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Converted GX4000 .cpr - The topic (repository link in first post)

Started by remax, 22:14, 04 May 15

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Quote from: iXien on 13:20, 28 January 23And for the laziest like me  :P

He removed his page. Strange. Someone downloaded the .crt of the game before it disappeared?


Quote from: B0wman on 16:48, 08 February 23He removed his page. Strange. Someone downloaded the .crt of the game before it disappeared?

I saw somewhere a comment that there is a new download link:


Quote from: B0wman on 16:48, 08 February 23He removed his page. Strange. Someone downloaded the .crt of the game before it disappeared?
All the productions of 2022 (and beginning of 2023) will be added to the CPC Wiki GX4000 conversion list soon, don't worry  8), the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


To nicely start the weekend, here is a new version for a game that had already been patched, thanks to @Urusergi :

URIDIUM from Hewson

The problem with the current CPR version, except that it lacks access to pause mode, is that the bug identified by @Nich in level 12 and 14 wasn't fixed, making this version impossible to be finish just like in the original release. So, here it is with a few more features  8)

J1 d-pad = Move
J1B1 = Fire
Pause button = Pause (J1B2 = Resume game)

Modifications for the GX4000 version:
    - Wait for fire to skip title screen
    - Level 12 and 14 bug fixed
    - Remapped keys
    - Unvulnerability, the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


And let's go for a last game update before updating the GX4000 conversion game list itself :


Once again, this game was already available but now thanks to @Urusergi :
    - Wait for fire to skip title screen (with blue border),
    - Removed "redefine keys" option and centered "music on/off" (option now available pressing J2B2),
    - Remapped ingame keys with Pause button to quit game and J1B2 to jump (J1UP already here to swim and fly),
    - Pokes on separate CPR: Infinite lives, oxygen and time.

Yes, not the best arcade conversion... but it's so cute!  :P, the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


Quote from: B0wman on 16:48, 08 February 23
Quote from: iXien on 13:20, 28 January 23And for the laziest like me  :P

He removed his page. Strange. Someone downloaded the .crt of the game before it 
Thanks @eto , yep correct page nowadays. 
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It's the weekend! Let's start another game patched on GX4000. This time master @Urusergi offers us:

FIRELORD from Hewson

J1 d-pad = Move
J1B1 = Fire
J1B2 = Pause/unpause
Pause button = Quit current game

Modifications for the GX4000 version:
    - Wait for fire to skip title screen
    - Main menu replaced by 'PRESS FIRE TO START GAME'
    - Remapped keys
    - Alternative colour version
    - Poke party !!!

It's a nice game that mixes Sabre Wulf presentation with 3d isometrical adventure game. A little bit short but a great classic, once again. I always found the game colours drab, so we also include an alternative version with flashier colours, like we all love on Amstrad systems  ;D, the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


And we continue with nice little ones. This time a classic of the beginning of the CPC years, natively compatible on GX4000 :

Mr Wong's Loopy Laundry from Artic Computing

I really love these primitive games launched at the beginning of the life of the CPC. It was really another era, even at the time. That's definitivaly games that deserve to be converted on GX4000 because they were only available on western computers. Now so easily launchable with the comfort of a ROM file on a videogame console 8) ., the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


Quote from: B0wman on 19:13, 01 February 23Hi. I just saw a Youtube video with a game "Shadow Hunter". This looks really nice. Sadly there is no cpr file on the page, only sna, cdt and dsk. Do you think it might be possible to convert this? It seems that it does not use any special buttons.

He added a first .cpr version for Plus & GX4000 users. You can find it on the link above.
The game works but two points have caught my eye:

The title screen skips and the game starts automatically. I don`t know why. Maybe he installed a timer? It would be better if the screens would skip with Fire Buton 1.

Also it would be nice when the jump were (additionally to "up") on the Fire Button 2. The game would play a lot better then. I suggested him these changes.


Guys, a new fabulous game available. Not a conversion, a real new GX4000 game with two player mode and using the Plus capabilities, overscan display, music :

SOH Tactics GX from SOHDE

Really impressive. More informations on, the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


Here we go for the week-end, some little games for our GX4000 :

BUGGY II from Chip


Once again, not the most famous games but I'm sure these ones will make thrill the heart of some French players  :D, the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


Quote from: remax on 21:41, 22 July 22One year and a half later...

The page is updated and the fullset is available !!!!

Thanks to iXien for his pre-work that made a few days task into a few hours task.

EDIT : Well it's updated except for the June-July releases apparently. I'll take care of it at my return from hollidays.
A few months later...

