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Ghosts'n Goblins GX4000 is out !

Started by Xifos, 20:17, 20 May 18

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Great game! Great music!
Well done! Xifos and Targhan

About Green Beret! I have all the sprites and tiles riped from the arcade machine and recolored to the CPC palette by hand. :)
Xifos are you interested? I was too optimistic to make the first game in asm as a green beret.
So I quickly landed on the real ground and I rather started with the scramble. :)



Quote from: PuzCPC on 01:11, 12 January 19
Great game! Great music!
Well done! Xifos and Targhan

About Green Beret! I have all the sprites and tiles riped from the arcade machine and recolored to the CPC palette by hand. :)
Xifos are you interested? I was too optimistic to make the first game in asm as a green beret.
So I quickly landed on the real ground and I rather started with the scramble. :)


This would be a dream come true, a massive wrong put right [emoji1317]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Quote from: PuzCPC on 01:11, 12 January 19
Great game! Great music!
Well done! Xifos and Targhan
Thanks ! ;)
Quote from: PuzCPC on 01:11, 12 January 19
About Green Beret! I have all the sprites and tiles riped from the arcade machine and recolored to the CPC palette by hand. :)
Xifos are you interested? I was too optimistic to make the first game in asm as a green beret.
So I quickly landed on the real ground and I rather started with the scramble. :)
I think that your scramble adaptation is already a great game and must have been a lot of work.For Green Beret, i am currently unable to begin a new project sorry.


A question:
Have you a next game project ?


No, i am exhausted (mentally speaking) :(


Rest well and come back with a great project in the genre! Why not an original game? Or better yet, an adaptation of Zelda for example :)

Sebastian Blanco

Hi theres a way to play this game from floppy disk on the 6128+ ?


Quote from: Sebastian Blanco on 15:40, 16 January 19
Hi theres a way to play this game from floppy disk on the 6128+ ?

Why would you want to do that?


It should be possible with a RAM expansion and loading from floppies the data content. ;D
But... Better to buy a nice C4CPC, because the PLUS plus is the cartridge slot.
"You make one mistake in your life and the internet will never let you live it down" (Keith Goodyer)

Sebastian Blanco

I have purchased a random cart from ebay will install an eprom on it :D


Will there be a physical release?

Enviado desde mi iPhone utilizando Tapatalk


My version of the concept boxart....


Nice. But, the french translation is not good at all.  ;D

EDIT: A suggestion

"La belle princesse Prin-Prin a été enlevée par les forces des ténèbres. Arthur, chevalier à l'armure étincelante, s'est mis en quête de sauver sa bien aimée. Armé de votre dextérité, vous devrez braver démons, dragons et géants, gardiens des septs portes qui vous sépare de son ravisseur. Le roi des démons... Astaroth."
"You make one mistake in your life and the internet will never let you live it down" (Keith Goodyer)



The cover is great but the Spanish text also has a few mistakes, it would be something like:

La hermosa Prin-Prin ha sido raptada por las fuerzas oscuras. Su amado, el Caballero de brillante armadura se dispone arescatar a la princesa. Ayudado por tu destreza debes pasar a través de 7 puertas custodiadas luchando y destruyendo demonios, dragones, gigantes y zombis, para enfrentar al Rey Demonio...Astaroth

amante in Spanish sounds like extramarital lover  :laugh:


Is there any Italian/Greek to add some speech?  :D
My pronouns are RASM and ACE



Nice work!  I think the cover looks great.
SOH Digital Entertainments


Cheers. I used Bablefish so I knew the translation wouldn't be perfect. I'll change it using your paragraphs.



La hermosa Prin-Prin ha sido raptada por las fuerzas oscuras. Su amado, el Caballero de brillante armadura se dispone a rescatar a la princesa. Ayudado por tu destreza debes pasar a través de 7 puertas custodiadas luchando y destruyendo demonios, dragones, gigantes y zombis, para enfrentar al Rey Demonio... Astaroth

Better use this text, I only have added two missing spaces, in "dispone a rescatar" and "Demonio... Astaroth"


Greek translation.

Η πανέμορφη πριγκίπισσα ¨Prin-Prin¨ απήχθει από τις δυνάμεις του σκότους.Ο αγαπημένος της ιππότης με την απαστράπτουσα πανοπλία του, θα τρέξει να την απελευθερώσει.Υποβοηθούμενος από τις δικές σου ικανότητες και διανύοντας 7 καλα φυλασσόμενες πύλες , πολεμόντας και καταστρέφοντας δαίμονες , δράκους , γίγαντες και ζόμπυ ώστε να βρεθεί αντιμέτωπος με τον βασιλιά δαίμονα ονόματι ....¨Astaroth¨.


 ;) Congratulations!!!! A great work, was impossible think a work how this.But i have a AMSTRAD CPC 464 PLUS, and i can't play on real hardware.If buy a GX4000 i can play it?P.S. my dream? See a conversion on old CPC, on C64 there is a fantastic remastered version, hope of see in the next future.On CPC for me can be possible a good conversion.
Do not underestimate the power of AMSTRAD CPC.


Thanks everyone for the help. Here is the final version. I may return to get translations for some other GX games I'm designing covers for, but I'll open a new feed for that.


Can you make some last edits?

"the Knight in shining armor"             ------>   "the Knight in his shining armor"
"Aided by your skill you must pass"   ------>   "Aided by your skills he must pass"
"διανύοντας"                                      ------>   "διασχίζοντας"
"πολεμόντας"                                     ------>   "πολεμώντας"
"ζόμπυ"                                              ------>   "ζόμπι"
"βασιλιά δαίμονα"                               ------>   "Δαίμονα Βασιλιά"

Also it will be prettier if you aligned your paragraphs to be more like rectangle shaped by using the MS Word's button "Justified"


The english wording is taken from the classic NES description, the gramma maybe better, but this wording give it a little authenticy. I did try the justified paragraphs, but didn't like the look. I'm happy with this version now, working on Skeet Shoot, Enforcer and Burnin Rubber again. :)


Editing the greek typos are high hopes then?  :)

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