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Adding missing music to great 64ko games

Started by kawickboy, 14:32, 06 December 24

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Since the nice job done with Secret Agent (OCEAN) where missing tunes were added using 128ko, I'm starting dreaming of other games who would be better with some tunes.

Chase H.Q : not a true 64ko game but on CPC-Power we can hear the lovely speccy tunes, "forgotten" in the CPC release. And flashing light sound effect too.

Turtles 2: ingame tunes have been discovered some years ago, they are nice indeed.

and 3 Rainbow Arts masterpieces:

Spherical: this game is nearly perfect. Only music is missing. Funny: either Amiga, ST or Spectrum have ingame music, only a nice tune on title screen. But C64 does have ingame music.

Turrican 1: since I heard a wonderful Turrican 1 tune in the Face Hugger Megademo, I can stop dreaming.

Turrican 2: only a lovely title screen tune, nothing ingame.
(part 4)

Do you have any other titles where you think music is missing?


Paperboy had no music or sound effects, there's already a 128k hack for it.


Even today there are few things that upset me more than a great CPC game with no in-game music.   :-\

Do you think it will be possible to enrich these two favorites with music one day?
-Ikari Warriors
-Gryzor (also sufffering from bad sounds)


Gryzor has music. Switchable with sound effects.


Quote from: nikos_a on 14:53, 17 December 24Gryzor has music. Switchable with sound effects.
Awesome news! Yet, I can't seem to find how to switch  :picard:


Quote from: dodogildo on 16:43, 17 December 24
Quote from: nikos_a on 14:53, 17 December 24Gryzor has music. Switchable with sound effects.
Awesome news! Yet, I can't seem to find how to switch  :picard:
On the main screen, press ESC. Will switch from FX to MUSIC. Press again to switch back to FX. Press fire to start the game


For Gryzor music you need a 128ko CPC.

Paperboy is a great candidate for adding sounds/tunes.


Here is a version of Chase HQ with music during Menu/Demo mode (not in-game). 128 Kb only.
Thanks to CNG for the chiptune & CHIPNSFX player, Devilmarkus for the loading screen, and Targhan for his FDCTools.
This version reads some tracks/sectors by directly accessing the FDC controller, so I don't know if you can copy it to your Gotek/U2/M4 and other modern gadgets 😶



Thanks. Santa Claus worked on CPC this winter.

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