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Converted GX4000 .cpr - The topic (repository link in first post)

Started by remax, 22:14, 04 May 15

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Quote from: Dinorast on 10:55, 24 August 15
I would vote for Raid over Moscow, if its possible at all...

I'm still busy at the moment, but I think this game can be played with joystick only.

I've converted it quick, don't know if there is a highscore table to be fixed as don't know how to play the game.


Quote from: Phantomz on 20:47, 24 August 15
I'm still busy at the moment, but I think this game can be played with joystick only.

I've converted it quick, don't know if there is a highscore table to be fixed as don't know how to play the game.

Anyway, here it is.
Yep, Just as I remember. I failed to get a single plane out of the hanger. :(
IRC:  #Retro4All on Freenode


Would it be possible convert Monty and Wally games?  :)


I think the problem is that you need to open the gate with "Space" to open the hangar to get the planes out, as far as I remember...that needs to be hacked, but I can imagine that it is quite difficult


Quote from: Dinorast on 09:27, 05 September 15
I think the problem is that you need to open the gate with "Space" to open the hangar to get the planes out, as far as I remember...that needs to be hacked, but I can imagine that it is quite difficult

Fire is the same as space if you play with the joystick, I've just looked at the instructions and it says to press backwards to open the hanger door, I just pressed fire to take off then press down on the joystick and the door opens.

No need for space to be hacked   ;)

I managed to get a few planes out the hanger, your name can be entered into the highscore table with the joypad.   ;D


Just tried it out as well-excellent work, mate !!!

Johnny Olsen

Quote from: Phantomz on 20:29, 05 September 15
I've uploaded it to the wiki page now that I know it works fine.  :)

yes raid works, but you miss the opportunity to press ESC and go to next level if you get one or more plane out of the hangar.
There is no need to bring all plane out.


Quote from: Johnny Olsen on 08:37, 09 September 15
yes raid works, but you miss the opportunity to press ESC and go to next level if you get one or more plane out of the hangar.
There is no need to bring all plane out.

That's interesting to know, I didn't know that, like I said, I'm still busy at the moment, but tried to make the game available to people as quick as I could, maybe you could fix this for us all and remap esc to joypad button 2 or maybe the console pause button.  :)


I would really like to see Killer Cobra converted to the C4CPC.


Quote from: fandenivoldsk on 20:39, 10 September 15
I would really like to see Killer Cobra converted to the C4CPC.

I had a look at this quick today, it can be started with the fire button and you can select difficulty with left and right, the highscore table is also Joystick / pad friendly.  :)

Because of the above I converted this as it didn't take much time, I only had to remap the trainer buttons, they are 1 for Yes, 2 for No.

I also remapped pause game to joypad button 2.  :)

The game works on the GX4000 but the graphics are a little corrupted, maybe don't like the plus machines?


Quote from: Phantomz on 20:08, 15 September 15
I had a look at this quick today, it can be started with the fire button and you can select difficulty with left and right, the highscore table is also Joystick / pad friendly.  :)

Because of the above I converted this as it didn't take much time, I only had to remap the trainer buttons, they are 1 for Yes, 2 for No.

I also remapped pause game to joypad button 2.  :)

The game works on the GX4000 but the graphics are a little corrupted, maybe don't like the plus machines?

Anyway, here it is for those that want it.

wow! i want it! thanks a lot!

then, what about Teenage mutant hero turtles 1? could it be possible or not? is one of the best cpc games!


Quote from: onofrix on 07:35, 16 September 15
wow! i want it! thanks a lot!

then, what about Teenage mutant hero turtles 1? could it be possible or not? is one of the best cpc games!
I thought both turtles games were 128k. But I may be wrong.
IRC:  #Retro4All on Freenode


Quote from: CraigsBar on 09:24, 16 September 15
I thought both turtles games were 128k. But I may be wrong.

I have both on tape for my 464.
Favorite CPC games: Count Duckula 3, Oh Mummy Returns, RoboCop Resurrection, Tankbusters Afterlife


IRC:  #Retro4All on Freenode


topic off : found on youtube :

somebody have a cpr of this version ?




Ast/iMP4CT. "By the power of Grayskull, i've the power"

All friends are welcome !


Quote from: Carnivac on 09:38, 16 September 15
I have both on tape for my 464.

I had both on tape for my 464 back in the day..


Cpc plus with enhanced features does not exist.
It's simply an hERMOL's (Cpc Rulez) mod.

Ast/iMP4CT. "By the power of Grayskull, i've the power"

All friends are welcome !



Quote from: Phantomz on 20:08, 15 September 15
I had a look at this quick today, it can be started with the fire button and you can select difficulty with left and right, the highscore table is also Joystick / pad friendly.  :)

Because of the above I converted this as it didn't take much time, I only had to remap the trainer buttons, they are 1 for Yes, 2 for No.

I also remapped pause game to joypad button 2.  :)

The game works on the GX4000 but the graphics are a little corrupted, maybe don't like the plus machines?

Anyway, here it is for those that want it.



Renegade:gx4000 nuchuk version.

How to play:

Take pad 1.(pad left in gx4000). Put the game pad in VERTICAL with the wire looking to the right an put he in your left hand.
Take pad 2.(pad right in gx4000).Put the game pad in VERTICAL with the wire looking to the right and put he in your right hand.

Left hand: up down left rigth 1=esc key(pause un pause,abandon selec music/fx). Right hand up=jump left=punch right= kick(lookin pads in vertical).

Renegade 3 button fit in gx4000 mission completed.


Renegade and Killer Cobra upped to the wiki
Brain Radioactivity


Quote from: remax on 10:57, 17 September 15
Renegade and Killer Cobra upped to the wiki

Oh upload the demo jaja. Well really the dsk is fully patched. I put the two dsk in one dsk. If arnoldemu release a solution to support more formats with biggger space  withouth use two dsk  i can uptate it with a fully version directly.

PD: wich is the next game do you want?


Quote from: dragon on 14:56, 19 September 15

PD: wich is the next game do you want?


It's nice to see you return  :D Fantastic work with " Renegade8)

I know how long it can take to find and remap all the controls, so thanks for all your time and effort.  ;)

I think we need " Operation Wolf " and maybe " Barbarian " if you have the time to do them.  ;)



PD:renegade update, pause the game in game to activate the red blood.


Quote from: dragon on 12:19, 21 September 15

PD:renegade update, pause the game in game to activate the red blood.

Thanks for adding that option.  :)

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