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Converted GX4000 .cpr - The topic (repository link in first post)

Started by remax, 22:14, 04 May 15

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Quote from: shacpc on 08:26, 28 October 24As we don't have a new .cpr conversion this week, here is a conversion of a nice Christmas game "Haggie" by A. Chapman and with graphics: R.A. Waddilove, published in Spain in the magazine Microhobby Amstrad Semanal. It is a game that could have been distributed commercially and it is worth playing a few games.

HAGGIE (Santas Grotty) from Hobby Press

d-pad left/right = Move
J1B1 = Float

Modifications for the GX4000 version:
    - The table of records now no longer needs the keyboard,
    - With the joystick we can move around in the presentations and instructions,
    - All game keys patched,
    - Arranged the text on the screen,
    - Cheats: selector of: unlimited lives & time.

I made this game available a while ago in some group, but yesterday I fixed a small bug with the infinite time.
Yes, I was very bussy this weekend. When you are in holidays with kids, don't forget to make the difference between rest and holidays :laugh: News will come soon from us. But I love when I discover new conversions too  8), the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


For this long week-end, here is an Ocean game that was missing on GX4000 and that lot of us played back in the days, in France most often in the compilation "La Collection" :P :


d-pad = Move Galivan
J1B1 = Fire
Pause button = Pause/unpause game

Modifications for the GX4000 version :
    - Wait for fire on title screen,
    - Music on title screen (rather than on a black screen),
    - All game keys patched,
    - Poke: infinite energy.

Many thanks to @Urusergi for this clever patch, particularly concerning the music that don't play on a black screen anymore ;), the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


And here is a new patch from @Urusergi of a game from Hewson surprisingly never converted before:

MAZE MANIA from Hewson

J1B2 = Pause game (J1B1 = Resume, Pause button again = Quit game)

Modifications for the GX4000 version:
    - Wait for fire on title screen,
    - All game keys patched,
    - Pokes : infinite lives and energy., the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


This is a simple spaceship and shooting game from prolific programmer Ángel García Delgado, who recently participated in the Amstrad Eterno fair.:

XIDER from G.T.S. (1986)

Joy Up / Joy Down / J1B1 = Fire / J1B2 = Bomb

Modifications for the GX4000 version:
    - On-screen message fixes
    - All game keys patched,
    - Pokes : infinite laser and bombs.


And here is a new patch from master @Urusergi. I don't know about you, but personally I never saw this one outside of different compilations from Ubi Soft, here in France, but I love the music and the game is fun to play  :laugh: :

THE MUNSTERS from Again Again

I converted the title screen from the C64 to replace the awful mode 1 screen inherited from the Spectrum version ;D

J1B1 = Fire
Pause button = Pause game

While game is in pause:
    - J1B1 = Resume game
    - J1B2 = Quit game
    - Pause button = Turn on/off music

Modifications for the GX4000 version:
    - Wait for fire on title screen,
    - New title screen based on the C64 one
    - All game keys patched,
    - Pokes : infinite energy., the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


A very little one I found working on GX4000 :


An nice conversion (clearly a plagiarism, to be honest :laugh: ) of a game created for the TI-99, named Dark Crystal. I like the idea that remembers the addiction for a simple but effective concept of the arcade games of the second generation 8) ., the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


Here is a new one, coming from the Atari 8bit systems if I'm correct. Many thanks to @Urusergi that patched it smartly, even managing to patch the ingame cheat mode. This little gem is:

JET-BOOT JACK from English Software

J1B1 or J1B2 = Crouch
Pause button = Quit game

Modifications for the GX4000 version:
    - All game keys patched,
    - Main menu instructions modified
    - Original cheat mode : infinite live pressing up+left simultaneously on main menu, the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


A new weekend is, as usual, time for a new patch from @Urusergi :

TERMINUS from Mastertronic

Pause button = Quit game

Modifications for the GX4000 version:
    - 7 colours title screen from the original ZX-Spectrum game,
    - Wait for fire on title screen,
    - All game keys patched,
    - Pokes: Infinite energy, laser and thrust.

Yes, once again we added a new titlescreen that was missing, using color breaks to display more than 4 colours on screen  :P, the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


OH, OH, OH, it's Christmas time and thanks to @shacpc , you can enjoy a nice X-Mas game:


Many many thanks to you @shacpc, the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


And here is the last game of the year :) , once again thanks to @Urusergi :


d-pad = Move your ship
J1B1 = Fire/rotate
J1B2 = Pause game

Modifications for the GX4000 version:
    - Wait for fire on title screen,
    - All game keys patched,
    - Poke : Invulnerability, the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


First shot of the year is for:

PEPPER BUSTER (v1.1) from Crazy Piri

More informations here:

Many thanks to Crazy Piri not to forget the GX4000. I had to convert it to CPR but all is controled using the joypad and you can pause the game pressing the pause button on the machine.

