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Converted GX4000 .cpr - The topic (repository link in first post)

Started by remax, 22:14, 04 May 15

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Totally off-topic but I'm so shocked I wanted to share this sad news with you: Stéphane Picq has passed away today. French composer of the 80/90's for Ere/Infogrames/Cryo, particularly with his cult soundtracks in Atlantis, Dune, Lost Eden, Megarace or Commander Blood. I also remember his fabulous music in Extase, Kult, Full Metal Planet or Jumping Jack'Son on Amiga.

You can pay tribute to this great (and too little known) creator and composer of video games by playing Bubble Ghost and Birdie, two games he created on CPC and which have been patched for GX4000, maybe listening the Dune OST he recently remastered ( ), the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


I didn't play any of the games he worked on, but I just checked a longplay of Atlantis and the music seems very good and relaxing. I remember loving the Egypt Cryo game in the late 90s, even if I couldn't do much. Maybe I should try to play those games again (problem is, I kind of hate graphic adventures due to moon logic now).


This weekend is for two homebrews staging the same (weird?) character:

GOMILANDIA (Dungeons of) from Retroworks
GOMMY - Medieval Defender from Retroworks

The first one just works on GX4000 (without pause mode in example) while in the second, ESP Soft shows that they realy wanted to make a specific version for the console 8), the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


Here is a game that was almost impossible to enjoy because of the continuous disc swaps. Now working smoothly in its cartridge incarnation. I made a real cartridge adaptation, not direct dsk to cpr. Also made main menu selection with joystick buttons too. Enjoy it!

Edit: It's compatible with all systems using any of my cartridge adapters, and of course it's already in AMSTEAM.


Quote from: abalore on 18:04, 14 February 25Here is a game that was almost impossible to enjoy because of the continuous disc swaps. Now working smoothly in its cartridge incarnation. I made a real cartridge adaptation, not direct dsk to cpr. Also made main menu selection with joystick buttons too. Enjoy it!

Edit: It's compatible with all systems using any of my cartridge adapters, and of course it's already in AMSTEAM.
What a fabulous work! You don't usurp your logo, you are a real wizard 8) Budokan is a wonderful game (even if music and lot of GFX are missing on CPC) and your version is an upgrade for everyone because the floppy disc version was a pain in the neck with all its disk swapping. Well done!, the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.

iXien, the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


Quote from: iXien on 21:27, 14 February 25Oups @abalore , your patch doesn't work on a real GX4000 :'(

mmmm, it's weird because it works in a real Plus and even a real CPC. I'll investigate it


A new 3D isometrical game to add to the GX4000 game list thanks to the @Urusergi 's skill:

MOLECULE MAN from Mastertronic

d-pad = Move Molecule Man
J1B1 = Pick up
J1B2 = Throw bomb
Pause button = Buy
J2B1 = Pause/unpause
J2B2 = Abort game

Modifications for the GX4000 version:
    - Title screen from the C64 version of the game, recolored by iXien,
    - Wait for fire on title screen,
    - On screen text modified,
    - All game keys patched,
    - Pokes: Infinite energy.

The game originally offers a map editor unuseful on GX4000 as saving is impossible on cartridge but it was an easy task as it is a complete program appart from the game. As usual, even in mode 1, it was easy to make the titlescreen more colorful on CPC than on C64  :P, the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


Quote from: iXien on 21:27, 14 February 25Oups @abalore , your patch doesn't work on a real GX4000 :'(
Could you please try this new one?

<Deleted file>

Edit: I'm going to clean-up a bit more before reposting


Quote from: abalore on 17:35, 15 February 25
Quote from: iXien on 21:27, 14 February 25Oups @abalore , your patch doesn't work on a real GX4000 :'(
Could you please try this new one?

<Deleted file>

Edit: I'm going to clean-up a bit more before reposting
My GX4000 is heating up  :P, the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


Quote from: iXien on 19:36, 15 February 25
Quote from: abalore on 17:35, 15 February 25
Quote from: iXien on 21:27, 14 February 25Oups @abalore , your patch doesn't work on a real GX4000 :'(
Could you please try this new one?

<Deleted file>

Edit: I'm going to clean-up a bit more before reposting
My GX4000 is heating up  :P

Could you try this one?


Quote from: abalore on Yesterday at 22:30
Quote from: iXien on 19:36, 15 February 25
Quote from: abalore on 17:35, 15 February 25
Quote from: iXien on 21:27, 14 February 25Oups @abalore , your patch doesn't work on a real GX4000 :'(
Could you please try this new one?

<Deleted file>

Edit: I'm going to clean-up a bit more before reposting
My GX4000 is heating up  :P

Could you try this one?

