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Best game???

Started by ukmarkh, 12:36, 16 April 10

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what is the best game out of this selection?

1 (2%)
UN Squadron
1 (2%)
Mr Heli
1 (2%)
Mission Genocide
8 (15.7%)
Solar Coaster
0 (0%)
Classic Invaders
0 (0%)
5 (9.8%)
Bosconian 87
0 (0%)
Game Over II
3 (5.9%)
Sonic boom
1 (2%)
Light force
5 (9.8%)
Flying shark
5 (9.8%)
9 (17.6%)
Harrier Attack
4 (7.8%)
0 (0%)
5 (9.8%)
Forgotten Worlds
3 (5.9%)

Total Members Voted: 51

Voting closed: 12:36, 16 May 10


Quote from: MacDeath on 16:06, 15 May 10Flying Shark is not THAT slow... the animation also is smooth and quite constant if I remember well.
But, well, only need a little speed boost.

The major issue is the colour of the bullets.
It sometimes mix so much with the background you can't see them that well.

perhaps if those could have flickering colours (alternate between 2 colours...)

Also perhaps the sprites are a bit less coloured than they could.
If the background's tiles are properly re-done form the speccy, the sprites are not (still in 2 colours).

And colours could have been a bit betterly choosen.

Exemple : 1st level :

yellow + orange + light green + black.

3 colours "containning" Yellow... no wonder you can't see the bullet.
Perhaps getting the light yellow in White may be better.
Or something like that.

But the 27 colours palette from old CPC is actually not that easy to work with.
Really unbalanced, it can be great for some sutff, and bad for some others.

flying shark's colours were poorly chosen.  i would have liked to seen flying shark in mode 0.  as you mentioned the bullet sprite was hard to see and that was only one flaw of the conversion to cpc.

but i still think its rather slow.... what gets me puzzled is that afterburner was a lovely colourful fast and smooth with clear sprites and movement and no problem seeing the bullets many agree it was the best 8 bit conversion in comparison to the speccy and c64 and yet flying shark is the complete opposite to afterburner..... possible answer is that firebird released flying shark and ocean released afterburner on cpc.

Quote from: MacDeath on 20:17, 15 May 10I know it's a good palette for a 1984's computer...
27 colours is far more than what a Speccy or C64 can offer.

And as I said it's a bit unbalanced.

Lack of Greys (only one...) and proper "Browns" (Dark red is not a real brown, nor is the Orange...) actually.

This means you can't get reallistic stuff (wood or stone) or Grim and Gritty ambiances...

I always say that if the CPC did have the 32 colours it could actually handle, with let's say +2 greys (light and dark), + 3 Browns (light, medium and dark) it could have change a lot of thing.
But the Colours were generated strangely with a 3 level for each RGB... 3 levels, not even bits...
I don't know if +5 custom colours could have been added to those.

a cpc with 32 colours would have made it very interesting i couldnt agree more. there was lack of greys and browns and at times lack of grim and grittyness graphically.

but why have 3 modes ? that always bugged me about the cpc it felt so limited in that area. would it have been possible to have better GFX modes than the 3 it had ?

mode 1 would have been better with atleast 10 colours and not 4.

mode 2 was really annoying only ever used for serious applications like wordprocessing etc

mode 0 lovely colour but usually meant GFX were blocky and movement slow

Quote from: Leonie on 20:39, 15 May 10

Sadly my french is confined to "Moi je m'appelle Lolita ".  :'(

my french is confined to math le math le difficile   :(


Quotemath le math le difficile
??? not that much french actually, or yep you really must be bad at french... ;D

QuoteSadly my french is confined to "Moi je m'appelle Lolita ".
Really ? then French perception outside France has changed, in before, it was "voulez vous coucher avec moi" the most famous french phrase... :P

Back to topic.