Happy new year to every GX4000 lovers  :-*, the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


The second shot of the year is for:

Robotron 6128 from Lachlan Keown

More informations here:

I had the pleasure to convert that fantastic dual sticks game for the gx4000 !

Happy new year to every Amstrad lovers !


Quote from: zx-81 on 20:54, 02 January 25The second shot of the year is for:

Robotron 6128 from Lachlan Keown

More informations here:

I had the pleasure to convert that fantastic dual sticks game for the gx4000 !

Happy new year to every Amstrad lovers !

Where is the GX4000 version?, the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.

iXien, the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.

Egg Master

Amazing idea! :o

What is this yellow cartridge inside the GX4000? (hum... nice CD32... and CDTV)


Quote from: Egg Master on 23:15, 03 January 25Amazing idea! :o

What is this yellow cartridge inside the GX4000? (hum... nice CD32... and CDTV)
The yellow cartridge is my C4CPC. At the beginning the shell was white :laugh:

As you can see, I love all these unloved consoles. In a gaming room, the CDTV is the best Amiga ever. And the CD32 is perfect for the few nice AGA games on CD. Beneath the CDTV is a CDi 8) And of course the GX4000 is the new way for me to play CPC games ;), the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


Hi guys, just to remember to everyone that the "Converted GX4000 Software" page on CPC Wiki has been created and is maintained by @remax . Many thanks not to add games by yourself on the page, we make updates one time a year to be sure to maintain the layout, text rules, compressed file format, etc. ;), the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


Ok, so we continue with another one from @Urusergi :

I, BALL from Firebird

d-pad = Move your ship
J1B1 = Fire
J1B2 = Smart bomb
Pause button = quit game

Modifications for the GX4000 version:
    - Title screen from the C64 version of the game, recolored by iXien,
    - Wait for fire on title screen,
    - All game keys patched,
    - Pokes: Invulnerability, infinite time and lives., the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


your amstrad news source in spanish language :


And if we patched I, BALL, of course master @Urusergi patched :

I, BALL II from Firebird

J1LEFT/RIGHT = Move your ship
J1UP = Bounce
J1B1 = Fire
J1B2 = Smart bombs
Pause button = Pause/unpause game

Originally, down direction on the joystick was used to fly, what was a terrible decision that partially ruined the gameplay. We hope you'll enjoy that this function has been moved to fire button 1 after moving the smart bomb release on fire button 2.

Modifications for the GX4000 version:
    - Unuseful options removed from main screen,
    - All game keys patched,
    - Pokes : Infinite lives and time, super bounce feature, the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


This weekend is an opportunity to list here the latest games from @Mananuk . Did you know that all these one benefit from a GX4000 version:

DARK KNIGHT (THE) from Mananuk
MANDARIN (THE) from Mananuk
MANDARIN 2 (THE) from Mananuk
SHADOW HUNTER from Mananuk

For The Mandarin 2 though, This is the first version of the game, before Titan added his talent to the graphics. I have already contacted @Mananuk to tell him that al the GX4000 players would love the latest version on the console  8), the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


Some weeks ago, @actarus had a request. Here it is thanks to the usual Urusergi's talent :

STREET HAWK from Ocean

J1B1 = Fire
J1B2 = Turbo
Pause button = Jump

Modifications for the GX4000 version:
    - Alternate title screen from the Spectrum version, recolored by iXien,
    - Wait for fire on title screen,
    - All game keys patched,
    - Pokes: Unlimited laser, turbo, armour.

Sorry for the use of the pause button to jump, sadly there was not enough space in memory to make button combinations :laugh: ., the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


Quote from: iXien on 19:23, 31 January 25Some weeks ago, @actarus had a request. Here it is thanks to the usual Urusergi's talent :

STREET HAWK from Ocean

J1B1 = Fire
J1B2 = Turbo
Pause button = Jump

Modifications for the GX4000 version:
    - Alternate title screen from the Spectrum version, recolored by iXien,
    - Wait for fire on title screen,
    - All game keys patched,
    - Pokes: Unlimited laser, turbo, armour.

Sorry for the use of the pause button to jump, sadly there was not enough space in memory to make button combinations :laugh: .
whouaa la belle surprise :D un grand merci a toi et a toute l'équipe  ;)

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