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Best game???

Started by ukmarkh, 12:36, 16 April 10

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what is the best game out of this selection?

1 (2%)
UN Squadron
1 (2%)
Mr Heli
1 (2%)
Mission Genocide
8 (15.7%)
Solar Coaster
0 (0%)
Classic Invaders
0 (0%)
5 (9.8%)
Bosconian 87
0 (0%)
Game Over II
3 (5.9%)
Sonic boom
1 (2%)
Light force
5 (9.8%)
Flying shark
5 (9.8%)
9 (17.6%)
Harrier Attack
4 (7.8%)
0 (0%)
5 (9.8%)
Forgotten Worlds
3 (5.9%)

Total Members Voted: 51

Voting closed: 12:36, 16 May 10


Quote from: robcfg on 16:53, 22 April 10
Zynaps had one of the best music I've ever heard on CPC!
Dave Rogers rules (fanboy inside  :P) and he made the music of this one too
About Zynaps , it owns nice gfx but the handling of the ship is difficult with a bit of inertia and it is very difficult !
"NOP" is the perfect program : short , fast and (known) bug free

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Yeah! Uridium is more easy!!! And a whole lot of fun!!! The music - didn't know that it was the same composer, but yes, now since you tell it! Both title tracks are AWESOME!!! Sometimes I start Uridium, just to hear the sound. I also put it into ROM to be able to just start the game by one RSX command :-)
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


Yeah zynaps was awesome, I sometime think of it as the precursor of star sabre...


Quote from: MacDeath on 16:34, 23 April 10
Yeah zynaps was awesome, I sometime think of it as the precursor of star sabre...

Shame about the god awful collision detection.


Quote from: ukmarkh on 16:46, 23 April 10

Shame about the god awful collision detection.

Well, that's the invisible force fields of the other objects ;-) But you're right, it's sometimes a painted ass, ehhh pain in the ass.  (Don't censor it! I learnt it from Ernest Borgnine)
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


I voted for P47 'cause it's really a great game both technically and playability wise. Mr. Heli was also one of my all-time favourites partly because of the catchy tune. Never could get into Mission Genocide although technically it does have the most advanced hardware scrolling, shame about the rest of the game.


I first voted for X-Out...
But then I also tried P47.
It's indeed a pretty cool game!
When you put your ear on a hot stove, you can smell how stupid you are ...

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Zynaps would have been my number 1, played it a LOT.  Unfortunately its not in the poll, so I had to go for Harrier Attack.  ::)


i've played all of them and im really suprised there is no vote for mr heli ??? ? that was an AA rave !!!

zynaps had some cool tunes and nice gfx but I felt it was a limited shooter and its lasting appeal was extremely short


Quote from: cpc4eva on 18:04, 26 April 10
zynaps had some cool tunes and nice gfx but I felt it was a limited shooter and its lasting appeal was extremely short

Indeed, Zynaps has lousy level design in the first 2-3 stages.
Then, it becomes much better!
Then, it repeats the design.
And then, it's over *lol*
When you put your ear on a hot stove, you can smell how stupid you are ...

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Quote from: Devilmarkus on 18:10, 26 April 10
Indeed, Zynaps has lousy level design in the first 2-3 stages.
Then, it becomes much better!
Then, it repeats the design.
And then, it's over *lol*

Ich habe mal versucht, mit "Unendlich Leben" das Spiel endlich mal durchzuspielen, weil es ja so schwer ist.
Aber irgendwie fing irgendwann der ganze Quatsch wieder im ersten Level an.
Ich habe nie ein "Ende " gesehen!  >:(


Quote from: cpc4eva on 18:04, 26 April 10
i've played all of them and im really suprised there is no vote for mr heli ??? ?

I'm surprised by that too.
Do you need music for your Amstrad CPC game project?
Take a look at - that's where I put my tracks.


Quote from: fano on 20:31, 22 April 10
Dave Rogers rules (fanboy inside  :P )

I love the Dave Rogers-tunes of "Stormlord" and "Cybernoid 2".
The tune of "Cybernoid 1" is a nice one too, it sounds like "ice cream and ballons".
The AY-Chip can put out some really good music.
Nobody needs a SID, the AY can give you all the sexual feelings you´re dreaming of.
AY-Chip rulez!  :) :) :)


Quote from: cpc4eva on 18:04, 26 April 10
i've played all of them and im really suprised there is no vote for mr heli ??? ?