Quotea cpc with 32 colours would have made it very interesting i couldnt   agree more. there was lack of greys and browns and at times lack of grim   and grittyness graphically.

but why have 3 modes ? that   always bugged me about the cpc it felt so limited in that area. would it   have been possible to have better GFX modes than the 3 it had ?

mode   1 would have been better with atleast 10 colours and not 4.

mode   2 was really annoying only ever used for serious applications like   wordprocessing etc

mode 0 lovely colour but usually meant   GFX were blocky and movement slow
To me the main limitation comes from the way CRTC and Gate array communicate/work together.
The Video System on CPC can't overclock in order to get square pixels in 16 colour modes per exemple...
(Of course this would mean 2x time the amount of video ram).

Also, getting 5 colours is simply impossible until it were coded quite differently.

Yet : we have 1 bit code (Mode2), 2 bit code (Mode1) and 4 bit code (mode0...).
Perhaps some modes in 3 bits (8 colours) or 5 bits (32 colours...) could have been fun... if only a little overclock available in CRTC-GateArray relation.

Also As I told, I don't even know if this could have been possible to put those 5 extra colours in the palette because I don't really know the possibilities of a gate Array (it's some kind of customisable chip...).

CRTC+Gate array is an unusual Video solution actually.

And we have to remember that EGA graphic cards on PC were released in 1984-1985 only...
If only Amstrad did something like a EGA on CPC instead of a CGA...

What made the graphical modes lacking flexibility IMO was the fact we had no real Video Ram as on MSX per exemple because CPC wasn't designed as a 128K computer...

Or an optionnal "character Attribute" system could have been well mixed with the CPC get decent multimode or multi palette screens...
(like, each character with a choice between 2 or even mode ink settings...)

the Palette system allows 16 colours as ink (because of mode0) + 1 border...
So 12 colours ink slots are unused in Mode1 and 14 unused in Mode2...


3 modes?

The video hardware takes each byte and shifts it by 1 bit per clock.
Then based on mode it masks out the bits, and finally this makes a pen index.
The pen index is then used to get the colour that has been programmed.

With this method it only makes sense to have 1,2, 4 or 8 bits per pixel.
Shame we never got 8 bits per pixel :(

Of course because the clock is always the same, and to ensure all modes take the same area, they update the shift ever x clocks depending on mode too.
If you had different video clock you would get different sized pixels.

Overclocking is possible, but the gate-array generates timing for the z80. why? because gate-array needs access to ram when it needs it. If gate-array didn't have priority then the picture would not be stable. So they decided to always make the gate-array have priority at all times and for all ram, so all ram has the same timings.

It would be possible to have 3 bits per pixel or 5 bit per pixel, but you would have to decode 2 bytes at a time, or loose some bits in the byte. And then you need to decide how wide each pixel will be. Too small, and you loose hsync/vsync timing too.

An attribute mode would have been interesting.

I think what you are talking about is the video hardware of the enterprise computer.
It has all that you describe.

The colours: They are probably generated by taking the bit patterns in the number and deciding the r,g,b from these.
some of the possibilities are duplicates, and in this case it would have been nice to add in some needed colours (greys, browns and some other useful colours), but of course keeping all other colours in there too ;)
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Quote8 bits per pixel
How to get 256colours out of a 27 palette ???
But hey, a mode0 in 256colours on PLUS would kickass.
Also this could have been possible on Atari ST (with its palette of 512...and its CPC like video modes but in 32K instead of 16K...They really passed beside this.

I think what you are talking about is the video hardware of the enterprise computer.
Yes, this one was actually a crossbreed between the CPC and the Speccy...

But we'll have to remember CPC464 was Amstrad's first try in computers...This could have been even worse.
just too bad they didn't used more of their IBM PC compatible experience on the PLUS range...


I loved playing The Island Of Dr. Destructo and if we are talking shoot-em-ups, how come the Cybernoid series are missing from the poll?
Amstrad CPC6128, 3.5" Ext' Floppy, SD HxC Floppy Emulator


Quote from: robcfg on 16:53, 22 April 10
Zynaps had one of the best music I've ever heard on CPC!