And... touchdown! It works now, well done!  8)

But if you permit me, it's a bit of a shame not to be able to take advantage of the function keys on GX4000. As is, if you run the practice mode on dojo, you can't quit it without reseting the console. Maybe you can replicate some keys like this: "H" key on joypad button 2 and "ESC" key on "P" to quit current game pressing the pause button. I know that P is already used to play on keyboard with QAOP, but it would be easy to patch the keyboard controls with QAIO in order to free the "P" key. It would be perfect for all CPC and Plus systems, including the GX4000., the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


Quote from: iXien on Yesterday at 23:13
Quote from: abalore on Yesterday at 22:30
Quote from: iXien on 19:36, 15 February 25
Quote from: abalore on 17:35, 15 February 25
Quote from: iXien on 21:27, 14 February 25Oups @abalore , your patch doesn't work on a real GX4000 :'(
Could you please try this new one?

<Deleted file>

Edit: I'm going to clean-up a bit more before reposting
My GX4000 is heating up  :P

Could you try this one?

And... touchdown! It works now, well done!  8)

But if you permit me, it's a bit of a shame not to be able to take advantage of the function keys on GX4000. As is, if you run the practice mode on dojo, you can't quit it without reseting the console. Maybe you can replicate some keys like this: "H" key on joypad button 2 and "ESC" key on "P" to quit current game pressing the pause button. I know that P is already used to play on keyboard with QAOP, but it would be easy to patch the keyboard controls with QAIO in order to free the "P" key. It would be perfect for all CPC and Plus systems, including the GX4000.

I'm glad it works. Just FYI you can end Practice mode by depleting your stamina, that's the reason I didn't consider an alternative to ESC key since the P was already taken. I'll think about that. I didn't know about the H key. 


Quote from: abalore on Yesterday at 23:30
Quote from: iXien on Yesterday at 23:13
Quote from: abalore on Yesterday at 22:30
Quote from: iXien on 19:36, 15 February 25
Quote from: abalore on 17:35, 15 February 25
Quote from: iXien on 21:27, 14 February 25Oups @abalore , your patch doesn't work on a real GX4000 :'(
Could you please try this new one?

<Deleted file>

Edit: I'm going to clean-up a bit more before reposting
My GX4000 is heating up  :P

Could you try this one?

And... touchdown! It works now, well done!  8)

But if you permit me, it's a bit of a shame not to be able to take advantage of the function keys on GX4000. As is, if you run the practice mode on dojo, you can't quit it without reseting the console. Maybe you can replicate some keys like this: "H" key on joypad button 2 and "ESC" key on "P" to quit current game pressing the pause button. I know that P is already used to play on keyboard with QAOP, but it would be easy to patch the keyboard controls with QAIO in order to free the "P" key. It would be perfect for all CPC and Plus systems, including the GX4000.

I'm glad it works. Just FYI you can end Practice mode by depleting your stamina, that's the reason I didn't consider an alternative to ESC key since the P was already taken. I'll think about that. I didn't know about the H key.
Now you know it can be optimized with the key patching I indicate you :laugh: It would be smarter than just force the character to deplet to change mode, isn't it?, the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


Quote from: iXien on Yesterday at 23:33
Quote from: abalore on Yesterday at 23:30
Quote from: iXien on Yesterday at 23:13
Quote from: abalore on Yesterday at 22:30
Quote from: iXien on 19:36, 15 February 25
Quote from: abalore on 17:35, 15 February 25
Quote from: iXien on 21:27, 14 February 25Oups @abalore , your patch doesn't work on a real GX4000 :'(
Could you please try this new one?

<Deleted file>

Edit: I'm going to clean-up a bit more before reposting
My GX4000 is heating up  :P

Could you try this one?

And... touchdown! It works now, well done!  8)

But if you permit me, it's a bit of a shame not to be able to take advantage of the function keys on GX4000. As is, if you run the practice mode on dojo, you can't quit it without reseting the console. Maybe you can replicate some keys like this: "H" key on joypad button 2 and "ESC" key on "P" to quit current game pressing the pause button. I know that P is already used to play on keyboard with QAOP, but it would be easy to patch the keyboard controls with QAIO in order to free the "P" key. It would be perfect for all CPC and Plus systems, including the GX4000.

I'm glad it works. Just FYI you can end Practice mode by depleting your stamina, that's the reason I didn't consider an alternative to ESC key since the P was already taken. I'll think about that. I didn't know about the H key.
Now you know it can be optimize with the key patching I indicate you :laugh: It would be smarter than just force the character to deplet to change mode, isn't it?

yes, but I find someway interesting that you have to "sweat" your practice mode to leave. But yes, I'll change the keys tomorrow, too much Budokan for me today. I made a non destructive patching system for CPM or other direct hardware access discs, the original discs enter from one side and the cartridge exits from the other. I plan to use it for more games like this one.

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