservice to his bretheren.

Was told I was doing far to much CPC coverage and should do more C64 videos as I never do any.

Current tally:

Videos that include the CPC - 44
Videos that include the C64 - 42

Go figure.
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Quote from: TFM on 19:07, 30 October 15

Well, sadly that's my usual experience too.  :-X

What can you do, a Hater is going to Hate.

My parents decided that an Amstrad was going to be the computer of choice, they couldn't afford 2 or 3 other computers and only had a limited number of TV sets. By the time I could afford a computer, I had so much Amstrad stuff, it seems illogical to get anything else.

Those people need to watch "Sliding Doors" a little bit more I think.
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Zoe Robinson

I'll never understand the anti-CPC hate from the other systems. The Speccy fans I can maybe see their point of view to an extent, after all their beloved Sinclair did get eaten up by "the enemy" but the C64? What, are they still whining about how their computer was overwhelmingly viewed as the "better" computer despite the CPC's advantages? I don't get it.

You won guys, get over it.


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chinnyhill10 - YouTube

Andrew Green

I thought we'd have put all that behind us. Yes, I was a Speccy owner, but I've come to appreciate both the Amstrad and C64 - both are very capable machines that had some fantastic software. It's a fact of life that there were games which were better on the Spectrum, some on the C64 and some on the Amstrad. We should cherish the differences between the computers, which at least gave them some individuality, rather than the identikit software produced today on a series of virtually identical machines.


I never did read such much great posts like right here right now.  :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

Well, have to admit that when I got my CPC my dad did make that decision. But it was mine to stay with it, never changed, never regretted.

And whatever new technologies may bring, it won't make the CPC less. Because it's still the amazing machine it always was. And just let's take a look, during the recent years there were so much great developments for it (hardware and software).  :)
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


Quote from: Andrew Green on 21:37, 30 October 15
I thought we'd have put all that behind us. Yes, I was a Speccy owner, but I've come to appreciate both the Amstrad and C64 - both are very capable machines that had some fantastic software. It's a fact of life that there were games which were better on the Spectrum, some on the C64 and some on the Amstrad. We should cherish the differences between the computers, which at least gave them some individuality, rather than the identikit software produced today on a series of virtually identical machines.

Well said


Quote from: Andrew Green on 21:37, 30 October 15
I thought we'd have put all that behind us. Yes, I was a Speccy owner, but I've come to appreciate both the Amstrad and C64 - both are very capable machines that had some fantastic software. It's a fact of life that there were games which were better on the Spectrum, some on the C64 and some on the Amstrad. We should cherish the differences between the computers, which at least gave them some individuality, rather than the identikit software produced today on a series of virtually identical machines.

Nothing is ever truly behind us when dealing with people and their beliefs. Their flame wars have been going for so long they find it acceptable to behave in that manner.
* Using the old Amstrad Languages :D * And create my own ;)
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Quote from: chinnyhill10 on 20:15, 30 October 15

Was told I was doing far to much CPC coverage and should do more C64 videos as I never do any.

Current tally:

Videos that include the CPC - 44
Videos that include the C64 - 42

Go figure.

Maybe he feels the c64 coverage should reflect the coverage the c64 got in the 80s  uk magazines? Then 50% CPC and 50% c64 may be very wrong to him.

and maybe he feels you are CPC biased?

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