One of my favourites and yes the music is brilliant, although the collision detection during the game was frustrating.  Great game though!
Amstrad CPC6128, 3.5" Ext' Floppy, SD HxC Floppy Emulator


Quote from: Shredder11 on 18:07, 09 July 10
One of my favourites and yes the music is brilliant, although the collision detection during the game was frustrating.  Great game though!

I heart the thing with the collision detection a 1000 times ;-) And yes, it's so true! But a great game anyway.

... at the moment I'm thinking about Starglider - one of my favorite games - how would it look like in an 128 KB version?
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


I am playing Mercenary - Escape from Targ again. I can tell you its so much fun, i love that game so much. I started to paint maps with my pen and paper again and i will try the "2nd City" if i solved the 1st part.

Its a good game and worth to play. The Vector graphics is well done and its so much faster then the 64er Version. BTW: Did you knew that you can shoot on a Atari Logo in some versions and at the atari system on a commodore logo etc.?

when i am done with mercenary i wanted to try "Dun Daragh" again. The animation and the flying hair of that dude is so cool. "IRIDI?"

Kindly Regards
Tom / Pentagon


Quote from: TFM/FS on 18:30, 09 July 10
... at the moment I'm thinking about Starglider - one of my favorite games - how would it look like in an 128 KB version?

Don´t forget to think about Starstrike 2!
I have to admit that Starglider offers the richer gameplay, but the filled vectors of Starstrike 2 are outstanding.
Z80 at its best!  :)


Quote from: Pentagon on 22:47, 09 July 10
I wanted to try "Dun Daragh" again. The animation and the flying hair of that dude is so cool. "IRIDI?"

Ahhh yes I remember playing this and the other related releases like Tir Nag Nog and Marsport.  I really liked Marsport and have fond memories of taking it to my uncles house to show him, while the new single by a~ha 'Take On Me' was playing from a cassette.  Marsport had so much eerie atmosphere I thought and a little more depth in gameplay.  The printed poster maps that came with those Gargoyle games were lovely too.  Happy days...
Amstrad CPC6128, 3.5" Ext' Floppy, SD HxC Floppy Emulator


Dear Shredder11,

you look like Freddie Mercury.
Do you want to break free?


QuoteI really liked Marsport and have fond memories of taking it to my uncles   house to show him, while the new single by a~ha 'Take On Me' was   playing from a cassette.

me too, me too. I bought that record too and it's one of my most favorite Musicalbums since today. Well a good idea, listen to a-ha and play a round with Dun Daragh !

"IRIDI? - i am only a rat...."

Kindly Regards


While I cannot contribute towards the poll had I the opportunity I would have picked Light Force only cause it's a nicely presented for one of the really early CPC games though looks years apart from your blinkin' Plane in Harrier Attack!  ;D

There's some other nice games in that list with the likes of Mr. Heli, X-OUT, Sonic Boom (is okay), Flying Shark is a better example of it & Silkworm. How on earth does a game like X-OUT only get 1 vote? And R-TYPE gets 5!  ???   I've played P47 too, though I didn't find it all that challenging - Nice Graffixs though!  ;D  Anyone who wants a classic shooter which is missing from the list should have thrown in Space Harrier!  ;D
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And what's your problem with R-Type, pal? :D

Light Force was superb, I could play it for hours on end without losing...


Gryzor wrote:

And what's your problem with R-Type, pal? :D

I must have been some sort of game whiz at those Side-on two dimensional shoot 'em ups cause I nearly completed it as fast as P47!  :-[  X-OUT though is harder!  ???

Light Force was superb, I could play it for hours on end without losing...

Another one I liked is Uridium (even if it's a bit on the Spectrum side), Zynaps is okay though is tatters on the Collision Front!
* Using the old Amstrad Languages :D * And create my own ;)
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I recently bought one of those joysticks you hook up to a TV. It's from Namco and contains Pacman, Digdug, Bosconian, Galaxian and Rally-X.