Fullset available.

Thanks again to iXien who made it possible
Brain Radioactivity


Many thanks @remax for this update. it's time to do a little inventory :

Since 2022 in july, no less than 40 commercial games have been converted and 12 have been updated. It's also 17 new homebrew games that have been converted, including 3 that were even developed specifically for the GX4000.

To date, with 663 commercial game conversions, 116 homebrew games, and of course the 25 official games, we can play 804 games on GX4000. Even the NES and the Sega Master System don't offer so much games :P And the adventure continues, for sure  8)

Long live the GX4000!, the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


Quote from: iXien on 21:57, 05 March 23Many thanks @remax for this update. it's time to do a little inventory :

Since 2022 in july, no less than 40 commercial games have been converted and 12 have been updated. It's also 17 new homebrew games that have been converted, including 3 that were even developed specifically for the GX4000.

To date, with 663 commercial game conversions, 116 homebrew games, and of course the 25 official games, we can play 804 games on GX4000. Even the NES and the Sega Master System don't offer so much games :P And the adventure continues, for sure  8)

Long live the GX4000!
The ultimate homebrew console, I have a personal philosophy on this.  Who'd have thought where it would end up now 30 years ago.  I'm hoping that Alan Sugar will personally recognise this at some point!

GX.  oh yes!!  💪 💪 💪
SOH Digital Entertainments


Another weekend, another game to play on GX4000. @Urusergi permits us to enjoy the last version of

CPC SOCCER from Voxel Tower

Default controllers:
    - Player 1: Joypad 1
    - Player 2: Joypad 2
    - Player 3: Cursor keys and Enter
    - Player 4: Function keys F5 F2 F1 F3 and F0
    - Press J1B2 to make subtitutions with the game stopped.

Modifications for the GX4000 version:
    - Wait for fire to skip title screen
    - Player 2 controls remapped to joypad 2
    - QAOP removed, Player 3 uses Cursor keys and Enter
    - ESC key remapped to J1B2
    - Some mistaken team names fixed in French league.

Of course only 1 or 2 player modes are playable on GX4000. I'm not a real fan of soccer games but I was disturbed by the fact that only the initial release was available and this version had been converted without being patched. As a result, it was first necessary to redefine keys on the second joypad to play with two players, but above all the key to make substitutions was inaccessible. A little annoying.

Now CPC Soccer 22 that corrects numerous bugs and add a nice title screen drawn by @TITAN (Eric Cubizolle) is available on a GX4000 near you 8), the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


Fresh news for your beloved GX4000 :

REVENGE OF TRASMOZ from Volcano Bytes

Very nice single screen arcade game for 1 or 2 players. And @volcanoBytes made the things well as the game is directly compatible on GX4000 with player 2 controls on joypad 2. A lesson of gameplay and design. I already felt in love for this one.

More informations here :

You'll find a CPR version on the Itchio page 8) . Many thanks to @volcanoBytes for letting me spread the news here for everyone. Just don't hesitate in joining @Xyphoe on his stream tonight., the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


It's been a long time I was awaiting for such a great update of


Thanks to @dragon , the dream comes true. Yes, this game has been already patched but with accelerate/brake using up/down. It's ok playing with a joystick, but it's just impossible using the joypad. At last, here is a version with the good controls :

J1LEFT/RIGHT = steer left/right
J1B1 = Accelerate
J1B2 = Brake
J1UP = Gear up
J1DOWN = Gear Down

I really consider this motorcycle race game as the Hang On of the CPC, smooth and fast. And now with this gameplay, Super Cycle is as comfortable to play as the famous game from Sega. The archive includes the first patched version too, for those who are using a 2 button joystick and prefer to press up to accelerate  ;)

Ok, just one more before going to bed  8), the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


This week-end comes to GX4000 a true French production that lot of French CPC lovers will remind with nostalgia :

RENAUD from Infogrames

Endorced by the French singer Renaud, based on his song 'Marche A L'Ombre', this game has been translated in English, hopping to make some sells in countries Renaud is totally unknown. Renamed SIDEWALK, it remains a nice little action/adventure game but with really simple mechanics. In Spain, where some people known Renaud, particularly near the the French frontier, the name has been translated too but remaining his original name without mention to the song.

A really contextual game that a lot of French young players tried at least one time, found on an Amsoft blank floppy disk given by a friend in the playground, if you understand what I'm talking about. The Spanish version was badly translated, Danda and SyX hacked the game to offer a new translation in 2021. It's this new version that is used here to play on cartridge. You can refer the original instruction manuals in each language as no modification was needed to make this game work on GX4000.

