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Best game???

Started by ukmarkh, 12:36, 16 April 10

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what is the best game out of this selection?

1 (2%)
UN Squadron
1 (2%)
Mr Heli
1 (2%)
Mission Genocide
8 (15.7%)
Solar Coaster
0 (0%)
Classic Invaders
0 (0%)
5 (9.8%)
Bosconian 87
0 (0%)
Game Over II
3 (5.9%)
Sonic boom
1 (2%)
Light force
5 (9.8%)
Flying shark
5 (9.8%)
9 (17.6%)
Harrier Attack
4 (7.8%)
0 (0%)
5 (9.8%)
Forgotten Worlds
3 (5.9%)

Total Members Voted: 51

Voting closed: 12:36, 16 May 10


Please can everyone vote?


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But it was a close call and a difficult choice between R-type, Light Force (which I had played to bits back in the day) and Flying Shark. Yes, I know FS is usually trashed, but I really loved it...

Why are you asking?


Wow, X-Out is trailing, I'd never have thought that. Looks like its gonna be a straight fight between Light force and R-Type. Did nobody like UN Squadron?

Its a project for the book, I think you'll like it.


It is hard to vote : my vavorite games are not in the list : Arkanoid, Boulder Dash, Commando, Prohibition, Evil Donjon :)
Supersly from the Les sucres en morceaux



voted p47 thunderbolt.


It's a good shooter, well presented, and nice graphics.

r-type has good playability, but I enjoyed p47 more.

mission genocide has really nice scrolling, but I found was very boring.
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Yeah, P47 really is a nice one, so hard to choose only one. Perhaps Silkworm might also have made the list.


Embarrassed to admit I haven't tried most of them. So I'll have to download them and play a bit before voting.
Do you need music for your Amstrad CPC game project?
Take a look at - that's where I put my tracks.


Tough choice - went for P47 in the end - surprised to see it in the lead as much as I love it!


C'mon own up, who voted for Mission Genocide?



I voted Flying shark. It is not technically the best shooter, but it's the only one I took pleasure to play with. Other ones are too slow or simply boring...



I voted for Game Over II (Phant'is in Spain).

It's has not the best graphics, it's not specially difficult, but it was super fun. And as you could play the two parts of the game very fast, that made it a superb game to play when you had very little time.

I still play it from time to time  :laugh:


I'm missing a link to the game P47.
Can't find it on the NVG FTP.
Do you need music for your Amstrad CPC game project?
Take a look at - that's where I put my tracks.


"Light Force" is a great shooter with nice graphics and gameplay, but "Mission Genocide" is also a nice shooter and offers the best vertical scrolling on planet earth.
Mmmmh... ???


Quote from: mr_lou on 16:53, 18 April 10
I'm missing a link to the game P47.
Can't find it on the NVG FTP.
The URL is

I voted for P-47 as well. :)


Silkworm, because you could play 2Players with it.

But where is Forgotten Worlds ? it was a freaking great game !


I had to choose between Mission Genocide and Mr.Heli, and I went with Genocide.

Smooth movement is important to me, and the minimalistic graphics are somehow charming. Mr.Heli has neat music, but the gameplay in Genocide is more exciting to me. Yes it does tend to get a little boring, but as levels progress it helps. I got to level 3 where things began to get quite interesting.

A lot of the games on the poll has very annoying sound effects that simply ruins the game experience in my opinion. And no matter how impressive graphics a game may have, chunky movement renders great graphics useless in my world.

Xout was also interesting though, but not quite enough.

I've never played Mission Genocide before, but as it looked amazingly much like a C64 game, we searched for a C64 version and found it. Then we played the game on both machines at the same time. They are 99% the same, but the sprites move smoother on the C64 (as they do most of the time), but overall a very neat Amstrad version.
Do you need music for your Amstrad CPC game project?
Take a look at - that's where I put my tracks.


Most of my CPC games are budget one, since back in the day, $45 or so was a bit much for a game, so for me, it was a toss up between Mission Genocide and Bosconian '87.  Love the music on Bosconian, but in the end Mission Genocide won out simply for fun factor.  Flying Shark is the only other game I've played to any great extent, and discounted it due to the annoyance of bullets being hard to spot at times.  Nothing worse than bullets that are the same colour as most of the background.
- Barry Rodewald


P-47 all the way - awesome game.


Quote from: MacDeath on 17:53, 18 April 10
But where is Forgotten Worlds ? it was a freaking great game !

Thats true !
It was and still is one of my favorite CPC games... :D


Not according to the poll... not a single vote  ;)


The graphic of X-Out looks superb, almost like an Amiga-Game. Nice colours!
Mr.Heli looks also great, quite similar to the Atari ST-Version.
But I vote for Mission Genocide, because it´s really fast and exciting, and super-smooth.

PS: Does someone like Zynaps?


Zynaps had one of the best music I've ever heard on CPC!


Quote from: robcfg on 16:53, 22 April 10
Zynaps had one of the best music I've ever heard on CPC!

This whole game is awesome, but in higher levels also awesome hard to play!

And... you don't need drugs any longer, just watch the menue screen ;-)
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