So for the first time ever I've been playing some Bosconian and think it's very addictive. Great game!

But Bosconian 87 for the CPC is no where near the same experience.

Is there any other Bosconian clone for the CPC besides Bosconian 87?
Do you need music for your Amstrad CPC game project?
Take a look at - that's where I put my tracks.


I've recently acquired one of those also, from a car boot for £2.50. Those games are great classics, but I think you're being a touch hard on the CPC version.


It is the opinion of my girlfriend and me that the CPC version is no where near the same experience, and we're sticking with it.

Yesterday we also tried the C64 version, which also is no where near the same experience.

You may call us picky. That's ok.  ;)
Do you need music for your Amstrad CPC game project?
Take a look at - that's where I put my tracks.


I'm sorry... but your comment has been rendered null /void! Never ask a girl her opinion when it comes to old video or computer games. Wii games yes, and only Wii  ;) 


For your information, I didn't get myself a standard version of girlfriend. (I've seen what those does to a man).
Instead I got the complete-geeky girlfriend. You got the joystick yourself you say? So go ahead and beat her record on Bosconian: She reached level 12 and got 221.930 points. Come back when you've reached her level of geekiness.  ;)

Another example that, I think, should make her opinions both valid and respected among all geeks:

Me: "I've got a great idea! Let's get an arcade machine!"
Her: "....where would we put it?"
Me pointing to the corner of the hall: "It can stand right there in the corner."
Her: ".....nah, I'd rather have it in the living room"

P.S.: If Bosconian 87 was that great, how come it didn't score any points in this poll. You're down-voted ukmarkh.  :)
Do you need music for your Amstrad CPC game project?
Take a look at - that's where I put my tracks.


Quote from: mr_lou on 14:50, 26 August 10
For your information, I didn't get myself a standard version of girlfriend. (I've seen what those does to a man).

QuoteIn other words she's ugly... and a van or lorry driver  ;)

Instead I got the complete-geeky girlfriend. You got the joystick yourself you say? So go ahead and beat her record on Bosconian: She reached level 12 and got 221.930 points. Come back when you've reached her level of geekiness.  ;)

QuoteRecord smeckord, the only game a girl will ever beat me at is Barbie! Or dressing up! Barge poles, and all that. :D

Another example that, I think, should make her opinions both valid and respected among all geeks:

Me: "I've got a great idea! Let's get an arcade machine!"
Her: "....where would we put it?"
Me pointing to the corner of the hall: "It can stand right there in the corner."
Her: ".....nah, I'd rather have it in the living room"

QuoteAre you sure you haven't married a bloke?  :-X

P.S.: If Bosconian 87 was that great, how come it didn't score any points in this poll. You're down-voted ukmarkh.  :) 

QuoteA bad game you hate, a good game I love... simples. I imagine it wasn't first peoples choice, wasn't mine either. Doesn't make it a bad game.


You're a poor looser.  :)
Do you need music for your Amstrad CPC game project?
Take a look at - that's where I put my tracks.


Damn straight! That's why I never loose  ;)

Just for the record, my wife threatend to leave me if I bought one more arcade cabinet... so I built a garage and spend most of my free time playing the classic originals. My mate nailed a sign above the door 'Gamers only' so she knows not to dare enter!  8)   



I agree with Mr Lou (and his geeky girlfriend, how lucky you are :-) ), Bosconian has simply not interest on CPC and is nice on the retro joystick ! It was possible to do a better shooter on our machine (just look at Dead on time).



Probably not really fair doing a direct comparison with the arcade version of Bosconian, really, since I doubt it was intended to be a direct port, otherwise they wouldn't have added "'87" to the title.  They added features like bombs and making the rear shot an upgrade you have to find (whose bright idea was that, anyway?), and those things you precision-park your ship into.  Love the soundtrack on the CPC, though. :)  Play the X68000 version if you want the original gameplay (and with a kick-ass soundtrack, also ;))
- Barry Rodewald

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