Je n'ai qu'une chose à dire à ceux qui ne lanceront pas au moins une fois cette ROM sur leur GX4000 : "Casse toi, tu pues... Et marche à l'ombre !" 8), the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.



A princess was kidnapped,the objetive was found her and to do so you have three days untile they kill it..

He was in one of the houses of the city. The house change in any new game, every house have a guard.

If you stop a red guy walking in the streeet  they tell you the direction you need follow to found the princess(it cost you money):


But be carefully, many times guys can try to send you in a wrong direction, you know it because asking it two times they tell you two different directions.

The white guys, are guys that you can stole money stopping them walking,but in the process they maybe try kill you.

The green boys are police, if the found you carry a weapon they stole it to you, or maybe they try fire you, better run.
You need eat, and sleep, so in the city you found  armory to buy weapons,hotels to sleep and restaurants to eat. Every shop have their comecial time bussisnes horary.

Directions of gamepad 1 to move to enter in a site just up in to the door.
F1 to fire when you are in the street.
Weapon shop:
F1 buy the selected weapon
F2 select next weapon in the shop

Pause button=Pause


There is not much text apart of these so its easy remember it.


Add a stop in the loading screen because i know ixien sure tell me do it  :doh:


Quote from: dragon on 18:27, 02 April 23Add a stop in the loading screen because i know ixien sure tell me do it  :doh:
You know me so much well  :laugh:, the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


Hi everybody, this weekend two little games more interesting from a historical point of view than in terms of fun factor :



Indeed, these two games have been created by none other than Eric CHAHI. What is really funny is that you can find some lines in the code in which Chahi himself reveals that these terrible games have been "realized with a purely food purpose"  :P

Another weird thing is that he used some display trick for the scrooling that made Profanation not working on lot of TV screen, LCD or even CRT (the game doesn't work on my 100hz Sony Trinitron). But no problem with the Amstrad monitors, though., the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


i have read the privaite ixien, i'll get to it.

In the mean time.I invented this history :D.

The tower of R.B.A was a build composed by 15 floors. Its a property of a holding called Well lane.One day a group of brothers called calldwallard was boried, and decided build a army to invade the building.
But you mac,that have been watch all tv movies of bruce willis in crystal jungle , was hired to  kill the brothers and all her army and save the secretary(you need a girl friend) and the directives(take out Documents of embezzlement of the build).

Take you four colours mac, take your gun and salve the world!.

Controls joypad1:
up=jump/up in the elevator
down=crouch/down in the elevator
left=left(you have legs to move thats a good weapon)
right=right(you have legs to move thats a good weapon).
Fire2=order all people of the level go out at same time!.


Find the secretarys and directives in each flour, and take it to the police that has in the begining of each  level to salve them,But be carefull they can die in the road!

Your army enemys type.

1.The "fly" This die and die as a fly,
2.The "Tough" you need three shoots to kill it
3.The "sniper" ot shoot frond ground.
4.The "goat" he jumps and jumps as a goat.
5."Fenix" fron the A-team.(we don't know what the hell he do here, but he stolen you secretarys (with her  "face" style´to her harem).
6.The "bighead", you can only kill it shootin at her head
7 The skeleton,it was boried of acting as human body in institute laboratoys,so he decide annoy you for a while, it was dead so its inmortal and he only walk to drain your energy.


The calldwallard brothers are located at floors 5,10,15, they are fans of dragon ball, so they throw you balls all the time.They not like you shoot it, and can be getting angry, so better
do a coward and kill it from back with four shots.


Every two people you salve, you win energy,every four people you salve you won a live. Yo need salve 1 minimum at each level

The boxes:

Do you like box suprise?.Shoot one and discover the gift

Your allies:
If youn rearch only 50 seconds left of the time limit your allies guys equipe  enter in action,well they kill the bad guys,your secretarys, and  your directors,you, ant they., so maybe its beter you kill them.


Quote from: dragon on 21:03, 11 April 23i have read the privaite ixien, i'll get to it.
Sweet to read this, thanks  8)

Concerning PISO ZERO, I just tested it on CPCE and on my GX4000, I don't manage to walk to right. But it works after I redefined keys. Maybe there is a problem in default controls?

(And if you have to fix something in the game, maybe you can avoid to press fire to ear the music on title screen too?)

A nice discover, I didn't know this game  ;) But where did you find the English version? Is it unofficial? I don't find anything about it., the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


cursed winape ;D 

He don't go to the right on the two versions?

The english version was created editing the texts with a hex editor  :).

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