Probably the "Mr. Heli-Sprite" looks too cute for real "Men Drivers".
I love the sprite of "Mr. Heli"!  :)
It looks so fat, round and sweet!
The jolly tune of "Mr. Heli" is sweet as well!


Quote from: Leonie on 19:01, 26 April 10

Ich habe mal versucht, mit "Unendlich Leben" das Spiel endlich mal durchzuspielen, weil es ja so schwer ist.
Aber irgendwie fing irgendwann der ganze Quatsch wieder im ersten Level an.
Ich habe nie ein "Ende " gesehen!  >:(

Ich glaube bei die Spectrum version von Zynaps gibt ein ende aber nicht für Amstrad.

Or in plain english: I think that the Spectrum version of Zynaps has an end, the Amstrad version is an infinite loop.


Guys, please do keep it in english.



Quote from: Gryzor on 09:57, 27 April 10

Ίσως   θα πρέπει να ανοίξουμε ένα φόρουμ ελληνικά, πάρα πολύ.

No, really, we should keep the languages seperate.
That's why we made a German forum section.
It's of course no problem when a non English talking person posts in German, or also a non German talking person posts in English
when a thread is interesting.
But the most people here talk English, too, so they should keep posting in English then.
When you put your ear on a hot stove, you can smell how stupid you are ...

Amstrad CPC games in your webbrowser

JavaCPC Desktop Full Release


I thought you might say that :D



Quote from: Bryce on 10:04, 27 April 10
I thought you might say that :D


Ninyi, wapenzi Bryce, lazima mimi jibu tu Kiswahili.
When you put your ear on a hot stove, you can smell how stupid you are ...

Amstrad CPC games in your webbrowser

JavaCPC Desktop Full Release


Wasnt going to vote, because I couldnt decide between my favourite few on the list, cant pick one over the other...  But I'd also noticed over the last week the surprising lack of love for Mr Heli, so it can have my vote.


I always thought Forgotten Worlds was an average conversion of a quality arcade game on the amstrad CPC, too slow compared to the other versions. I can't understand how Mr Heli is trailing behind, that was an excellent shooter, and i'm massively suprised at the lack of love for X-Out.

Mission Genocide on top eh? I can understand why, amazing scrolling, good graphics and a rock hard challenge... I thought the difficulty might have put some off, but good to see its a firm favourite.   


Quote from: ukmarkh on 10:35, 27 April 10
I always thought Forgotten Worlds was an average conversion of a quality arcade game on the amstrad CPC, too slow compared to the other versions. I can't understand how Mr Heli is trailing behind, that was an excellent shooter, and i'm massively suprised at the lack of love for X-Out.

Mission Genocide on top eh? I can understand why, amazing scrolling, good graphics and a rock hard challenge... I thought the difficulty might have put some off, but good to see its a firm favourite.   
I think maybe saying "which has the best playability" would have been a better question? I think technically mission genocide is good, but for playability it is boring. p47 however is good fun and is the one I voted for.

mr.heli is also good fun, but I liked p47 more.

I always thought Forgotten Worlds was slow...
X-Out never really appealed to me.
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Quote from: arnoldemu on 11:33, 27 April 10
I think maybe saying "which has the best playability" would have been a better question?

I don't see your point, the best game would include the best playability... ka

Quote from: arnoldemu on 11:33, 27 April 10
I think technically mission genocide is good, but for playability it is boring. p47 however is good fun and is the one I voted for.

Not according to the poll... Mission Genocide was the bomb. P47 didn't have very good enemy movement, the enemy basically came straight at you. Predicatable and a little boring, and it pissed me right off that the game just loops at the end. Wasn't that impressed, graphically its good.

Quote from: arnoldemu on 11:33, 27 April 10
mr.heli is also good fun, but I liked p47 more.

Each to their own, but your wrong  ;)

Quote from: arnoldemu on 11:33, 27 April 10I always thought Forgotten Worlds was slow...
X-Out never really appealed to me.

Half right  :P


The problem is that for exemple I didn't played some of those game at the CPC era.

X-Out or Mr.Heli or P47... we hadn't them in Valence (no cracked version was shared) so it has no influence on my youth.

Also, forgotten world had it's speed running irregulary, but it was so much fun because of the coin-op 2up player option.

It was a good memory for be because I coulkd share agood moment with by big brother instead of just seeing him play (he was sort of aselfish bitch sometimes.. >:( )

The same with Silkworm (my vote) : it was a shared experience.


Probably best you don't vote then... maybe a future poll will feature games you might have played.

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